Oct 22, 2024


1. **云梦隐庐** – 位于红旗南路241号,这里环境优雅,充满了茶香和檀香混合的清香味。云梦隐庐内部装饰古色古香,有供奉佛像和佛经的场所,让人在品茗的同时,也能感受到宁静和放松。此外,这里的服务态度好,会仔细教导泡茶技巧。

2. **水上公园的凡间草木·清荷** – 水上公园内隐藏着这样一家小店,你可以边品茶边欣赏湖光山色。在这里,你可以约上朋友一起,在船上沏茶、聊天、拍照,体验一份宁静的午后时光。

3. **天津之眼附近的茶馆** – 天津之眼摩天轮是天津的标志性建筑,周边也有一些茶馆。在这里,你可以一边欣赏海河的美丽景色,一边品茗,感受城市的现代与历史的交融。

4. **意式风情街的茶室** – 意大利风情街的茶室很多,这里有很多欧式建筑风格的茶室,可以让你在异国风情中享受品茗的乐趣。

5. **古文化街的茶楼** – 古文化街是天津的历史文化街区,这里的茶楼不仅提供茶饮,还有各种传统茶点,是了解天津文化的好去处。


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Oct 19, 2024


1. **天津古文化街** – 这里不仅文化氛围浓厚,还有多家茶馆,古色古香的建筑内,泡一壶清茶,品茗赏景,感受老天津的文化底蕴。

2. **天津五大道茶馆** – 五大道地区是天津的历史文化名区,这里的茶馆结合了欧式建筑风格,既有古典韵味,又有现代舒适,是品茗的好地方。

3. **天津大悦城茶空间** – 大悦城内的茶空间现代时尚,提供多种茶饮,环境优雅,适合与朋友小聚,共同品鉴茶香。

4. **天津海河边的茶室** – 海河边风光旖旎,沿河而建的茶室,在品茗的同时,可以欣赏到美丽的海河景色。

5. **天津蓟州区渔阳古街** – 渔阳古街上的茶馆,结合了当地的传统文化,是体验蓟州茶文化的好去处。

6. **天津鼓楼附近的茶馆** – 鼓楼是天津的地标性建筑,其附近的茶馆,古色古香,是体验传统天津生活的好地方。


远离喧嚣,寻一静处,感受茶香四溢。推荐天津古文化街、五大道茶馆、大悦城茶空间、海河边的茶室、蓟州区渔阳古街以及鼓楼附近的茶馆。来一场说走就走的品茗之旅,与好友共享这份宁静与美好!🌸 #天津品茗 #悠闲生活 #朋友圈推荐

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Jul 28, 2024

"Lord? Lord? "

At this time, the soul has not considered the difference between the master and the servant, and directly picked up Nalanqing and took you to this place directly.
When Nalan woke up, she found herself back in the palace, noisy outside and guarded by one person after another in the room.
"Sister?" Lili squatted on the ground and looked at her with a worried face, showing a very poor expression like a pet that would be abandoned.
She is worried that her elder sister will be unable to sleep.
When NaLanQing woke up, he immediately thought that when Long Ze was thrown out at once, he suddenly felt dizzy and Su Mianyue was very strong and pulled her back to bed and held her shoulder directly. "Listen!"
Su Mianyue’s tone is very serious, and his eyes are shining with the strong luster of French refusal. He said, "I don’t know what happened in Long Ze, but there is something that must be told that you are pregnant!"
Na Lanqing "…"
She asked stiffly when the brain turned white for a few seconds; "What did you say?"
"I said … you are pregnant!" Su Mianyue said it very bluntly, and at the same time he also said the cruel words that followed. He said, "This is good news, but I also want to tell you that this will be the last child in your life. What does that mean?"
"Long Ze …"
"I don’t care if Long Ze is dead or alive, but I have to tell you that if you lose this child because of emotional excitement or an accident, you will never be a mother again in your life and you will definitely be pregnant!"
Su Mianyue’s medical skill is at its climax, so the credibility of what he said is extremely high. If he said that Na Lanqing lost the child carelessly, his life would be true when he was pregnant.
"You should know that your body has always been in a very weak and unwilling state. It is a miracle that you can have children twice in a row. Now the miracle has happened twice in a row and you have lost it again. I can tell you that there will never be a third miracle!"
"Do you think Long Ze is sad, but don’t forget that a pregnant woman’s emotional ups and downs will endanger her child, and your body will be particularly weak. If you are not careful, you will probably lose your white forever?"
Su Mianyue put her hands on NaLanQing’s shoulders, pressed her on the bed and told her all the hazards. At the same time, NaLanQing listened to his words and was silent for a long time …
"I know. Let me go!"
Na Lanqing seems to have calmed down his mood, and the harm in his heart has long been identified. He wants to see people die, and Long Ze has a great chance of being alive if he doesn’t see the body.
This child is long ze’s hard hope. As Su Mianyue said, the miracle has happened for the second time, but it will never happen for the third time. If we haven’t grasped the opportunity this time, then …
Stretching out his hand and touching his belly, Na Lanqing’s eyes became very gentle and left severe pain. She tried her best to make herself think a little. "Send someone to continue looking for Long Ze, expand the search scope to about ten miles in Fiona Fang, and don’t let go of any clues …"
She looked at Su Mianyue and gently hooked her lips. "It seems that I can’t let you go back …"
"Hum, my child is about to have an accident, and you have detained me here?" Su Mianyue was very dissatisfied and gently hummed.
"Do you have children? Who? "
"Nonsense, of course, is that my child will never be a wild man …" Su Mianyue’s eyes widened and she looked very angry, but her words were not angry
"The little fairy’s physical quality is far better than that of you, and there are no dystocia symptoms. The fetal position is very normal, and nothing will happen to her when I am not here …" Su Mianyue said here that she has some remorse in her tone. Anyway, she is also the father of the child. When the child was born, she went back and had some remorse.
But …
There is something more important in his heart, and it is doomed that the law can give up and owe it to their mother.
Na Lanqing has remained silent for a long time. People are selfish. She believes in Su Mianyue’s medical skills and is in a very weak state. She is worried that ordinary doctors will take good care of themselves and their children. This is the second miracle. If it is not treated properly, the miracle will disappear and someone will be desperate.
No matter what, we must protect this child this time …
Na Lanqing reached out and touched his belly. "Sorry!"
"Come on, I owe you all this until this child is born safely. I will stay by your side …" Su Mianyue squatted on the bed and lowered his head. He was also very resistant … She was bound to owe the party a debt first, and she would have plenty of time to repay their mother in the future after paying off the debt with Nalanqing.
At present, it can be like this …
After the fall of Long Ze, there was a trace of turmoil in the court because of rumors in the capital.
The message left by Long Ze after his personal expedition to the descendants said that the army was wiped out, including Long Ze, who was also buried in the war.
Moonlight is a new pit. Welcome to collect it.
Sick pet poison wife in.
brief introduction
] Friendship demining woman means bloody and cruel caution! ]

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Jul 24, 2024

"Shen Mei Wu did you see? You are just a bed tool in Chi Mu Han’s heart. Is this the man you choose? " Xiao Yi laughed wildly and stopped suddenly. "Since he doesn’t want you, I want you!"

Eyebrow Wu chestnut that cold with bloody knife back patted her on the face and she got goose bumps. Then she heard Xiao Jiao’s vicious and teasing tone. insidious smile said, "Chi Muhan doesn’t want you, I want you."
"Then I’d rather die!"
"No, no, I suddenly don’t want to kill you. No matter whether Chi Muhan is true to you or false, I am always the same to you." He slightly bowed his head and put his stinking lips to her ear. "It seems more fulfilling to revenge Chi Muhan for turning you into a person like me than to kill you, right?"
"Xiao Yi, what do you want?"
Rao’s eyebrows are calm and shivering, and he can’t help but tremble.
"So clever not white what I mean? If you want me to dye you with HIV, we can be together forever. Chi Muhan has his pity and I’m not afraid that I’ll never find a woman again. I’d rather stay with you in this hell than kill people. "
Xiao Yi pulled up her lips in the cold and licked her eyebrows. Wu’s delicate white ear beads are "really fresh."
Eyebrow Wu quivered in bouts, and this torture was even more horrible than Xiao Yi giving her a knife and directly ending her.
In addition to sex, AIDS can also be spread through blood.
If Xiao Yi bit her ear with a little effort, then she is likely to be infected with AIDS, right?
Eyebrow Wu tugged at the eyebrows and looked at Chimuhan for help, but the man looked at them with a straight face, as if there were ice hidden in their eyes for thousands of years, which was bloody and rude.
Xiao pity son shoulder suddenly a pain ChiMuHan fist more close more tightly hate can’t give her shoulder blades to crush.
"Chi Muhan, it is my best gift to turn your wife into an AIDS patient."
Chimuhan did not move in the cold wind to trim his eyebrows. A slight pick seemed to say-go ahead.
When the sharp fangs fell to the eyebrow Wu auricle again, the eyebrow Wu shed tears with clear tears and rolled down her lips. The tip of her tongue was salty with her own tears, and she closed her eyes as if she had given up waiting, which was more severe than the death penalty.
Boom, a wind with the smell of smoke brushed the tip of her nose, followed by a red hot blood splash on her side face.
The man next to him fell to his side like mud.
Followed by people screaming in fear.
Even Xiao pity son stared unblinkingly with his eyes open, and I don’t know where a bullet came from. It went straight through Xiao Miao’s forehead and blew Xiao Miao’s head off.
It all happened so suddenly, but it seems that Chi Muhan is in control.
When Xiao Lian realized what ChiMuHan had loosened, she rushed in front of the policemen who rescued the hostages and held the woman with blood all over her face tightly in her arms. She didn’t mind that she was sprayed with the blood of AIDS patients.
Men will be thin woman body tightly into his arms, almost to her into his own bone marrow has always been calm and self-sustaining Chi Gong this moment is a little embarrassed lip gently bumped against "I’m sorry I’m late."
Eyebrow Wu slowly opened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him in shock. It took a while to calm the heart.
Bowing his head to see what happened to Xiao Miao, he covered her eyes with his palm, and the timbre returned as gentle as a spring breeze. "Don’t look."
I don’t know whether to cry or laugh at the moment. This man really never plays cards according to common sense.
The captain of the criminal police team had Xiao Jiao’s body carried away and said to Chi Muhan, "Chi Gong, thank you for your tactfulness in cooperating with us just now to let the sniper find the best protection position."
Eyebrow Wu mind’s eye is a heavy jump. Since a pool of Mu Han, I didn’t intend to stay alive.
Seemingly elegant, the gentleman is the first in the family, but he is ruthless.
Just a glance at Chi Muhan can tell her mind, "You don’t think Xiao Yi deserves to die?"
"He damn but revenge? Xiao family won’t let you go, even if they dare not to Chi Gong, your hands will be tied to those around you. "
It’s not that she’s a woman, but you never know, those sinister little people can’t be prevented, even if they can be prevented for a while, they can’t be prevented for a lifetime.
If ChiMuHan didn’t do it, then maybe today ChiXin and she wouldn’t have almost become Xiao Jiao’s soul, ChiXin wouldn’t have miscarried, and eldest brother wouldn’t be sad.
"I will never give my family a second chance to hurt them!"
Chimuhan eyes light a malicious will eyebrow Wu picked up and sent to the hospital.
Xiao flow son looked at ChiMuHan holding the eyebrow Wu from figure heart hate and angered at this moment she was so silly like a fool ChiMuHan, and after he finished, she lost her as toilet paper.
Mu Han, is there really no place for me in your heart?

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Jul 19, 2024

"That will trouble you. Let’s go home and rest first." Cheng Meng said politely.

Jennifer looked at Fu Junfeng with a cold face, and then said to Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng, "What’s the trouble? Well, I should be good friends and take good care of her."
Listen to Jennifer’s words, Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng can’t help but nod their heads at once. "Then we’ll go first."
Words fall Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng walked towards the outside of the ward. When they were at the door of the ward, Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng couldn’t help looking back and sighing at Cheng Meng and saying, "Jennifer is still quite good about the well."
Fu Junfeng nodded. "Yes, Ah Yi really needs a girl who is kind to her."
Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng left the hospital and returned home. After they took a shower, they went to rest. When they woke up again, it was already noon. Zhou Mei cooked a meal for people to eat, and then they went to the hospital again. When they came to the hospital, they looked at the swinging ward. They couldn’t help but be one leng.
After Cheng Meng reacted, he hurried to the next nurse and asked, "Where did the patient in the vip ward go?"
Fu Junfeng followed Cheng Meng’s footsteps and looked at her in a hurry and gently took hold of her shoulder.
When the nurse saw two people, she couldn’t help being slightly one leng, especially seeing Cheng Meng. After all, now with the great escape of power, Cheng Meng’s popularity is gradually rising.
"The patient in that ward has left and has come to transfer."
Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng were suddenly stunned. Someone almost said, "Where did you go?"
"Transferred to America"
The nurse’s words fell Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng’s eyebrow eye expression suddenly sank. Fu Junfeng quickly took out his mobile phone and called Jennifer.
When the call was connected, Jennifer said, "Mr. Fu, what can I do for you to call me personally?"
I think when she called him, he refused to answer.
Fu Junfeng voice slightly heavy with a hint of displeasure said, "Where is Ah Yi now? What is going to transfer to the United States? "
At this time, Jennifer looked up at the direction of the room in the private jet and said, "I didn’t mean to transfer to another hospital, but Jing Qian decided personally."
No one in Fu Junfeng looked dazed and asked, "Is Ah Yi awake already?"
"It’s nothing serious to his health, and he told me that she didn’t want to stay in a city that gave him hope and personally broke his hope. I just didn’t want to see you."
After all, he is trying to forget the past and forget his hatred.
Jennifer’s words fell. Fu Junfeng held his mobile phone and flashed his eyebrows. Nai looked at the words. Jennifer said, "Can you answer the phone now?"
"He’s asleep now."
Fu Junfeng inwardly sighed, "I know. Pay attention to Ann. I hope you can tell me when he has something."
Everyone hangs up Cheng Meng and looks up at Fu Junfeng’s face and asks, "What’s the matter?"
"A Yi and Jennifer have returned to America."
That is to say, they had agreed to think about whether they were willing to take over the matter of Fourier in a week, and they had given up beforehand.
Cheng Mengmei’s eyes sank slightly after hearing the news of Jing’s departure, but he continued to comfort Fu Junfeng and said, "Don’t worry, Jing’s singing career is in China and he will come back sooner or later because he can’t give up singing."
How could he have given up when he used to like music so much?
Fu junfeng nodded his head, of course, he knew this, and he took Cheng Meng and walked toward the outside.
Fu Junfeng and Cheng Meng seemed relieved when they left the well in advance, but every time they arrived at the well in advance, the atmosphere between them became slightly heavy because they were very worried about him.
After a week, Fu Junfeng and Cheng Meng have been spying on the situation of the well in Jennifer’s place until they are sure that he has finished nothing, and then they breathe a sigh of relief. This week, they are really worried and scared.
This week, not only Fu Junfeng accumulated a lot of work, but even Cheng Meng missed several announcements.
On the night after the rest assured, Cheng Meng received Hongan’s words
After the words were connected, Hong ‘an excited sound came out.
"Little dream Ling Tao director when the film into the group has been determined to Monday when you have? The shooting location is booked in Lin’ an. When it takes a month to shoot, you can arrange things here. "
Cheng Meng sat in bed with a mobile phone and asked, "Do you need to go to Lin ‘an to shoot?"
"Yes, and it takes a month. What’s the problem?"
"No problem, then I’ll solve things here first."
Hang up Cheng Mengmei eyes flashed a little tired, rubbed his eyebrows and lay down to Fu Junfeng’s bathroom. When he came out, he saw Cheng Meng’s original smile at the corner of his mouth instantly froze in his face, wiped his hair at random and lifted his feet.
"Does your eyes hurt?" Cheng Meng asked with his hands in the heart of the bed.
Cheng Meng rubbed his eyebrows and looked at it like his eyes hurt.
Cheng Meng looked up at Fu Junfeng and couldn’t help sighing. He stretched out his hand and took Fu Junfeng’s neck and reluctantly said, "Do you want to hear a very unfortunate news?"
Looking at Cheng Meng’s frowning face, Fu Junfeng’s eyebrows can’t help but follow Cu Cu "What’s the matter? What kind of bad news makes you look so bad? "
Fu junfeng stayed in cheng Meng’s body and looked at the blow-bomb that could break the skin and couldn’t help but take a bite.
"The film directed by Ling Tao will be filmed on Monday, and it will be filmed for one month, and the most important thing is to go to Lin’ an."
Cheng Meng’s words fell on Fu Junfeng’s face in an instant, and his eyebrows were too suspicious. He asked, "That is to say, you will not come back until you leave Zunyang and go to Lin ‘an for a month to shoot."
Looking at Fu Junfeng’s face, Cheng Meng felt more reluctant to give up and hugged his neck tightly. "I know that you are not willing to give up, but this is my job, and I will go after all, that is, it will pass soon in a month."
Fu Junfeng’s eyebrows and eyes looked a little heavy. "Of course, when we are together for a month, it will pass quickly, but if we are lonely for a month, do you know how much we can stand it?"

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Jul 14, 2024

Xuanxuan was even more shocked when he saw this scene from a distance. He knew that Li Suiyun meant that his big chapter was to shock the Olympus protoss. He wanted everyone to know his government’s western determination

Li Suiyun walked up to the bound assassins. He could clearly feel their faint natural force from these people. He suddenly smiled and a strange idea came into his mind. These gods are very similar to the druids of later generations. At least they are all proficient in change.
He also disdains this matter, but with a wave of his hand, his brain is a great force that will go out and directly shake these assassins into dust, but he sends someone to pack up those assassins’ weapons and send a fine gift to Zeus.
Hera silently watched Li Suiyun finish this, and her face was full of worries. She didn’t know that Li Suiyun had made a decision, and she didn’t know whether her wish could be achieved. If Li Suiyun really happened with her, she was more sure, but now it seems that hope is so slim.
Li Suiyun laughed and went to a few enemies, but it was a great test. He saw Hera’s appearance of being swayed by considerations of gain and loss, but shook his head slightly and sighed, "If you go there, I will think about it. If you make sense, I will give you an answer. If you are here, it will also increase your variables."
Hera sighed a little, and she couldn’t say much, especially some words from Aphrodite’s field, but her slow pace showed how reluctant she was.
Aphrodite was relieved to see Hera go. She was not a stingy woman, but she loved Li Suiyun too much. She was afraid of losing her appearance. She was not outstanding and fat. Sometimes love was really blind. She sighed lightly and just waited to speak when Li Suiyun shook her head gently.
Li Suiyun obviously has his own thoughts. He shook his head at Aphrodite and said, "You rest. I have something to think about, but I need to fix something important."
Aphrodite saw that Li Suiyun spoke solemnly. Although she was unhappy, she didn’t say much. She nodded silently and went back to the tent. Yu Di saw that Li Suiyun looked unhappy, and she also thought about going back one by one. Yu Li Suiyun paced back and forth alone.
Chapter 23 Think hard and break things up again
Li Suiyun thinks that things are simple to say, but extremely complicated to operate. He thinks that if we can get beyond the realm of saints, we can truly become immortal. After all, when saints face saints, they will die if the gap between the two sides is large enough.
There are several roads in front of him. One is to prove the Tao, but it needs him to practice and temper constantly to cause qualitative change through quantitative change. The other is to practice the Tao and prove the Tao and realize the heaven, so that the mood can finally be integrated into the heaven, thus transcending the present state. The third is to prove the Tao by external forces, but to rely on factors such as weather, geography, human harmony or magic weapons to hold on to it.
However, Li Suiyun doesn’t like external evidence. It seems that external evidence needs to be cut, but he is obsessed with it. He has a very angry feeling when he thinks that he will never be influenced by his feelings again in the future. It seems to him that even if a person cultivates deeply and truly lasts forever, if he abandons everything he has before, he will forget that maybe such a person is not a person in Li Suiyun’s eyes.
In the past life, Li Suiyun couldn’t help sighing secretly when he saw those people who had abandoned their homes and practiced. worldly desires was like a stone man. If even his relatives could say that they had abandoned them, how could he seek benefits after his successful practice? How can you be considerate of people’s sufferings? If abandoning home is a firm conscience, the price is not too high.
Although monks and ordinary people are graded, it seems a little too sentimental. Can a normal person do this even if he has the will to do so?
Li Suiyun, who proved by Tao, is not too sure. After all, it is against his own heart to realize heavenly heart, which is contrary to his practice achievement method.
On the surface, the heavenly heart of the world’s practice method is actually against the sky, but the achievement method created by luggage with the clouds is sometimes against the sky. Although the practice pays attention to conforming to heaven, the most important place, such as the purpose of practice, is to go against the sky. He pays attention to doing whatever he wants without being fettered by others, but if he wants to conform to heaven, isn’t it bound by heaven?
It seems that there is nothing wrong with those who are naturally weak and can conform to heaven, but if they are sexually detached, can they achieve positive results?
It seems absurd for the saints to regard Taoism as more important than life, but it is inevitable. It is an idea and an idea. What is more important for the saints to keep their thoughts alive?
The same is true of Li Suiyun. He knows that it is the best time to shape the literati who have lost their foundation. If people pass on their own orthodoxy at this time, there will be a lot of possible things in the future. Li Suiyun knows that he inherited his own strength through orthodoxy, which is the solid backing of his younger brothers. However, there is a big difference between the Tao and the inherent Tao in his heart. Although he doesn’t know who is right or who can eventually achieve immortality and eternity, he knows that he would never be as happy as he is now if he didn’t clear his own pulse.
Although Taoism may break through the bottleneck and eventually break through the realm of saints, it is much worse to protect the door in the process of Taoism, which is obviously not in his current interests
Since the road is blocked for two days, Li Suiyun’s ability to walk is also a strong proof that there is a way to go. Li Suiyun also prefers this method. He is born with a body and Pangu Jingxue. If he practices, he will get twice the result with half the effort. In this way, he will not be rebellious. His mind is still at large. If he wants to be happy, he can intervene in everything.
In particular, Li Suiyun’s heart is a pulse of his own emptiness. Although there are many magical skills, it is also said that it is all-inclusive. If he takes this opportunity to create several martial arts in his groping, he will return to that emptiness after being sealed, and his brother Tianmen will also have some life-saving tricks.
Just thinking about it, but on a whim, the sleeves take up a lesson. The eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. Although this innate psychic is very powerful, it is not so easy to deduce clearly. It is easy for ordinary people to deduce their lives, but it is not easy to deduce the safety of great events and saints.
Just now, he spied a clue from it, but it wasn’t that something had changed in the East, but that the West had a strong desire to see him. However, from this divination, he couldn’t see that the master was meditating, but he was surprised that he felt a strange force bursting out from the ground.
However, this force is not murderous, and even has no intention of killing. It seems like an invitation to invite Li Suiyun to go to a mountain opposite.
Li Suiyun finally proved the mixed fruit. He didn’t believe that there was anyone in this world except Hongjun bodhi old zu who could hurt him, but he hesitated slightly and smiled. He followed the past with the guidance of that force, but he was about ten miles away from the camp by an ordinary hill.
If an ordinary person wants to be surprised here, the hill has changed a lot, but seeing that the dust on the hill actually creeps up on its own, but it turns into a face for a moment, which is a woman’s face. Although I don’t know where the other person is, I still have to admit that the other person is a woman with elegant personality.
Li Suiyun frowned slightly thoughtfully but smiled gently "Gaia? Gaia, the goddess of the earth? "
The woman smiled slightly, with a soft but dignified voice. "The sage from the East didn’t expect you to set foot on the western land again. I wanted to meet you when you went to the west, but obviously you didn’t plan to live in the west for a long time, but this time it looks different."
Li Suiyun frowned lightly and nodded, "Tell me what you want. I need your answer. After all, you are mysterious. You appeared in the world very early. If I didn’t guess wrong, you were at the same time as my Oriental Taiyi and Di Jun. I want to know what you think of my entry into the West."

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Jul 8, 2024

Qin Zhiqiu looked at the warm and condensed face and asked, "Are you all right, Miss?"

Warmly shook his head and pressed his heart. Those thoughts laughed. "I’m fine, but you were brave enough just now. Do you know who Zhuo Mengyun is and dare to argue with her?"
Qin Zhiqiu can’t help saying, "I don’t care who she is. If she dares to treat you like that, I will dare to break her hand. If she doesn’t attack me, I will pay back ten times if she does."
This is very warm to her appetite. Raise your hand and pat her on the shoulder. "Thank you."
Qin Zhiqiu embarrassed smile "big miss welcome lift a finger"
"But you’d better be careful recently. Zhuo Mengyun is narrow-minded. I’m afraid she will retaliate against you. Try not to go out alone. You can call me at any time if you have anything."
"Don’t worry, Miss. Not everyone can bully me."
"Well, be careful."
"Well …"
Qin Zhiqiu left home after a long time of meditation, and when he came home by car with Holy, he was still full of worries, eating cashews and curiously asking, "What’s Warm’s thinking?"
"Qin Zhiqiu" said this name warmly and watched his face change strangely.
"She, what does she have to think?" The sacred complexion is naturally calm.
"She told me a lot in the afternoon, and I always felt that it was not easy for her to appear." Warm tried.
Sacred or a casual expression, but it is full of Zen. "Now it is reasonable to be warm and need this trouble. Something will happen, and when you know it, everything will come out."
Warm and relieved smile "? I just have to wait? "
Holy wink. "Well, let it be."
Smile warmly and say "You want it most"
Smell sacred but pout a depressed look "actually, I don’t think so"
Sacred stuffed a cashew nut into his mouth and chewed it up, only to complain deeply. "If I wanted to, I wouldn’t be crazy about doing waist exercises or eating 3 thousand cashews."
"Poof …" Fu Lei couldn’t help spraying.
"Are you gloating?" Sacred danger. Look past it.
Fu Lei shook his head seriously. "The imperial doctor misunderstood me and I absolutely didn’t gloat!"
"Then what do you spray spray? When you are a watering can? "
"Ahem … I’m an imperial doctor. I’m amazed and deeply admired for sacrificing my spirit."
"Well, that’s more like it."
Fu Lei sneaked a sweat, but fortunately he was witty.
Divine turned his face to warmth and continued to complain. "Warm son, you see that I have moved Fu Lei’s heart as hard as an iron man. This is all about your happiness. Are you moved?"
Warm face a red warning him "you’re enough …"
Say anything! Or in front of Fu Lei?
"Hey, hey ….." When she saw that she was annoyed and sacred, she took out a cashew nut and fed it to her mouth. "It’s more powerful than tonifying kidney and kidney-qi."
Warm "…"
She wanted to eat this and couldn’t swallow it. Her beautiful eyes were wide open and angry, which provoked him to laugh again.
Section 216
When I returned to the Wen family mansion, the servants were carefully cleaning up the rules of the Wen family in the past 100 years. Naturally, it was not as much as usual, nor did it pay attention to warmth until it was a decent day to welcome guests.
Wang Jinyuan was next to the supervisor and commander. He saw warm people coming to greet him respectfully. "Is the big lady and the Grand Duke of God back?"
Warm nodded
Sacred but curious, he asked, "Mr. Wang, what are you doing with people?"
Wang Jinyuan has been very afraid of him since he saw the divine power, for fear that he would give himself medicine and disgrace without knowing it. He was wronged when he died. He quickly smiled and explained, "I’ll take someone to clean it up during the festival."
Sacred as if puzzled, "It’s not like you still have such a big array of sticks in the New Year?"
The people at the door gathered a lot to clean the door, sort out the plaque and clean the stone lion. Even the road at the door had to be swept from beginning to end, which made a lot of noise.
Wang Jinyuan’s face was wrinkled with laughter. "The Grand Duke of God didn’t know. According to the custom of Huadu, two days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, all the married girls have to go back to their parents’ homes for reunion. Let’s marry the Wen family’s great aunt and second aunt, but they are all famous families. When they all come back, how dare we neglect them and naturally treat each other wholeheartedly?"
"Oh, so that’s it." The holy man patted Wang Jinyuan on the shoulder with an epiphany expression and warmth before entering the door. "That’s really hard work for Wang Guanjia. Let’s do it well."
Wang Jinyuan’s body froze and somehow he felt that the place he had touched was not right. He stepped back to one side with a dry smile. "The archduke of God is welcome. I should …"
"Then come on. Oh, don’t let me down."
"… yes"
The sacred hand smiled and left, leaving Wang Jinyuan with a cold sweat on his back. He was thinking about the sacred words in his head, and his face was getting paler and paler, and his heart was in a mess.
Seeing that he looked wrong, his confidant leaned in and asked, "What’s wrong with Mr. Wang, but what’s wrong?"
Wang Jinyuan forced himself to calm down. "Did you just hear the sacred words?"
"I heard it."
"Don’t you think there’s anything wrong?"
The confidant frowned and shook his head for a while. "I don’t think so."
"Isn’t he aware of something warning me not to do anything?"
"There should be no, he just got back to see what? Besides, we haven’t acted on this cough yet. Are you too nervous? Maybe he just casually said that you think too much. "
"I think even if he is an imperial doctor, it is also a high medical skill. Can he still predict the Oracle?"
Wang Jinyuan squinted and pondered for half a ring, and finally decided not to scare himself. Maybe he was really nervous. Besides, he didn’t have the final say. He had to act according to his orders, thinking that he was steadfast in his heart. Many low orders "Do it, remember to be clean and not leave any handle. Those are all fine …"
"You can rest assured that …"

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Jul 4, 2024

Before the assassin’s words were finished, he buried himself and rushed to the front of the assassin at an extremely fast speed. With a wave of his sword in both hands, the assassin left his chest to his right neck, and there was an extra straight bone wound.

Blood spattered, and the assassin fell down without even grunting.
The mage was frighten by this sudden change, and stood still with his eyes wide open-he neve dreamed that this poorly equipped woman could kill his companion in a blink of an eye!
Feather’s eyes turned to the mage, and the mage immediately shivered and sang mantras, but it was too late-feather raised his sword and stabbed forward with a radius of about 5 cm. The golden beam flew out from the tip of the sword and drew a perfect golden long line, leaving a round hole in the mage’s heart.
The mage’s body fell down as soon as his eyes turned.
The enemy solved the problem of feather and sword, and his expression was dull as if he were lying there with two people doing it.
Before the night wind, I found out their herbs after groping for a while, and suddenly, these two guys have a herb!
Black herb-it is held by night wind and feather body.
Blue herb-this is from those two cheaters and idiots.
Red, green, purple and white-this is the herb that night wind and feathers lack.
Will grope out one of the herbs to feather after night wind and looked down at the body for a moment, night wind picked up the assassin’s dagger and looked at it.
Weapon name growler
Weapon type dagger
Durability 2/2
Attack power 13-21
Level 55 required to equip weapons
Special effect bleeding (5% chance to cause bleeding damage to the enemy)
Attribute with 4% wind attribute damage
Weapons say that dwarves make weapons with sharp properties that require limiting lethality.
After determining that the dagger has no attribute requirements, the night wind will take it into the capsule-at present, the night wind is not suitable for revealing identity, so the weapon with representative identity will never be taken out at random, so it is perfect to make the dagger a camouflage weapon.
How many people can see that he is the’ night wind’ when using a dagger as a weapon?
"Let’s go!" Night wind rises.
Feather silently nodded and followed the night wind into the depths of the canyon …
In the last few hours, Night Wind and Feather never met other players, even Warcraft.
Along the way, except for rest and eating and drinking, the two men kept on walking and never talked. They kept moving forward in tandem. Finally, the’ road’ they took changed. After four o’clock in the afternoon, the game had entered dusk and they had to continue walking at night, but they came to a mountain road, a mountain road that was really walked out by people!
This island is occupied?
Night wind and feather have the same question.
So, driven by intuitive curiosity, they walked along the road, crossed the suspension bridge, took the mountain road, and finally came to a paradise-a small town!
The people in this town are definitely human buildings. In the middle ages, the same town had no science and technology, but cars were the most basic carriages.
The town is full of joy and laughter. Everyone is hardworking and doing his own thing. He is also very polite to passers-by. Even the two strangers, Ye Feng and Yu, are not excluded, just as Ye Feng and Yu are also part of their town …
Chapter one hundred and twelve The first day of the exam (3)
"Is it? Still stay? " Feather asked
Night wind looked at the town for a moment and said, "Look for a hotel first." Night wind stopped a passerby and smiled, "Excuse me, where is the nearest hotel?"
Passerby A looked at the night wind and pointed to the front and smiled. "Just go straight ahead and walk to the left at the first corner."
"Thank you," said the night wind. He looked back and stared at his feather. "Let’s go!"
Feather didn’t start behind the night wind until after listening to it, and her eyes at the night wind were a little puzzled-just now the night wind smiled and it was very sunny and there was no hypocrisy, just like a real knowing smile …
Cold and proud night wind, children’s night wind and sunshine night wind-which is the real night wind?
After a short walk, Ye Feng and Yu really found the hotel mentioned by passerby A-this hotel is three stories high and relatively large, and the traces of the wall can prove its relatively long past.
Stepping into the hotel night wind came to the counter for the first time. "Does the boss still have a room?"
"Yes, how many rooms do you want?" The boss put on a professional smile.
"Once you have two beds", the night wind is bleak, and the word feather reaction-this is a game that you don’t necessarily sleep in it if you want a room …
After listening to the night wind, the boss fumbled in the drawer for a while and took out a key and handed it to the night wind. "This is the price of 5 gold coins a day. The room is No.27. Please go."
"There’s ten days’ money here. Don’t bother us." After giving five gold coins to the boss, Night Wind took the key and came to Room 7 on the second floor with feather. The room layout was very simple, and there was nothing except some necessities. Two single beds were separated by one meter. The room had a bathroom, a toilet and a kitchen. There were four windows through which things outside could be clearly seen.

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Jul 2, 2024

These three times of changing lines and going back and forth are just the reasonable luck of the two skills of "Flying Flash" and "Ghost Hunting" combined with the attack special effects of Qinglong Dao.

Mad dog dragon once again swept back to the origin, and directly turned to the other side with the sword thrown by Qinglong Dao in his hand.
Lan Tianyun in such a situation can actually reflect that he found that the weapon thrown by the other party was thrown at his throat, and his purpose was very overbearing and his head was cut across the board.
But looking at the size and rotation of the broadsword, he gave up the idea of evading and carrying hard, and he quickly raised his shield to protect his face.
The blade fell decisively on the shield
"Oh, what a pity!" Tintin fish can see that the whole process of flashing, sweeping, backhand knife light, sweeping back and backhand broadsword flying in one go is flawed, but it is really heartbreaking that the last key strike is blocked by the shield.
"Hey? You ….. "He suddenly found that 1v3 and the toilet fast chicken teacher were still staring at the central battlefield with a serious expression.
He quickly turned his head to see Lan Tianyun slowly withdraw his shield, revealing a smug smile on his face. "I didn’t expect that, did I?"
It’s really surprising that he not only reacted first-class, but also finally got such a hand.
However, his smile solidified quickly for a second, because he saw Mad Dog Dragon with a big green gun in his hands, which seemed to be burned red, and there was a faint red energy swimming in it, but that was not important. The important thing was that the muzzle was facing him in the dark.
"You didn’t expect it, did you?" Mad dog dragon smiled and pulled the trigger.
"Bang", a shocking gunshot immediately went into the blue sky, and he felt a sudden spasm in his stomach, and the whole person could not help but shrink back.
But every second, a crimson Tiger Claw-shaped flame appeared in front of him, and a fan flew up in his face.
The real fatal blow turned out to be a sniper rifle instead of a Qinglong knife!
This shot took away his last life worth less than 4 points, and he fell to the ground heavily and never moved again.
In ghost mode, where is the most insidious place of the blue sky and the white mad dog dragon? The most elite blow is not a sniper rifle, but a flying dragon knife.
The knife seemed to spin into his throat, but it actually cut into his eyes. The mad dog dragon was sure that in such a hasty situation, the blue sky cloud would be shielded, but the shield not only blocked the blue dragon knife, but also covered the blue sky cloud’s own sight.
This little mad dog dragon finally got a chance to pull out a second weapon.
Of course, this second weapon is not a sword and stick, but a big killer that directly kills you.
This is indeed a blue sky. I never thought that you could beat me again. to be continued
Chapter two hundred and ninety-three Real power
Everyone was shocked at the sight of the blue sky and the clouds falling, and one person spoke for half a minute.
Everyone’s eyes were unbelievable when the north wind signaled the Arctic Shenguang people to slowly retreat into the town.
And I can’t believe this scene is still autumn water Iraqis. Once upon a time, a few mad dogs and dragons were dealing with brother Ku, Yan Sha, consumption and jackal, which are all more ghostly than struggling to clean up such fierce people as Lan Tianyun, which is a matter of minutes.
But this time, everyone has not come to boast that there is blue light floating in the sky.
This magic wand flies very fast, and it is conceivable that the strength of the person who controls it is also very strong.
When the stick landed on the ground, the bachelor sister couldn’t help but surprise "Sister Yan!"
To someone it was Yan made yuhua district city, but she looked a little dignified. "A large number of ground support from the Arctic Shekinah has set out to take the lead, and they are masters of the Hall of Fame …"
She paused and looked at the body. "This man is here to take the lead. I suggest that everyone leave quickly."
In a few words, she made the situation clear, and the mad dog dragon sighed that she had made the whole game of Yan Yuhua this time.
Yan Yuhua City recommended drunken laughing days, but actually expected that Mad Dog Dragon would encounter layers of difficulties and pressures in solitary smoke town in the future, so sooner or later, it would find the nearest Mu Zixing eyes for help.
He and Xia Xiaoqing and his bachelor sister Mu Zixing’s eyes will definitely not refuse him for help, because Mu Zixing’s eyes are also coveting the eastern territory, and finally Mu Zixing’s eyes have successfully set foot in this area through the Eastern Dynasty.
Mad dog dragon has thought of Yan Yuhua City. Although it is no longer the president of Mu Zixing’s eyes, she will spare no effort to help Mu Zixing’s eyes.
However, he was not annoyed by a small profit. Once the luck is successful, everyone will win.
Now the whole city of Yan Yuhua suddenly flew here and tipped off the mad dog dragon, and immediately judged that "drunken boss, hole boss, sunny day, you should quickly transport the goods according to the original planned route and leave the rest to me to deal with."
Zuixiaotian and others naturally agreed generously, but the bachelor sister was surprised. "How do you handle it?"
The mad dog dragon looked into the distance and there was a flash of cold light in his eyes. "I will let them go back where they came from."
Yan Yuhua’s eyes flashed. "There are more than a dozen masters in the hall of fame of the other green lion. Almost the rest of the players in they nest have more than two. Are you sure you can compete?"
"If you can’t resist, you have to resist!" Mad dog Long Zhen replied that he had been waiting for this opportunity to appear.
This thing is developing like a pot of water being gradually burned. Now that the water is boiling, it is time to solve the problem once and for all. I believe that the support of the Arctic Shenguang this time should be an elite force of the whole guild. This time, taking the Arctic Shenguang Hall of Fame will definitely lead to the other side’s vitality being weakened for a long time. At the very least, he must never let such a large number of fighting forces enter solitary smoke town. They must be stopped halfway.
Mad dog dragon wants to solve the problem once and for all, doesn’t green-haired lion think so?
He brought out this group of people, except the Hall of Fame’s level 6 master, and none of the other two players was a level 4 player. It can be said that the whole guild is the mainstay. Once this team arrives in Guyan Town, it will directly uproot Mad Dog Dragon and others and drive them out of the East District once and for all.
He believes that the president will do the same when he is at home, because he is safeguarding the core interests of the guild.
But his choice of action route is too direct. It is a straight line from the map. It is really impossible for hundreds of people to support flying magic together. It is too extravagant. This is not the fast action on the ground that the Arctic Shenguang can afford.
At this moment, the large forces have arrived at the Pegasus Grand Canyon, and if they want to pass through this area, they must cross Nu Qujiang.
This is a famous river in exile, which is more than 12 kilometers long and winds through the whole exile. As the name suggests, its river is surging and rushing, and its momentum is like a thousand troops crossing the border, so it is named Nu Qujiang.
If you want to go to the lonely smoke town, you must pass through the Pegasus Grand Canyon, and there is a Pegasus Bridge more than 20 meters away from the river.
The whole stone bridge is 2 meters long and 1 meter wide. It is built on the hillside of the canyon. This end is flat, but the opposite side is a hill. Behind the hill is a rolling mountain.
The mighty army stopped when it reached the bridge, because there was a steel robot across the bridge, which was equipped with the future soldier Mad Dog Dragon.
In the crowd, the shepherd flew immediately to the path around the green lion. "The boss is him! This is his steel armor! "
The green-haired lion was also surprised. Looking at the mad dog dragon, he was surprised not by this steel suit but by the mad dog Gentian.
How dare you stop my two-man army with just one person? What makes you so confident?
Is the knower afraid? Or is there a trap here?
But things have developed to the present, and words are redundant. The green lion waved the whole team and got off the bridge.
In the front row, there are 20 armored soldiers holding big shields in a row. This is to prevent the other side from getting angry with heavy machine guns. It is the archer and the mage. If the archer wants to enter a distance of 100 meters, it will form an arrow rain. If it enters a distance of 50 meters, more than 70 mages in our country will catch fire, and people will stop the killing, and the Buddha will stop the killing, and the two wings will also be protected by experts.
The green-haired lion can’t figure out how Mad Dog Dragon can stop his own side from advancing. Anyway, he has never seen less scenes in 1v2.
A look at the other front soldiers poked around and walked the front bridge. The mad dog dragon couldn’t help sneering and groaning! Next time in Talci Village, it was just a small experiment. Today, I will show you the true power of future soldiers.
The intelligent processor quickly sounds "Start flight mode!"
"Boss, look!" Someone in the team immediately exclaimed.

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Jun 27, 2024

It happened that they got a secret of Monty from Master Lianshan in the fire of Moon Island. The combination of good and evil in the sand tunnel of God is really powerful. Ziyun Palace is also hidden in the sea, and it is difficult for the immortals to fly into Qi Daoyou. I knew that they had only three ways out, and that the three girls also had the eldest daughter You Housuo and the reality of bliss all meant to let them go.

The first way is for us to give water to them when we arrive. The second way is to change our minds after giving water. The third way is to be generous and not to do the opposite.
The people we will go to are divided into two cases: Yan Daoyou and I are in the dark, double clouds, double heroes and golden cicadas. They have been practicing Buddhism for many years before, or they will not be rebellious and openly enemies.
After we went, a golden cicada rushed into the stone to save the mother, eager to break into the palace and hurt the god beast. Two, many things arrived together by mistake, causing a dispute. I didn’t expect Song Daoyou to come, but we forgot that you were Xu Feiniang’s sworn brother, and it was really a pity!
But you saved them. What about this time? Nowadays, the era of the end of the law and the end of the robbery is getting closer and closer. People’s aura base disappears and the end of the robbery is entangled with various causes and effects. How can they hide in the past? If they are sheltered by Emei’s luck, it’s okay, but it’s no good if you step in and wait for them. I’m afraid everyone knows what it is. "
Volume 27 Ziyun Feast Chapter two hundred and sixty-four Jin Ting Yu Zhu
After Song Chang Gung hesitated, he said to Chu Feng and others, "You all heard what Bai Daoyou said just now. You have to choose from yourself, but the things in the center jade pillar must be taken out. Not only do you promise me that you have heard others’ thoughts, but you will send someone to take us there sooner or later."
Chu Feng nodded silently. She also knew that the jade pillar in the center must be given. What can I do after that? She got up and led everyone to fly all the way to the center of the palace with others, but before they got to the center, everyone took a fancy to a thick golden light standing there, and the halo flowed faintly. Everyone visually showed that the pillar was probably tens of thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters thick.
After all, a few young players are shallow, and they are gradually lost by all kinds of wonderful palace buildings along the way. Fortunately, the road is not far away. Everyone will soon be here. Everyone knows that it is a forbidden law to operate. Just look at this appearance and you will know how powerful this forbidden law is. No wonder the scattered fairy has lived here for so long and can’t fight it.
Chasing the clouds and laughing, "The ancients are really not comparable to us. So is the forbidden law of such a jade pillar. We can just break it. I’ll come first and pick it up later!" With that, a hundred-meter-long lightning bolt was produced, and then more than a hundred mines were produced one after another. Friction gas produced Chihiro lightning fire.
These thunder and thunder fire went directly to the jade pillar, and the forbidden method of the jade pillar was Guanghua. After the thunder fire burned and shook, it became a golden flame, and it seemed to burn brilliantly. Although the power was forbidden, everyone could still feel the powerful power. The ban was touched, and the power really made them sigh.
After a hundred thunders, chasing after the clouds can’t help but be exhausted for a while. He accepted his hand and smiled. "Hehe, the old man is old. I can get out of this land. It depends on the two places. I didn’t expect such a jade pillar to be so powerful in defense and prohibition. It’s been running for ten thousand years. It’s really amazing!"
While he was nagging, he suddenly heard Yan Yingheng shout, "Don’t show off your breath here, Bai Daoyou. I’ll try!" As he spoke, he instantly changed his hands by a thousand hands, and an obscure spell spit out a handprint. As soon as he raised it, a blue cloud shone in the light of the temple, and a blue 100-meter hand was catching at Yuzhu.
The jade pillar was chopped by the fire of chasing clouds, mines and even burning belts. The brilliance of the hundred pillars has been declining from prosperity to decline. The underground thunder rumbled to Yan Ying, and the blue hundred-meter-long hand grabbed the brilliance of the back pillar and suddenly turned dim and almost disappeared. After a while, the blue hand has gradually shrunk. When the hand shrank to more than ten meters, the golden light of a pillar completely disappeared.
As soon as the golden light ban disappeared, it revealed the same quality as white jade. Yan Ying Heng took a look at Song Changgeng and said, "Now the ban has been broken to see how Daoyou lifted the column to get the treasure. People don’t know who Daoyou intend to let go? If you have a candidate, you will be asked to turn it over and lose the opportunity. "
From chasing clouds and thunder to Yan Ying’s blue 100-meter hand, both of them don’t have a magic weapon to do it by virtue of their physical ability spells. What they mean is to compete with this method here. Song Chang Gung knows that if he has a magic weapon, he will definitely make them look down on them and don’t know what to do then.
Although he knows that his magic weapon is still a treasure, these two people have been practicing for so long, but they always have one or two things, that is, they are fighting with him, Song Changgeng.
Song Chang Gung looked at the others and laughed. "Lingyun and Ziling are both golden mothers, so let them go. Everybody stand back and wait for me to lift this main pillar, and then you will go in." Said and called two people to secretly tell the general situation and what to do inside, and then they will continue to command something.
At this time, the ban was broken, and the main column was released with a faint brilliance. All the other pillars supporting the palace in Ziyun Palace were also shining. When I saw what was going to change at this time, I called out, "Don’t say hurry up. There is not much time for the ban to be restored. Hurry up and lift it up. If you want to break it again after the ban is restored, you will be in trouble."
Song Chang Gung shouted, "Stand back and look at us!" Said his hands clenched fists and drank a whole body burning with a purple flame. Several fine mines were circulating in the surface. His body suddenly grew up like blowing. He was a big man nearly two meters, and now he has grown to more than ten meters when he turned to see it. Everyone was dumbfounded.
The magic of this changing body has long been lost because it is too abstruse. There are still some figures in the myth. I don’t want to appear here now. Everyone looks up at this growing giant chasing clouds. Two people are even more horrified because Song Changgeng grew up not naked, and they feel that Song Changgeng’s strength is also increasing.
I haven’t felt it just now. As he grew up to 100 meters, chasing the clouds, two people couldn’t feel the strength of that power. It felt as unfathomable as the sea. Both of them looked at each other and saw a fear in each other’s eyes. They knew that if they just started, I’m afraid it was unknown whether they could get out alive. After all, this guy is so mysterious and powerful.
Song Chang Gung grew to a height of 1,000 meters in everyone’s surprise. This is his ancient occult science from [blood neurology]. djinn’s body of blood god has reached its limit. This spell is very difficult to test. To say the other places, it is mainly strength. If the strength is not enough, it is also a shell. But if the strength is enough, it is common to move mountains and fill seas.
At a height of 1000 meters, he glanced at Ziyun Palace and saw that the glory of other supporting columns in the palace was ruined because of the ban of the main column. It seems that both of them are connected. Although the jade column Guanghua has retreated, its roots are thick and clear. It is really magnificent and solemn, and it has its own splendor when you look at it from a height.
Yi Jing saw that the jade column Guanghua had gathered materials, and it was put in the near future. Please sit around and transport Xuangong to prepare for one thousand. Although there is a magic weapon to fly out to intercept it, there is always a one thousand. At this time, the underground thunder is getting more and more prosperous, and then everyone listens to the sound of gold and iron, and the main column suddenly turns.
When everyone was busy, they immediately stood up and released the magic weapon flying sword to prevent the treasures at the bottom of the column from flying. Seeing that the main column was turning faster and faster, the jade pillars in the palace also followed the rotation and suddenly shouted "Stop!" The column stopped immediately, and the thunder and lightning in the underground was much lighter. Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief.
I saw the mountain-like giant approaching, holding the main pillar in both hands and yelling "Get up!" " The column was slowly lifted up and gradually held about three feet from the ground. Everyone looked at the base of the column and found a deep color inside. Everyone else in Ziyun Palace was mixed. They didn’t expect that they had lived here for so long and didn’t know there was treasure.
Qi Lingyun and Qin Ziling were ordered to get ready early. Qi Lingyun was busy borrowing from the golden cicada to take a deep look at the bottom of the column. Qin Ziling didn’t neglect an exhibition of dust, and wrapped them in the mirror light and flew away.
When they got to the bottom of the cave, they all transported mana to their eyes. When they looked around, it was a ball with a diameter of more than ten meters. The inside of the sample was extremely hot, and they knew that it was the earth pulse.
In the middle of the cave, there is a brilliant round jade box. In front of the box, there is a plate of cigarettes as thin as silk thread, and there are twelve grotesque magic weapons hanging on the walls. When they see those magic weapons, they are both stunned. There seems to be something to come out in their memory, but it is vague.
After two people froze for a while, they quickly followed the advice given by Song Chang Gung beforehand, and then they took the same magic weapon in a flash. See you later when they finished taking the magic weapon. When they first arrived, there was still more than half of the dish. This treasure was burned in a flash, and most of them were added. Although the two people had dust and insulation, it was still unbearable.
Especially when picking up the treasure, the hand is as straight as a chestnut in the fire, and it hurts to bake. When the magic weapon of the wall is taken out in turn, the incense has been burned for two laps. Two people know that the most important incense in the jade ball is put together as soon as it is burned. This is the true place of the center of the earth. If it is buried in the sky, it will never be seen.
Qi Lingyun was in a hurry and couldn’t help but reach out to hold the jade box. Who knows that the jade ball is as heavy as Mount Tai, and you can’t move it with all your strength. Qin Ziling suddenly remembered that he forgot to kneel down and hurriedly pulled Qi Lingyun to turn over and prostrate himself. When the fragrance was burned, there was only a half-ring crisis.
The two men rushed up and grabbed Qin Ziling’s hand and hugged the ball. They felt light, surprised and happy. When they turned around, the fragrance was left with three or two inches to dazzle.
Ji Lingyun took the coral case, Qin Ziling, wrapped in a long trail of dust, and flew out. As soon as they saw Song Chang-geng, the giant turned into a land, their hands were clasped around the main jade pillar, and they were flushed and white as steam. When they came out, they immediately loosened their hands. As soon as the jade pillar landed, they heard the bottom ring slightly and didn’t move.
When you look at it again, you will see a golden light on the jade pillar from weak to strong, and then it becomes a thick piece. The white jade pillar has turned into gold as if it had not disappeared just now.
When they looked up again, the giant of Song Chang Gung Hua had disappeared. His positive color was as usual, and he looked at Yuzhu there as if there were any treasures there, which made everyone draw their souls straight.
Volume 27 Ziyun Feast Chapter two hundred and sixty-five Affectionate
In fact, Song Chang-geng’s surface is fine, but there is something wrong with his body. Therefore, he just understood himself after thinking. He didn’t take a dive like tian hu for a while to straighten out his body and get familiar with new forces because of various things. As a result, he has been suppressing various problems and suffered a little injury when Yuanjiang broke the ancient ban.
After this huge body was enlarged by various forces, many problems of pre-suppression were reflected after the body was enlarged. In fact, the method of cultivation by Song Chang-geng is not the same as the popular method now, and the problem of cultivating Taoist and Buddhist methods is even more serious by improving the characteristics of [blood nerve].
You know, in today’s Chinese practice world, after several evolutions, a popular basic practice mode is that from the foundation period, it goes through the refining period of heaven and earth, reaches the innate period and can communicate with the aura of heaven and earth, and then produces the aura of heaven and earth, but freedom makes the aura of heaven and earth. Although each method has its own emphasis, the base mode has not changed.
Then Dan broke and gave birth to Yuan Ying, and then Yuan Ying’s out-of-body experience coagulated like a stranger, so he could step into the stone in a thousand miles, but get into the water without drowning in fire or burning, gather and disperse at will, or simply unite with the flesh as a normal person, so this process is especially true of Buddhism, Taoism and magic.
Now, both good and evil are cultivated in this way. Even Buddhism has the practice method of sarira corresponding to the golden body of the golden elixir and corresponding to the Yuan baby. But in ancient times, it was not so practiced. The improvement of blood nerve by Song Chang-geng is an ancient practice method. The strength in his body is stronger than that of a man who robbed him, but there is no Yuan baby.
You know, he has absorbed the skill for three or four thousand years, but according to the popular cultivation method, if the method is correct and perfect for more than a hundred years, Yuan Ying can achieve a high degree of robbery, although his skill is very low. Liu Bo is an example, but such cultivation is fast and fast, but his strength is weak, which is different from that of Song Chang-geng’s cultivation method, which has absorbed thousands of years of vigorous strength.
According to the popular cultivation method now, although the skill is very low, it is very safe. After all, this is the safest method that has evolved after several years. Song Chang-geng’s improvement of cultivation [blood nerve] is the pursuit of fast magic teaching, and the hidden danger is great, which is also the case with the improvement of ancient life. If it is not for his accidental robbery that changed the strength geology, I am afraid that a long fault will be revealed.
However, on what type of method he practiced, he should dive for a while when his physical strength changed after the robbery. Now the problem came out when he didn’t go to dive for a while. When he was in the East China Sea, the bliss reality knew that he should be told to dive, but he didn’t say it because he was afraid of him.
Fortunately, after his strong body can suppress the residence to return to normal size, he is trying to suppress the body’s improper thinking. He wants to quickly end things here and go back to Qianxiu, and his sample and state are surprised by what he has just brought. Yun Sou and Yan Ying Wei didn’t even find it wrong now. They are now looking at Qin Ziling’s things and want to divide them.
But Qin Ziling didn’t pay attention to the sign of chasing clouds, but came to Song Chang Gung with Qi Lingyun. Just now, his giant made two women feel uneasy, and a wisp of affection was unconsciously tied to his body. This is also a shameful thing. After all, people’s ability is to pursue long-term peace and security, so they took shelter measures such as clothes and houses.
And women have a kind of attachment to powerful men because of congenital reasons. How can they not be tempted to see Song Changgeng’s appearance like a giant spirit? Conditions are affectionate to him.
A woman’s instinct is very strong. Qin Ziling doesn’t have any obvious signs now, but her intuition Qi Lingyun seems to have a little special idea about her husband, which makes her confused and doesn’t know what to do. After all, Qi Lingyun was born in Tianyi Jinmen a few years ago, and even after her reincarnation, her memory was suppressed, but the sisterhood is still here, which makes it difficult for her to choose.
Two people came to Song Chang Gung’s side. Qi Lingyun will take a magic weapon and give it to his avatar. He even praised Qin Ziling, but he carefully asked, "Just now, it was very difficult for you to hold the jade pillar and it was steaming all over. It was even more anxious when it was put. So? But what hurt? "
Ji Lingyun was jealous and envious of Qin Ziling’s little wife’s appearance. Song Chang-gung simply suppressed his body and said, "This main cylinder is really straight-through. In those days, the Golden Mother made a small hole in the cylinder to hide her treasures."
When she was soaring, she calculated that there was a dish of water incense in the future, which burned very slowly in the middle. As soon as the wind saw it, it could burn out in an instant, and as soon as it went out, it closed itself. On the theory that the characters were all in harmony, I couldn’t save it even if I closed the ash hole. How can you not be in a hurry? "
Qin Ziling listened to her husband’s worry, and her heart was very sweet. She was looking at him with emotion and wanted to say a few thoughtful words. Qin Han Calyx and Shuangying had rushed over and cried, "What are you talking about? Show us what you’ve got here, baby. See if there are any things we can hide for thousands of years. "
Stared at her Qin Ziling said with a straight face, "You see how old you are and still so crazy? So many people here don’t know how to pay attention to the image. Do you have a magic weapon? We are the magic weapon of the then period, and there is no amount that can divide your inner earth and increase your strength and moral heart is the root. "
Qin Han calyx and Shuangying both shrank their necks and vomited small tongue’s eyes. They just didn’t look at Qin Ziling because they knew that Qin Ziling said good things, and they also didn’t want to refute Li Yingqiong. They looked at Song Chang-geng and winked at her eyes, constantly gesturing to Qi Lingyun’s magic weapon. It was cute and weird.
Song Chang Gung told Qin Ziling with a smile, "Well, now they don’t have a good magic weapon at this stage. Let’s have a look. If they do, it’s not a great thing to give them points. How do you say Lingyun is here? When the old people will copy the method, they will get her a magic weapon and thank her for taking risks with you."
Qi Lingyun’s heart warmed up and quickly refused, but Song Changgeng shut her up with a word. Song Changgeng said, "Sister, these are all my little gifts. Don’t you think we can’t have them?"
Several people cajoled the copy method to see the magic weapon. All the people in Ziyun Palace were hung aside. These twelve magic weapons are extremely magic weapons. In addition to Shuangying and Qin2 sisters, they each took a piece of Qi Lingyun and Zhou Qingyun, and they also took a piece of Zhou Qingyun, or Song Changgeng personally sent it to her and forced it to make Zhou Qingyun blush with shame as a bigger red cloth, but My Sweetie did.
However, Qin’s sisters and Qi Lingyun were a little tasty. Finally, they were given a set of round jade balls to Yan Ying Heng and Zhuiyun Qi Lingyun. Even Shi Sheng and Liu Bomu each gave a magic weapon. Finally, he put away four magic weapons and looked at them himself. Six people in Ziyun Palace were in a blaze. In Song Changgeng’s eyes, it was nothing.
At the beginning, he got more than a dozen treasures in Yuanjiang, but he didn’t arrange them. How low was it? It seems that there are a lot of things. Four pieces are really not in his heart. But in the eyes of the six people in Ziyun Palace, it is the highest-grade magic weapon they have seen. You know, none of them have been jealous until now.
But don’t say that any one of the three people chasing the clouds at the venue can twist their six to death. Just now, Song Chang-gung showed that the giant avatar was enough for them to be shocked, but the six people didn’t want to rob them. When the previous six people discussed it, Huizhu and Jin Xunu discussed the submission to Song Chang-gung. Now this heart is even hotter.
Even Chu-feng, with a proud and gentle attitude after many things, knows her own shortcomings and has a strong sense of joining, but San-feng and Dong-xiu are reluctant to join them. Things they want will always pass, and when these people leave, they can still dominate the house, although they will dominate the palace.
However, once they joined the party, someone took care of the good things, so they didn’t have their share, and so on. They thought much more, but in any case, everything had to be solved. After they were all distributed, they saluted Chu Feng and said, "It’s a lucky day for a few of them to come here. How many of them stayed for a glass of water and wine on my three sisters’ birthdays?"
Chasing the clouds, they knew that Song Chang-geng was trying to seize Ziyun Palace here, but it couldn’t happen. Everyone got something, so they refused, "Hehe, we appreciate the host’s kindness. We still have to hurry back. After all, there are too many things to do in Emei, and we don’t know each other. I’ll ask a few people to attend the ceremony then."
Before everyone could answer, Qi Lingyun interjected, "Speaking of which, our misunderstanding is also my younger brother’s recklessness. Since the three palaces mainly celebrate their birthdays, how can we leave now? Although we came here in a hurry without a gift, we have to do our best. Senior Bai and Senior Yan have something to do first, so we can take Tianyi Zhenshui back after drinking Shoujiu."
Make track for the cloud barbary eyes narrowed and looked at the spirit cloud and looked east and west. Song Changgeng suddenly turned white. The old bark squeezed out an ugly smile. "So I’ll walk first, and the spirit cloud and the light cloud will take the golden cicada here to wish you a long life. Is there anything else for Yan Daoyou? Shall we go together? Master, please put the sacred sand tunnel. "
At the beginning of the phoenix, it quickly choked the tactic and hit the tunnel to ban Yan Ying Heng. She nodded her head in a masterful manner and swept the crowd at a glance and turned into a golden light. She took her apprentice Xuejun Jiang to break and chase the clouds. After a meaningful look at the double clouds, she also turned into a golden light and chased them out through the sand tunnel to return to Emei.
Volume 27 Ziyun Feast Chapter two hundred and sixty-six Peach Blossom Demon
Looking at the back of Yan Ying’s mentoring, Xu Fei Niang’s eyes are faint with hatred, but she also knows that now is not the time to retaliate. Fortunately, people in the science of uniting the land don’t lack most is the situation and she has a lot of help.

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