Oct 20, 2024


1. **选择合适的茶具**:车内空间有限,可以选择便携式茶具,如小茶壶、茶杯和茶盘。

2. **选择适宜的茶叶**:雨天品茗,建议选择香气浓郁、口感醇厚的茶叶,如普洱、乌龙或红茶,它们可以帮助提振精神。

3. **保持车内温度**:雨天,车内可能会比较冷,可以使用车载暖风或暖气,让车内温度适宜。

4. **准备一些小点心**:品茗时搭配一些小点心,如饼干、糖果或水果,可以增加味觉享受。

5. **关闭车窗,享受宁静**:在车内品茗时,关闭车窗,可以隔绝外界的雨声,让心情更加宁静。

6. **播放舒缓的音乐**:选择一些轻柔的音乐,如古筝、琵琶或钢琴曲,让音乐与茶香相互融合,提升品茗体验。

7. **与好友共品**:如果可能的话,邀请几位好友一同车内品茗,共享这份宁静与美好。


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Jul 26, 2024

"Ha ha! We’ve come a long way. It’s my great Chu territory that expands its territory and publicizes my great Chu military power! Not only must we have a belief in winning, but we must also have a determination to win! " Ma Guangmeng glanced at all the people in the handsome account. He got up and walked to the side of the map and said, "Gentlemen, come and have a look. This is a map of Fengxiang House!"

"You see where Fengxiang Fuzhi is located. Behind Tianxing City (now Fengxiang City, Shaanxi Province) is Longshan Mountain Duyangshan Fengxiang, which governs Baoji, Yanxian, Fufeng and Zhouzhu counties from west to east. If you play Fengxiang in the whole, you will be in our army’s peep. It is obviously impossible to pretend that Zhou wants to be a hindrance to compete with my great Chu! The importance of Fengxiang can be seen from this, so I said that this battle must be won! "
"We’ll fight wherever you want us to fight!" General Shen Tu Congjian fuels and says that Shen Tu Congjian has been on pins and needles in Jiangnan in the past two years. Every day, he can watch his colleagues make expeditions to the west, but he is honestly staying in Hangzhou to do everything. In the era of wuyue, Hangzhou can sometimes deal with pirates. But now the Chu Navy is famous and Wan Li doesn’t even have a pirate’s hair. Fortunately, with this military adjustment, this Iliad was transferred from Jiangnan to the front!
"Ha ha good let’s fight is this dare to dare to fight spirit! According to reliable sources, there are 15,000 troops stationed in Fengxiang in Pseudo-Zhou. According to my guess, even if the news that we passed Xingyuan House in the past two days leaked, it is impossible for us to hurry up Chang’ an Gao Huaide to send more troops to Fengxiang on a large scale in a short time! " Ma Guangmeng said
Ma Guangmeng glanced around the generals and said, "This is the case. Do you have any good suggestions?"
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For convenience, you can click on the "Join Sign" to record the fight (Chapter 26 Fengxiang) to see it! Please recommend it to your friends (qq, blog, WeChat, etc.). Thank you for your support! !
Chapter 27 The water has gone up
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Chapter 2o7 The water has gone up
Since Guo Rong became the general manager of the southwest road camp and the king of Jin, he has abolished Fengxiang’s office as a dime a dozen? And now Fengxiang Shoujiang is Fengxiang secretariat Guo Changling, whose name is not obvious. He was born in Miao red and white and followed Guo Rong and Zhao Kuangyin in the Mayi War! It’s a battle-hardened man. This man is not afraid of war!
But what is the reason why Guo Changling’s life is not so good these two days? The Chu army attacked Xingyuan House, and now the Chu army is a cover-up for Shu. Who knows that Baoji City was lost before he could determine whether the news was true? Of course, Baoji County can’t be compared with the rebellion in Jingchong Wang. At that time, there were so many Chinese and Han troops in a small Baoji City that they could be stationed in 5ooo troops, but now they can’t move. The number of Chinese troops has decreased, and mainly in Shangzhou to guard against the whole Fengxiang House of Chu, a state and five counties (the other two counties are not on the back of Fengxiang). There is actually only one place.
Guo Changling’s garrison plan for the 15,000-strong troops was also scrutinized repeatedly. He stationed 10,000 main troops in Tianxing, while others were scattered in the other five counties. Why did he arrange troops like this? On the one hand, Fengxiang doesn’t need to station an army even if it is facing the weak military strength of the Shu army. On the other hand, since Tianxing is located in Baoji and Yan county, even if the Shu army takes Baoji, its attack target must be Tianxing city instead of Yan county. What is it? If Tian Xingcheng and Zhou Junnan go south, won’t it be a door-to-door fight?
But now Guo Changling’s mind is unstable. It took only one day for the Chu army to attack Baoji City, and the Chu army also pressed on to the county of Yan in the past. There is no way to accurately determine how many Chu troops in Baoji City are, but the Chu army’s attack on the county of Yan can be determined to be about 30,000 people.
Combined with the other day, the soldiers of the Chu army who passed Xingyuan Mansion were about 30,000. Guo Changling has reason to believe that the Chu army has pushed the troops to Yan County, but isn’t the Chu army afraid that I will send troops to Baoji to break their back road? It is true that the number of his own troops is not as good as that of the Chu army, but 1ooo men guarding the city and 1 OOO men guarding the city are two completely different concepts, and the mountains around Fengxiang are steep. If Guo Changling really retakes Baoji, can his 30 thousand Chu army fly away?
With his own 1oooo troops on hold in Tianxing, why did the Chu army dare to attack Yan County so boldly? Guo Changling was puzzled that Chu army didn’t play according to the rules. He wanted to send troops in lightning, but he was afraid that Chu army was deliberately setting a trap in order to frame himself from Fengxiang City.
So Guo Changling waited for a day, but he received a military report, but Yan County also lost the Chu army in two ways along the Weihe River.
"Pa!" Guo Changling got angry, and he was a little angry. Did this group of king eggs of Chu army put him in the eye? Are these people crazy? Aren’t they afraid that they’ll cut off their way home and General Gao will lead the army from Chang ‘an, and then put the Chu army in a position where they are blocked before and pursued after? Aren’t they afraid that they will be caught between Scylla and Charybdis?
"Then come the map!" Guo Changling shouted at his pro-army because he was born in Gao Huaide, and he didn’t regard him with special respect or new views. He didn’t hide many things from him. Chu’s army was good at fighting and Chu’s generals were cunning. Guo Changling also heard a lot. He couldn’t believe that the other side was crazy, so he could say that he tried to imagine each other’s ideas.
Facing the map of Fengxiang, Guo Changling was puzzled, but when his eyes shifted from Fengxiang, it was Huo Ranlang’s mother. Could it be that the Chu army was so hard? In fact, it was not Fengxiang, but the middle valley and Xunshui City? This afternoon’s valley is an important route for Shu to go north, but the Shu army suffered a crushing defeat and even most of the fortresses around the afternoon valley were lost. Otherwise, the Chu army could go out of the afternoon valley from Jinzhou. If this Chu army does not go for Chang ‘an but for the afternoon valley, will it let the Chu army regain control of this route? If the Chu army controls the midday valley, it will be a threat to the central region, while Xun Shuicheng is located in the northeast of Jinzhou. It is built in the Qinling Mountains and also guards the main road leading to Jinzhou. In other words, last year, the two armies fought a big battle in Jinzhou and Junzhou, and Chu seemed to have won Jinzhou. The fact did not realize his real strategic intention, and he did not get into the middle road.
"Could it be that this time the Chu army sent troops from Fengzhou to attack the Qinling Mountains to engage in this internal cooperation?" Guo Changling wondered and said that he Fengxiang was safe, but the Chu army in the area succeeded, so the whole middle school would be dangerous! After all, in this piece, the number of Zhou Jun troops is less than that of Chu Jun troops!
Guo Changling rubbed his beard desperately. Finally, he turned his head and shouted, "Somebody come to your legend!" This little boy can’t read very well. He asked the military officer to write to Gao Huaide, the general manager of the southwest road camp, instead of him, and analyzed his own consideration of the Chu army’s action. Finally, he said that he was going to lead a group of people out of the city to seize Yan County and put pressure on the Chu army behind him. Please ask Gao Huaide to lead his own army to intercept the Chu army’s hatchback force in the midday valley and completely defeat the Chu army!
After writing, Guo Changling will drum and gather to dispatch him. There are hundreds of soldiers guarding the city. He leads a team of 1oooo. This Guo Changling is also a responsible person. He doesn’t have much money in his own hands. Since he wants to be small and broad, he can do his best. If he keeps thousands of men guarding Tianxing City, how can he deal with the Chu army? If the Chu army turns back, wouldn’t it eat him!
Guo Changling urged the army to go all the way straight to Yan County, and he also sent many scouts to scout the situation along the way. However, although Fengxiang’s Qinling Mountains and Longshan Mountain meet, although there is no towering mountain, the mountain bags are a dime a dozen. These scouts are not scouting along the road. It is difficult and impossible to search all the valleys!
He sent troops to rely on the starry night. When the bright moon and the bright moonlight marched toward the Yellow River, he heard the rushing water in front of him in an hour. Baoji in this county is different, and Baoji is in the north of Weishui, while in the south of Weishan County, it is necessary to attack the county. Although this Weihe River is a major tributary of the Yellow River, the north river and the south are very different, and the rainfall in the north is less and the runoff is smaller.
When Guo Changling stayed in Fengxiang for a long time, he naturally knew where the Weihe River was shallow enough to cross the river. Then he took the army to the shallow place and went to the river. Guo Changling looked at the water potential and asked himself Qinbing, "I remember that there was a heavy rain half a month ago. Why is the Weihe River so shallow today?"
"General, the rain surged half a month ago. Has the river subsided, so it has become shallow?" Qinbing stayed with him all day and was in contact with the outside. Qinbing was a big shot. These people didn’t know anything about the Weihe River fluctuation base.
"Well, let the army cross the river!" Guo Changling was a little confused in his heart, but the night was vast and quiet in private, and there was a distant county. Occasionally, there was a little light flashing, and the army ran for nearly a hundred miles in the middle of the night. How could it go back because of such puzzling doubts?
"Rush" people into the river is even bigger. It’s really shallow here. The sergeant in front has reached the river, but the river has only reached the thigh, which is much shallower than it used to be over the waist in previous years!
"Wow ~ ~ ~"
Guo Changling hesitated, but looked at the sergeant who had already landed on the other side and he still didn’t speak.
"Be careful of the current," a sergeant woke up.
"What?" Guo Changling stared at Weishui without moving his eyes for a moment.
"Burst" A sergeant accidentally fell into the water with one foot and was washed away in an instant.
"The river has risen!" A sergeant said that the river sergeant saw that the situation was not good and rushed to the river bank, but the river bank sergeant didn’t. When the two groups had different wishes to cross the river, they pushed it up on the river bank. At this time, the water situation was even more urgent, and even the shore was deceived by the flood just now.
The sergeants were not idiots either, and the situation soon became clear. The sergeants leaned against the river bank and shouted, "Break the bank and retreat quickly!" " They pushed back even harder!
"Army pause! "Guo Changling big said but this time willing to listen to his command sergeant is running out.
Just as Guo Changling was trying to control the army, he heard a bang around him, and the whole Weihe River suddenly fell into a shouting and killing! Seeing the lanterns and torches in the valleys on both sides of the strait as bright as day, I don’t know how many troops the other side has come. I saw dozens of teams on both sides of the strait scattered in dozens of valleys and formed dozens of huge fire dragons swarming toward Zhou Jun.
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Chapter 2 We also send troops
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Chapter 2o I also send troops
By this time, how could Guo Changling not know that he was ambushed? He still doesn’t regret it, nor does he care that he has reached more than a thousand troops on the other side. He turned the horse’s head and shouted, "The armies are listening! Anyone who dares to make a change will be beheaded! After the army changed, the former army retreated to Tianxing City! "
Guo Changling, a veteran of the White Army, is also quite disciplined in fighting. Although his Zhongjun was huddled by the Weihe River because of improper communication before and after, the rear army remained motionless and calm, which is especially rare in this unfavorable situation.
"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Shen Tu Congjian held up his double-flowered hatchet and said that Shen Tu Congjian was definitely an alternative in the Chu army. This guy was born as a bandit and worked hard on a pair of hatchets. Since he followed Ma Yun as a general of Chu, Shen Tu Congjian saw that his colleagues were burly and commanding every time they sent troops. His heart naturally envied him, so he also rode a horse for a while but it was very awkward to fight! I don’t know how Li Yuanba and Pei Yuanqing fought in those days. Anyway, Shentu Congjian felt very uncomfortable. Why did he have to spend a long time with a big knife because his guy was short and others were long? However, it was better to take a knife than an axe, so he finally became a general Ma and helped Wang.
Of course, Shen Tu Congjian didn’t ride a horse when he marched, but once the two armies confronted each other, he jumped from the horse to fight like a Hong Kong and Taiwan film. But a horse general has one thing that is very unfavorable. What is the disadvantage? Riding on a horse’s face, after all, can better grasp the whole battle. On the ground, although Shen Tu is not short, it is still a little difficult to look at the situation. Fortunately, Shen Tu is crazy to fight hard. He fights like a tornado and runs amok in the enemy’s array. He probably has the same style as him, and all of them miss mountain tigers and are crazy tigers! It is also easy to deter the enemy’s courage when wielding a big axe. It has always been invincible, and it has also avoided the tragedy of Shen Tu being trapped in the enemy camp.
Although Shen Tu Congjian is an infantry, he is not slow to charge in a short distance. His strategic intention is obviously to try his best to reduce Zhou Jun’s activities. It is best to drive Zhou Jun out of the water and ask him for it, so they will never get out of the water again!
After the "banging" weapon collided with Zhou Jun, there is no doubt that the army should break through the encirclement. They should make room for their own Baoze people to be washed away by the flood. At this moment, Zhou Jun in the river has been washed away, even if a few people huddled together according to the old method to compete with the surging river, the most important thing is that the enemy’s feet are suddenly met in this dark place, and there are flying arrows from time to time. All this has made Zhou Jun struggle in the river go up in smoke.
"kill!" Several people are screaming that one side is to break through, the other side is to further compress the encirclement, while the defense is tight and the attack is well-organized, but on the other side, it is full of vigor and vitality, not afraid of death. On the surface, Zhou Jun’s rear army seems to be as well-founded as a hundred battles, but the Chu army is in the wind, but what is it? Because today’s situation is very different in the past, Zhou Jun came to sneak attack on Chu Jun, but he was surrounded by Chu Jun’s counter-attack, and the three armies seized the gas. Although Zhou Jun’s rear army was really good, his mentality was already unstable. In this case, if he encountered a soft army, Zhou Jun became more and more brave, even if he could not defeat the enemy, he could break through, but now it is very different. Chu Jun put out Zhou Jun’s resistance fire abruptly, which made Zhou Jun more frightened.
Guo Changling has been through many battles. When he saw this situation, he was anxious and constantly urged Qinbing to go to the rear army generals. Since the frontal method forced the breakthrough, it was urgent to break through from the flank and try it from the flank. Otherwise, even if the enemy is more and more positive, it will be difficult for his army to be compressed backwards.
However, just after Qinbing left, Guo Changling was in Zhongjun, and just after a smooth arrival, Zhongjun was in chaos again. What? Because the water rises, most of these Zhou Jun are dry ducks, and they are nervous when they have a little water. Can they not worry when the Weihe River keeps rising? In front of the Weihe River, they certainly can’t go, so they naturally ran all the way, but their own rear army was fighting against the Chu army relying on the formation, so that one of our own people broke up. Ah, the tragedy was born. Once the first and second rear armies lost their support, they all became single-handedly. First, they were few, and secondly, the Chu army was not as bad as them.
The formation is chaotic, and the enemy is on the rampage, forming a situation in which you have me and I have you. In this field, Guo Changling can’t turn the tide even if he has a big collar. He was forced to order the pro-army to blow the horn to gather the troops together as much as possible and then break through from the two wings!
He wants to go from the two wings, but the two wings are not so easy to go. Why do you say that? Why did Guo Changling choose to cross the river here? It’s not because the water is slow here. Why is the water slow? Because this place is wider and flatter, and the flanks are relatively steep, Guo Changling has just led the army to walk less than 2oo meters, and now he has no way to continue to charge forward. The front slope is dark and rumbled, and I don’t know how many enemy crossbowmen have gathered, so I feel that there are "swish swish" arrows everywhere in the middle. No wonder the Chu army doesn’t approach from the flanks. It turned out that there was a subsequent party!
Now I’m sure I can’t go back to the army. Guo Changling can also crustily skin of head and storm the past.
"We have just received the report that Gao Yantao, our military commander, stepped up his efforts to report the false Zhou Fengxiang’s assassination. Guo Changling was seriously injured in the middle of Yan County. The Chu army won the victory in Fengxiang, and now the army is attacking Chang ‘an in the middle of the week!" Zhao Ji Zha hurried to Meng Chang to play the report.
"Oh, they won. It’s a good victory. If this Fengxiang is in the hands of the Chu army, it will be a lot easier for us to send someone to Fengxiang to treat us." Meng Chang said blankly.
"Ah?" Zhao Ji Zha took a surprised glance at Meng Chang himself. How did the emperor forget all his previous plans? Didn’t you say that if the Chu army wins, we will immediately send troops to the Northern Expedition? How can you completely change your mind now?
"Didn’t you say that if Zhou Jun won, we would do something?" Zhao Ji Zha asked.
Meng Chang is looking at Huang Quan’s paintings in Shu. He wants to raise his literary talent. Meng Chang is better than Li Yu. Li Jing, his father, is better than Li Yu. But when it comes to cultural construction, Meng Chang is not inferior to those two fathers. Meng Chang established the earliest royal art institution in China-Hanlin Painting Academy, which is small and likes not only poetry but also painting.

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Jul 25, 2024

But for a moment, Kung Fu Long and Li came to the main hall, where an old man dressed in blue Chinese clothes was sitting. At this time, he was drinking fragrant teas in his hand. Although there was no movement, the momentum that naturally emanated from his whole body was not to be ignored.

Fang is sitting with another old man and several young girls.
Dragon and complete eyes slightly changed their clothes and walked in and smiled. "I don’t know that Elder Qingyun has come a long way to meet Haihan."
Ye Jiexiong didn’t lift his eyelids as if he didn’t hear it. He blew the heat in the teacup and then slowly raised his head and looked arrogant. "Sit down."
At this time, he acted like a master, completely forgetting who is the real master here.
Long Li’s face was a little ugly, but he still went to the front deputy throne and sat down for a while. He asked, "What did the elder come here for?"
Words are gone. What happened to Qing Yunzong? Can Qingyun Sect occupy the nest? You can look at him like dirt above your head? You know this is his home!
The arrogant and arrogant appearance is exactly the same as that of fifteen years ago, and there is almost no change. It seems that this visit is not on the way, but on purpose. Otherwise, it is really unnecessary for such a big force as Qingyun Zong to come to this small general’s office!
But what in his family is the elder of Qingyun Sect worth coming in person?
In the dragon and complete mind circulation Ye Jiexiong directly asked "Long Qingyue injury? Can it get better? "
It sounds like a heart tone but a command, which makes it very unpleasant to gallop in a strong field all your life.
"Thank you, Elder. Although Abortion was seriously injured, somehow she recovered her life and is now recuperating in the courtyard." So she asked Moon if she was sincere or had another purpose. Long Li is not stupid, but he has lived for decades, and his eyes are very sophisticated when he thinks about the problem.
Is the moon’s stubbornness and paranoia a sin against the Qingyun Sect in the Tiannan Mountains?
"Tell her to come out" Ye Jiexiong looked up and looked straight at Long Li, whose cold tone was like a slave ordered by a person.
Dragon and complete face a cold "I’m sorry that the moon is recovering from her wounds and can’t see the wind. Presumably, the elder also knows that my granddaughter almost died in the Tiannan Mountains, but it’s good to have someone to save her life. I still hope that the elder can understand the elder. If something happens, I might as well ask the old man for a straight answer."
Ye Jiexiong saw that he dared to refute his words and challenge himself, and his eyes suddenly flashed with anger.
"It’s really a waste that will die if it hurts a little." A sharp sound is full of contempt and disdain. It looks like the first girl sitting on the right hand side. Although the girl is gorgeous, she is very arrogant. There is a sneer on her lips.
247 Qing Yunzong’s visit (3)
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"It turns out that the famous Qingyun Sect is just so much. It is better to meet than to see Miss Ye. You are wantonly insulting in public. Don’t you feel demeanour? Or is it always the rule of Qingyun Sect? " Long Qingyu came in from outside the main hall when Ye Miner’s harsh voice just fell.
Young handsome facial features faint with a hint of anger door provocation and dare to scold his sister!
Ye Miner turned white and was about to refute the theme Ye Jiexiong’s light drink of "Min"
Ye Miner suddenly stopped, and a pair of hands were extremely unwilling to twist together in the sleeve. He looked up and glared at Long Qingyu, and his surname was dragon. It was not a good thing.
Long Qingyu ignored Ye Miner’s angry eyes and walked straight ahead to Long Li’s back. He stood firmly and looked proud. This is my house. Ye Jiexiong turned white with anger, but it’s better to be cheeky in Ye Jiexiong’s wall. "Since she is seriously injured, it’s inconvenient for the old man to come in person."
"The doctor told me that abortion should rest and sleep more and not be disturbed at will," Long Qingyu said with a facial expression.
Ye Jiexiong cold hum a really don’t know how to advance and retreat smelly small here is your home? Even the palace can flatten it if I want to do it!
"I’m Qingyun Zong, but one of the best forces in Tianyuan mainland. Who dares to compare me with Qingyun Zong? It is because Long Qingyue was injured that we came to see her. Anyway, she is also the granddaughter of the old patriarch, and we don’t want her to go wrong. "
These words come out, and the dragon and the folded method refute and lead Ye Jiexiong in the direction of Tea Pavilion.
People say it’s to treat injuries. If you drive people away, you won’t give Qingyun a face, and you’ll be even more afraid of trouble.
Long Qingyue had already received the news of Ye Jiexiong’s visit. At this time, he was lying under the covers, revealing a head that was pale and his lips were chapped. It was almost like dying.
It’s a hot summer day, but the temperature is cold, like coming to a cellar.
Through the pearl curtain, there is a pile of messy clothes, and the face is faintly stained with blood. There are two maids, Xiqing and Xiling, beside the bed. They are shivering with cold.
The girl behind the curtain has a weak breath.
Ye Jiexiong and others came to the room and saw such a scene.
Dragon and complete eyebrows a wrinkly drink a way "what is this? Didn’t miss just take the medicine? "
"Back to the master’s body, the fire poison has been committed again. I have been shouting that we are good … so that we can take off our clothes and ice packs to cool down."
Ye Jiexiong stared at Long Qingyue’s pale face and took a step forward unconsciously. Long Qingyu reached out and stopped Ye Jiexiong’s tough momentum without any concession, but straightened his neck and said, "Elder Ye, please stay! My sister didn’t dress because of her serious injury. Her daughter is not married and can’t be ruined. Please forgive me. I believe that it is considerate for the elder to be so respected. If the elder wants to cure her injury, they can give the Dan medicine to the maid. They will feed her. The elder thanked her for her kindness and kindness. "
Long Qingyu is straightforward, and after studying for several days behind Long Qingyue, her speech becomes smooth and dark.
24 Qing Yunzong’s visit (4)
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Ye Jiexiong’s eyes are full of anger, but he can’t send him a respected old-timer who can’t get through this with a junior. If he goes out, will he be shameless?
Reluctantly took out a healing pill from the bosom and threw it to the maid’s nostrils with a snort.
What a sly little bitch!
First, the name of Long Qingyue was put out, and then he was praised for his respect and understanding. Even if he wanted to go in, he couldn’t see it, and he stole a pill from him for nothing!
What is it that Qingyun Sect sells things?
Xiqing took the Dan medicine bottle cap and suddenly a fragrant medicine came out. Xiqing saw Long Qingyu’s expression of eyes and then assured Long Qingyue.
Ye Jiexiong eyes intentionally toward one side Ye Miner took a glance Ye Miner knowing before walking smiled, "I am also a daughter’s house. Should I go in? Qingyue is my master’s granddaughter. I once learned some medical skills with my master. Let me have a look at Qingyue. "

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Jul 17, 2024

"There’s everything you need. Just tell them your name is Albert Fox." After that, the other party simply hung up. Hou Dasheng dragged his suitcase and called a taxi. He told the driver the address in a standard Oxford accent. He was going to an upscale business district.

To go there to stay in a hotel, you have to have other identities. Sure enough, the driver heard Hou Dacheng’s accent, and there was no doubt that he quickly and respectfully sent Hou Dacheng to his destination. After paying the fare, Hou Dasheng was greeted by the doorman at the door of the hotel.
After saying thank you to the doorman, Hou Dasheng quickly arrived at the front desk of the hotel under the guidance of the doorman, and then looked at the beautiful blonde at the front desk and said softly, "I’m Albert Fox."
"Mr Albert, your room is ready. This is your room card on the 123112 floor. You can call our front desk at any time if you need it." The beautiful blonde receptionist inquired and smiled at Hou Dasheng. "What you need has been delivered to you. Mr Benny asked us to tell you to have a nice stay in London."
Hou Dacheng nodded, took the room card, said thank you, and then led by the doorman, walked slowly towards the ladder. He got all his luggage by himself, and Hou Dacheng gave the doorman twenty pounds. The doorman bowed down and walked away from the ladder to the twelfth floor.
Soon he found his room and knocked on the door. He saw a beautiful gift box on the bed in the room. Hou Dasheng put his luggage and observed a box. Then he gently picked it up and called to see that there was a new satellite phone and a letter inside.
"If there are all the tools you need in the wardrobe, it is specially encrypted, so you can rest assured that you can give me any questions at any time." After reading the letter, Hou Dasheng directly took out the lighter to light the letter and put the burning letter in the ashtray.
Pick up the satellite words and exhale. Hou Dacheng sat in the chair and dialed the words for benoit.
"ia’s people in Europe haven’t moved much. Now I get the news that a group of people have arrived in London through special channels." benoit said to Hou Dasheng, "Recently, some former mercenaries who are lurking or retired in Britain have been called up."
Hou Dasheng’s heart sank. It seems that his estimate may be true, but benoit continued, "There have been several attacks in London, but they have all been crushed. People in the Legion know that there are people fighting fiercely in London and surrounding cities, but it is unknown who and what losses have been caused."
"This situation has been controlled. The Prime Minister and MI 5 know what happened. Everyone who wants to apply for information must obtain the consent of the Prime Minister. Now we can grasp some vague information, such as the number of attacks, the approximate number of people and the location of the attacks, but the specific damage assessment."
Soon Hou Dasheng came to the desk with piles of information, and Hou Dasheng came to the desk.
"If things can’t be done, don’t send your life away in London. If you go back to France, I can guarantee your safety." benoit said, "Only when you are alive, everything will be safe. I will have people try their best to contact them. There are still some people in the United States. I believe they will actively luck when they know this situation. Things will pass soon."
"Thank you." Hou Dasheng hung up after saying this sentence, and then studied the first-hand information. It was too modest for benoit to say that the fuzzy situation was accurate to say that they had mastered quite a lot of real information
The other side has called more than 300 action teams, of which Lance is only one of them. Now each action team has carried out 20 times, covering almost all areas of Britain, from London to other cities.
According to the situation of Chinese medicine flowing into their hands, their casualties are not small. At the same time, some people helped them dispose of the bodies, but it is extremely strange that they did not find the bodies of jackals.
Hou Dasheng didn’t leave the hotel all day. He read all the information several times and took a deep breath.
Chapter five hundred and ten Decision
Everything started a week ago, that is, after the giant wolf spoke to Hou Dasheng for the last time. benoit gave information that the hidden people were secretly and efficiently tied together a week ago.
What’s more, they still have nearly a week to resume training and cooperate with the training. Those anonymous people entered the British island a week later. The day after they entered, they suddenly launched an attack on the giant wolf’s residence in London. For the first time, five teams participated, totaling more than 100 people.
But when they spent nearly half an hour breaking into the giant wolf’s house, they found nothing. There was blood on the ground, but there was no body tracking. When they came to the Thames, they found that only a speedboat left behind.
Since then, they have never encountered a giant wolf. Since the loss of the head of the jackal will definitely arouse the vigilance of the jackal, according to the information sheet, cranes, fat dogs, Dany and doctors are the first to enter London in two days.
At that time, Hou Dasheng was hunting for others and took care of the existing data table. The other side ambushed the crane. They had more than five confrontations. The crane and the fat dog didn’t leave the body, but they must have suffered heavy losses and had to hide.
Then, in order to dig them out, jackals were cleared in batches in London’s safe houses, hidden spots and contacts, from giant wolves to fat dogs, all of them were offered a reward, and the other party quickly got through to the Prime Minister’s Office and MI5, which made the two institutions choose silence.
When Hou Dasheng finished his own business in France and learned the situation from the mad dog, it was time for the whole British gray crowd to search for giant wolves all over the world. According to intelligence, the crane was exposed twice, but he rushed out twice, even though those people reported the situation.
But the crane is very clever, and it broke through the blockade of these gangsters before the interception force of the other side arrived. If the crane is surrounded by their commandos, it is likely to be destroyed, but the opponents are only gangsters, and they are not on the same level as the crane.
The crane easily killed them and rushed out of their encirclement. At this time, Hou Dasheng also arrived in England. It was precisely because of the madness and fighting capacity shown by the crane that those gangs who looked at the silver eyes had to stop, and they had to make money.
Show that this is very likely to be a death job. They don’t want to do anything. Please give it to Renye Fang who died inexplicably. In this case, the whole British power is very wise and chose to put it on hold.
It was also because the British forces were scared that Hou Dacheng let him go ashore for several days without being discovered. Of course, Hou Dacheng himself was also very cautious and did not move to find a hotel to stay after landing.
Lance, their exposure also gave Hou Dasheng an opportunity to understand. If Hou Dasheng was not careful enough to go around the giant wolf’s house, then waiting for him now is likely to be the other team chasing the fat dog. They have hidden themselves and the other party can’t find them for the time being.
At this time, Hou Dacheng’s exposure will give the other party a goal. At this time, Lance lost.
Section reading 32
The trace suddenly becomes urgent because the fat dogs are all in the concealment period. The other party will think that this may be a fat dog, but their hands may not think that this is Hou Dasheng who has arrived in England.
The giant wolf’s family was killed, and the fat dog didn’t know life and death. They were hidden. They used to belong to the jackal’s Doan House and a large number of contacts were cleaned up at designated points. It can be said that now Hou Dasheng is more passive. He doesn’t know who he should contact and whom he should trust to find out how much the jackal has lost.
Obviously, there are people on the other side who are familiar with the transportation and contact mode of jackals. This action is a targeted one-sided attack, and its destructive power and influence are now very obvious. The jackals once lost their proprietary satellites in the security department and were locked.
The other party had no way to decipher their words, so they chose to lock them directly and entered Britain. The satellite words with jackals were no longer available. Hou Dasheng also found this problem and got a satellite word temporarily.
Obviously, benoit was uneasy about the business, so he chose to let the British Army Division give Hou Dasheng an exclusive satellite. This sentence can ensure the smooth communication of Hou Dasheng and learn what happened from benoit. At the same time, once things can’t be evacuated quickly.
"If the mountain doesn’t come, I’ll go to the mountain." Hou Dacheng smiled and suddenly made a decision. He went to the front of the big wardrobe and called only to find that there were guns, ammunition, bulletproof vests, 4 grenades and other weapons in it.
Seeing these Hou Dasheng smiled, there is nothing wrong with what Ni said. There are tools here that Hou Dasheng needs to do things, and there are almost all the tools that Hou Dasheng needs.
Took out benoit intelligence and glanced at it. Hou Dasheng ordered a small number of search teams, then specially looked at the location of this team, roughly judged the composition of armed personnel, and so on. He took the documents and pondered on the sofa in the evening. Hou Dasheng gave a message to Nepal, "I need a car without a tail."
"In ten minutes, there will be a car key on the right side of the alley opposite the hotel. You can contact me when you come back at the front desk. I’ll find a car to pick you up." Hou Dasheng’s heart is full of sincerity and "thank you"
No matter how strong a soldier loses logistics and intelligence, it is equivalent to being half dead. This is also the reason why former Hou Dasheng did not dare to move. Without jackal logistics and intelligence, Hou Dasheng knew that he was going to be exposed, which was almost a dead end.
The other party can exterminate and dare to exterminate the giant wolf, so it’s as simple as swallowing a small miscellaneous fish. Now it’s different. With the new logistics strength and intelligence source of benoit and the Legion, Hou Dacheng is confident to fight with them here.
Sir, I need to wake you up. If you are likely to be exposed, I will choose to persuade you to leave the UK. If you insist on staying here, I will choose to cut off all our links. "Then the head of the company said to Hou Dasheng," Our help to you is based on the jackal alliance agreement and your contribution to the Silex family, but this does not mean that the head of the British branch needs to bet on my branch. "
However, I listened very seriously to Hou Dasheng. "If I find that the situation is not good, I will immediately advise you to stop all actions and evacuate immediately. If you don’t evacuate, we have the choice to interrupt and stop all your contacts. I hope you understand."
"I understand very well. Thank you." Holding the words, Hou Dasheng nodded. There is nothing that I can’t understand. Ni obviously belongs to the same class as benoit. Maybe they are good, or the Legion has a similar mutual assistance agreement. Ni is doing his best to help this time.
However, this does not mean that Nepal is willing to pay for himself and the British branch of the legion he is in charge of. This is not an alarmist, but a real threat. Hou Dasheng understands this very well. After all, his friendship with Nepal has not reached the point where people are willing to help him at all costs.
Even now, everything has taken great risks. Once there is a problem, Nepal is likely to be backed by Bo, of course, and even if there are some twists and turns, Nepal will not suffer too much.
The night is getting darker and darker. In a remote old mill on the outskirts of London, a group of Han people are quietly smoking cigarettes in the cellar, while others are talking about wiping their guns or playing with bullets.
One of these people was fifteen a week ago, but they were all alive after several actions, and two others were seriously injured and sent to the hospital, perhaps because they were short of hands, and they didn’t take any action these days.
There is also a word to wait when you get an order for external contact. Although no one in this group is willing to sit around like this, no one dares to refute the employer’s request for 2,000 dollars a day, which is a very good price. Everyone must wait for the order at any time until it is over.

More Details
Jul 12, 2024

I was so worried that I grabbed chopsticks and ate a bowl of noodles and blinked to see the bottom.

"Would you like some more slowly?" Ye Ran handed the cup to Gu Ya’s hand.
"Haha, I can’t. I’ve gained weight recently. Dinner will be fine."
Chatting with Gu Ya for a while, Ye Ran took the bowl chopsticks building and planned to clean it.
Although she is a rich girl, she is not the same after all. She grew up in college and was full of things and kept her house in order.
There is a fragrance floating in the kitchen. Ye Ran turned the tap and listened to the current, and his thoughts gradually flew away.
I still remember the winter when I was ten years old, my stepmother lost her temper and tried to hit her. She resisted and ran out of the house at midnight.
The road was frozen everywhere, and it was freezing cold. She was shivering in the thin cold wind, and tears could condense in an instant.
She ran a long way until she couldn’t see the lights of her villa. Liang Zhou’s strong self-esteem forced her not to show her embarrassment to others.
The winter wind roared, and she curled up in the corner to take shelter from the wind. At that time, she really missed her biological mother, and the ten-year-old child had suicidal thoughts that night.
Just when Little Ye Ran didn’t know what to do next, a little boy of her age came by the roadside.
The boy Sven’s blue cotton-padded jacket, with a small face and big glasses, gave Ye Ran the first impression that he was a detective Conan.
The little man stared at her straight wait for a while for a long time, silently watching her cry, and finally stretched out his little hand and shook Ye Ran’s cold little hand.
At this time, the little boy said, "Sister, why are you crying? Are you unable to find a home or being bullied?"
Starting with Xiaoye, crying is even more fierce. The sad and miserable appearance stunned the little boy.
The boy is young but has a mature way of doing things. He took Xiaoye to his car and asked the domestic servant to take them home together. His reason was that his sister was alone and he was worried.
☆, Chapter 61 Additional conditions
Xiaoye ran slept in the boy’s house for a night, which was extremely stable. She still remembers the little brother talking to her.
The little brother said, "If you don’t want to be bullied by bad guys, you have to be strong. If you are strong, you are no longer afraid. The first step is to learn to take care of yourself …"
"Talking to you? What are you thinking? The water is about to overflow! " Gu Lengchen said as he turned on the tap.
Ye Ran suddenly woke up from his memory, and the pool in front of him was full, as if something had blocked the nozzle, and the water surface was parallel to the pool.
If it weren’t for Gu Lengchen’s arrival, it is estimated that it would be "a golden mountain full of water"
"What are you thinking?" Gu Lengchen’s face has always been black, and the feeling that people are suddenly ignored by others is really not good.
"Nothing. Did you eat noodles?" Ye Ran side head looked at the pot.
As soon as her voice fell, Gu Lengchen’s Zhang Jun face was suddenly gloomy, which showed that there was something to hide from him and she didn’t tell him that she had "eaten"
Ye Ran snorted. "It’s not cooked for you. Why do you eat it?"
"It’s just a bowl of noodles for your rent this month. Don’t be so stingy."
Cool and thoughtful glanced at Ye Ran turned out.
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and it’s been a week since the blink of an eye
Ye Ran has had the boss comfortable meal this week. There are servants to serve and chat, Gu Ya to accompany the workers, and Gu Lengchen to solve the problem. This is the first time she has enjoyed the life of a rich family.
It’s sunny in Wan Liyun on Monday.
Gu Lengchen finally settled the danger and agreed to let Ye Ran go out to work, but at the same time promised an additional condition, that is, Ben must take his car back to his house to live.
Ye Rancong promised him happily. She thought she had to be smart.
Arriving at the first floor of the company at half past ten on time, she didn’t work. In the past few days, the company’s security has been adjusted and a lot of security guards have been added. It is said that 24-hour prevention of troublemakers.
Colleagues came to the company one after another and saw Ye Ran running over to ask questions about her safety.
The editor-in-chief’s office is full of laughter and excitement. Some colleagues who like to have fun discuss going out for dinner and singing at night. Welcome the editor-in-chief to return to his post.
This discussion was naturally echoed by everyone, and the lobby on the first floor was scheduled to be there at six o’clock in the afternoon.
The position is still the same. She just sat in the chair. Assistant Xiao Song knocked on the door to inform the meeting.
Ye Ran twist eyebrow paused for a moment and got up and walked to the conference room.
At first glance, Su Zhicheng, the standard of sitting posture, didn’t seem to sleep well. His eyes were faintly blue and his face was yellow.
He is the leader of Ye Ran, who can’t turn a blind eye. He said hello first. "Mr. Su, you haven’t returned to the head office yet. Aren’t you worried about penny wise and pound foolish?"
Su Zhicheng replied, "It’s not the company, but …" and paused and said, "You know"
"I didn’t know my colleagues were in Biehu," said Ye Ran, leaning forward to the table without knowing it.
"I’ll wait for the day you forgive me."
A deep voice with sadness is almost inaudible.
And Ye Ran is clearly heard every word.
When all the editors arrived at the meeting, they formally observed Su Zhicheng, the theme. Several young girls stared at him and made stars.
Ye Ran wrote down the minutes of the meeting. There were not many words, but more colleagues discussed her and listened.
This meeting is mainly about the live shooting of the actress’s new release conference in autumn, interviewing and discussing who will be divided into several plans, and so on.
"Su Zong Ye Tong’s position in the entertainment circle is rising rapidly. According to the reliable gossip, she visited the scene and gave it to a certain media for half an hour. I think we should go through the back door to pick up this report. The magazine is sure to sell well." Wang Yan, a chubby hexagram woman, suggested.
"Well, it’s really tempting, but Ye Tong came to the company to make trouble and is not good with the editor-in-chief. Is it possible to give such a good opportunity to our company?" Another person questioned
"In my opinion, forget it. Miss Ye Tong’s temper is so exclusive that she hates it when she looks at the corners of her mouth." Xiao Li disdained to wave his hand and said forget it several times.
☆, Chapter 62 Drunk.
Section 31
"Can’t forget it. She also received an investment a few days ago. The limelight is hot. Let’s try to divide it between public and private." Sitting next to Xiao Li, Su Su whispered that she wanted to express her opinions and was afraid of offending Ye Ran.
Su Zhicheng moved his body and arms against the table and looked around. His eyes fell on Ye Ranshen with his head down. "Editor Ye talks about your thoughts."
Ye Ran stopped writing and kept his expression unchanged. "I agree with the separation of public and private affairs. Just try your best to fight for it. I will not interfere too much."
"Editor-in-chief, we want to go through the back door to see if you can find someone to help Lian Ye Tong."
"Looking for who? Almost all her friends and I don’t come forward with me. Things will be worse. You decide these things. I will go out first without other work? "
Ye Ran patted the slightly wrinkled skirt and walked out with a self-possessed gesture.
"This …" The meeting room was in an uproar.
"Just do it according to the editor-in-chief, and reward everyone if they can’t do it. Don’t force it."
Su Zhicheng finished the summary and declared the meeting closed.
Editor’s office
Ye Ran, with his back to the door, holds a cup and looks at the distance and is scattered all over.
Su Zhicheng stayed with her through the glass door for as long as he could.
Ye Ran was in a bad mood, and the thoughtful assistant coaxed her into inviting her to eat the most famous Haidilao in Xinghai.
Have a good lunch, step by step
At six o’clock in the afternoon, all the colleagues punched in and out, and Ye Ran came from the building. The hall was full of editorial colleagues.
When she went out to the party, she forgot to tell Gu Lengchen that she wanted to give him a message and looked at the crowd. She gave up the idea.

More Details
Jul 11, 2024

"I have opinions now! !” Ya Misya’s eyes are wide open, as if Mengli said one more word, and she would pull Mengli’s ears to fry a dish.

Qiu Yuan smiled at the two funny couples and suddenly felt that this mode of getting along was actually quite good.
But if his wife is such a character, I’m afraid he can’t bear it …
"Ya Misya’s sister is so beautiful, even if she is dragged down by Uncle Mengli’s genes, it must be cute to be born with a child."
"giggle, that’s for sure, but my talia and Laga are both attending Dr. Damu’s autumn camp."
"Autumn camp?"
"Yes, the summer camp for Poké mon held by former Dr. Damu received a good response, so he started the autumn camp again. Anyway, talia and Laga like Poké mon very much, so we let them participate."
"Really? A little girl in my neighbor’s house also attended summer camp. It was the first batch."
"Hey, don’t say this. Come to Qiuyuan and tell your sister if you like children?"
Chapter 19 Landlord’s wealth and calendar
PS, thank you for your support. I didn’t write a speech. It doesn’t seem to be suitable to write a speech.
I hope everyone can subscribe, recommend votes and monthly tickets to support a reward. If friends and grandfathers are in a good mood, they can also reward Mu Shen for his efforts.
After a pause, Qiu Yuan said, "It’s okay, but I think it’s easier to take care of Poké mon than children."
Especially when some troublemakers Qiu Yuan went to a classmate’s house to play, his two-year-old child ran to Qiu Yuan’s feet and squatted to get up early Qiu Yuan. After a while, Qiu Yuan looked down and found that he had more shoes.
"Yeah, I feel super troublesome, too, and every time I ask Monty to change their diapers, he says he won’t know how to boss me around!" Ya Misya complained and took a look at Mengli.
"Cough, cough, don’t say this. Is Qiuyuan full?" Mengli stripped the rice in the bowl clean and then looked at Qiuyuan Road.
"Then let’s go to the breeding house and take a walk." Meng Li said and winked at Qiuyuan as if urging Qiuyuan to hurry.
Qiuyuan glanced at Mengli hesitantly and then at Ya Misya.
"All right, you go, you go!" Ya Misya turned supercilious look unceremoniously put away Qiuyuan and Mengli’s bowls and chopsticks and drove them out like flies.
"Sister Ya Misya, thank you for your hospitality!"
"You still have a conscience!"
Meng Li took Qiuyuan to his own breeding house ecological park. At first glance, it was an ordinary beach and a big beach. At the same time, there was a small ocean with moderate depth in the park, and a small island reef was located in the middle.
"How about my ecological park is not bad!" Speaking of his ecological garden, Meng Li’s face is full of pride.
"It’s really good, but the amount of work in this ecological park should be very large, right?"
"Ha-ha, then you are wrong. This place is pure natural, but it is actually very similar to the sea lake. This small ocean side also has a small water channel to exchange water between the sea. It can be said that there is an ecological park first and then a breeding house."
Qiuyuan, hit it, hit your mouth. Isn’t this the landlord’s fortune in Guoguo Hong? I’ve circled it for you so well.
"I heard that there are many kinds of Poké mon in Baichao Breeding House?"
"It’s not too many, but there are still some Poké mon that are easy to appear in various regions." Meng Li took Qiuyuan to the ecological park and separated it by a small pool. "This is a new generation of baby Poké mon, which has just been born for ten days and is about to pass its infancy."
After hearing Meng Li’s words, Qiu Yuan carefully looked at the Poké mon in the pool.
What makes Qiu Yuan most satisfied is two frogs and five social turtles in the pond. I didn’t expect that Mengli also had three royal breeding certificates, which is great.
However, Mengli noticed that Qiuyuan’s eyes were on his own baby, Royal Three Water Poké mon, so he said, "Don’t think about them. You can also buy one as a trainer without the Alliance Royal Three Breeding Certificate."
Such an alliance carefully protects the three Poké mon families, and each alliance trainer can buy an ID card binding through the breeding house.
If a trainer buys a royal three poké mon and then goes to another breeding house to buy a royal three breeding houses, it will not be sold.
After all, except for the wild Poké mon, if you buy it in the breeding house, there is binding information, and the alliance can find it as soon as it is checked.
"Ha-ha, then you are wrong. Uncle Mengli, I also have the Royal Three Breeding Certificates!" Autumn yuan ha ha a smile
"really?" At Qiu Yuan suspiciously, Meng Li thought that this little girl wouldn’t be Monta.
"Don’t you just go to the feeding network to check the information of an autumn leaf feeding house?"
"Well, I’d like to see if you have any royal three breeding certificates. What if you deceive me?"
"If I deceive you, I will deceive you. What else can I do?"
Meng Li stared at Qiu Yuan, picked up the pager, logged in to the feeding network and entered the query of Qiuye feeding house.
"Oh, the owner of the primary breeding house, Qiu Yuan, was registered twenty days ago?"
"Keep looking and keep looking" knows that Meng Li is talking about his status as a primary breeder, and Qiu Yuan doesn’t care.
"Feeding house Poké mon foster care main goblin Poké mon breeding? Hey, you still have Jigglypuff at home, so many Jigglypuff? " Meng Li was surprised to see Qiuyuan put in the photo of the feeding house network.
Jigglypuff is a very rare Poké mon. Besides water Poké mon, Ya Misya wants Poké mon most: Jigglypuff. Unfortunately, they have never found a breeding house with Igglybuff Poké mon or eggs for sale.
"How cute? Envy? "
"When you come back to lay eggs, you must sell one to me. Ya Misya can always talk about wanting a Jigglypuff. If you don’t sell me, I won’t sell you."
"Gee, look at you like that, but there are no baby Poké mon to sell and no Poké mon eggs yet."
In fact, there are still three babies born in the breeding house in Igglybuff, but Qiuyuan is not going to start selling Igglybuff or its eggs. We should wait until a batch of eggs are born. Besides, this generation of Poké mon is the foundation of the autumn leaf breeding house.
"Ok, you must let me know as soon as you start selling." Meng Li patted Qiu Yuan on the shoulder and continued to look. If he looked, he was surprised. "Wocao won the first place in the assessment of breeders and issued a special breeding certificate for Yu Sanjia?"
"Generally, it’s just like that. Is it worth it?" Qiu Yuan said modestly.
"Don’t pretend to look at your smugness." Meng Li mercilessly exposed Qiu Yuan’s hypocritical face. "However, the first place in the previous primary breeders’ assessment didn’t necessarily issue the Royal Three Breeding Certificates. Don’t tell me with special awards. Although I was not the first place, I somehow had a second place. I know exactly what the special award is."
"Hehe, that is, I accidentally broke a record and got an 11 points."
"Blow as hard as you can." Mengli put the pager lock screen in his pocket and rolled his eyes.
Qiu Yuan said, "Believe it or not, anyway, you can see that I have three royal breeding certificates. How many can you sell me?"
"It’s for sale, but you can choose at most three, four, and three royal houses, which have been reserved, but you can choose three at will."
"Hey, hey, three is good. Three is just right." Qiu Yuan rubbed his hands. I didn’t expect to be able to turn a few more royal families back.
In fact, the breeding house can also sell adult Poké mon to each other, which can greatly shorten the time when a Poké mon is cultivated in the breeding house, but it is also illegal to sell adult Poké mon in the union law.
In general, the sale of Poké mon in breeding houses is an exchange of nominal alliances, and the alliance will not really come in and intervene. At best, it is told not to be too much. Generally, it is to turn a blind eye.
Chapter 11 Buying Social Squirtle
However, the reason why Qiuyuan doesn’t buy adult Poké mon from Mengli is not that he doesn’t want to buy it, but that he has no money to buy it.

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Jul 3, 2024

Cao Xing felt that it was almost enough to deal with the aftermath here by himself, and then he also went to this white mountain.

Fazheng Jia Xu followed behind and looked at the scenery of the White Wave Mountain. Cao Cao was also more emotional than Cao Cao because of the agreement. Although their territory has expanded a lot to the north, it has not yet arrived at the White Wave Mountain. Maybe Cao Cao will have to leave here with Qin Jun in a few months. After all, it is still necessary to abide by the agreement.
Just as Cao Xing Jia Xu and others were wandering around, they suddenly heard a cry from a certain camp. Cao Xing couldn’t help but look at it and it was in the direction of the prisoner camp.
There are prison camps in every military camp. Although Cao Xing has repeatedly asked his soldiers to give preferential treatment to prisoners of war, then again, his soldiers fought bloody battles and personally saw their companions die by their side. It is difficult to feel resentful in their hearts. Plus, the killing smell of killing people these days is still not over.
Even if there is a Cao command, it is a bit of a constraint on them, and it is impossible for them to completely abide by it. It is also too much for Cao to turn a blind eye to it, and it is too lazy to take care of it.
However, what surprised Cao Cao was that there would be a woman crying in the captive cloud. Cao Cao couldn’t help but walk to the captive camp, and when he saw Cao Cao coming one by one, he also handed over a lot of rules.
Cao Xing watched a large wave of women gathered in a certain place. He couldn’t help asking the soldiers in the prisoner camp what was going on.
The soldiers in the captive camp directly replied to Cao Xing, "These people are all family members of Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi, but when these people were caught by Qin soldiers, they actually tried to resist trying to escape, which made Qin soldiers have some anger and victory. What a joke? Yuan Xi Yuan Shang, these two guys will die. After all, it’s a slippery record that these family members want to escape because of their identity!"
Cao Xing doesn’t deny this. Maybe he will solve these two guys, Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang. After all, staying with these two guys is always a dangerous signal. It is estimated that after killing these two people, no one will remember what Lombardi established. Cao Xing can also stay in the north safely.
It is indeed a problem for Yuan Xi Yuan Shang’s family, that is, thinking about Cao’s nature. Suddenly, a shout rang in Cao’s nature, and I saw a woman crying and rolling in her ear, and she would come to Cao’s side and directly grabbed Cao’s skirts, crying and making trouble.
See this situation around Qin Jun to pull the woman, and Cao is also a little tired of looking at this woman.
"Qin Qin, I am Yuan Xi’s wife Liu, and I hope you will spare our youngest son’s life!"
Hearing this, Cao Xing Oh, it turned out to be Yuan Xi’s wife. It is estimated that he also expected Yuan Xi to plead with Cao Xing at this moment.
But it is impossible for Cao to spare Yuan Xiji.
But this Liu’s desire for survival is also extremely strong. He looked at Cao Xing’s appearance and seemed to know that it was impossible. So he made a sign to the people behind him. Yuan Xi’s family immediately came to Qi Qi and knelt in front of Cao Xing, begging Cao Xing to spare them.
Looking at these human beings, Cao Cao was just about to give a hand to let the Ministry of Military Affairs drag them away. However, at this moment, when Cao Cao’s eyes swept someone’s face, he was stunned.
Liu’s family and others are crying at the moment. Dad calls Niang to beg for mercy from Cao Xing. However, only this woman kneels on the ground, but her face is calm and there is no panic. This is not because he is too calm, but because he seems to have seen through death and is not afraid of death.
More importantly, his face truly attracted Cao Xing, and Cao Xing looked at the woman and lost her mind for a while.
And Liu saw here seems to be to seize the opportunity to directly kneel before Cao Xing again to know the woman said
"Qin Wang is a concubine of my husband, and I would like to offer this daughter to ask Qin Wang to spare our family!"
After listening to what Liu said, Cao’s thoughts were also pulled back. He directly ignored Liu and looked at the woman and asked, "What’s your name!"
The woman also looked at Cao’s calm eyes and said to Cao, "Bitch maid Zhen Shi!"
When Cao Xing heard this, there was a buzz in his head. Suddenly, he also remembered the history. Yuan Xi did have a beautiful wife, and that wife was also the queen of Wenzhao.
Cao Xing had to sigh that Zhen Fu really looks so beautiful and feels ashamed to spend the moon. Looking at Zhen Fu, Cao Xing can’t help but think of someone who hasn’t seen history for a long time. The person said that it is beautiful to spend the moon, but Cao Xing couldn’t help but compare it with Zhen Fu in his mind for a long time. Both of them have their own fragrance, but on the whole, they are all beautiful scenery.
"King king! Cough king! "
"Oh, yes!" Cao Xing lost his mind for a while because he thought too much, and Cao Xing didn’t react until Fa was there and even shouted a few words.
Cao Xing took a look at Zhen Fu and then left with Fazheng and Jia Xu. Just out of the captive camp, Fazheng is to show a smiling face and ask Cao Xing.
"Your majesty, do you want to send that Zhen Fu to you today!"
Looking at Fazheng there with a wry smile, Cao Cao couldn’t help but shake his head. Fazheng is thinking about what this guy is thinking. He knows very well that this Zhen Fu is really very attractive.
Cao Xing thought for a moment and nodded, but then Cao Xing said to Fa Zheng, "Let Zhen Fu settle down in the same place for a few days before sending him to my place. I have something important to discuss with him!"
After saying this sentence, Cao Xing left here with his Qinbing, and Fa Zhengzheng smiled at the back. I didn’t expect Cao Xing to be so subtle.
A few days later, Zhen Fu went to Cao Xing’s army account with uneasy feelings. On this way, Zhen Fu was a little uneasy. He didn’t understand what Cao Xing really meant until now.
Liu is Yuan Xi’s wife, but this Liu is usually quite provocative and unreasonable, because it was bombed by his wife in Zhen Fu.
Zhen Fu did all the rough work and heavy work at home, and now he is ready to give Zhen Fu in exchange for his youngest son’s life. Zhen Fu is desperate.
He felt afraid that he would really show up this time to satisfy the desires of Liu and others, but he was puzzled.
Only two days later, Liu and others were led away by Qin Jun’s guards. When they left, Liu was still there, crying his father and mother and saying that he was willing to give Zhen Fu Cao’s nature and exile him. This is unreasonable and justified.
Now Cao Xing is calling Zhen Fu to go to his army account, which does not make sense. Is Cao Xing such a faithless person?
With such a mood, Zhen Fu finally arrived at Cao Xingjun’s account, but when he got here, Zhen Fu found that Cao Xing was not the only one here, and there was a middle-aged man about forty.
The middle-aged man is always walking over, and Cao Cao is drinking tea with a relaxed expression. When Cao Cao saw Zhen Fu coming, he also smiled at him and then reached out and instructed Zhen Fu to sit down.
Zhen Fu’s hands were tearing at skirts, so he did it. Cao looked at Zhen Fu’s eyes and revealed a smile. He patted Zhen Fu’s shoulder directly and let Zhen Fu not be too nervous, but he did so. Zhen Fu was even more nervous. Looking at Zhen Fu, it was a bit shy. Cao’s heart was already happy.
But to get to the point, Cao also knows that the moment is not to say that he coughed twice and then pointed to Zhen Fu, the middle-aged man next to him, and then said.
"Let me introduce you to Liu Wan, a businessman from the State of Qin! You should have heard of him! "
Zhen Fu raised his head and looked at Liu Wan and nodded. He did hear of Liu Wan’s name. Liu Wan was a famous businessman in Qin State. It is said that the establishment of Cao Cao Qin State also received a lot of support from him. He didn’t know the specific situation, and he didn’t even know that Liu Wan was created because of Cao Cao’s attraction.
This is no longer an important secret in the major governors. In this era of paying attention to the city, agriculture, industry and commerce, the status of businessmen is low. Even if they have rich money, they are looked down upon by people, and they are not a fart in front of the major governors, but it is an exception in Qin State.
Cao Xing gave great convenience to businessmen, especially Liu Wan, the first businessman, and Liu Wan also paid high taxes to Qin on a regular basis. This was not forced by Cao Xing, but he volunteered because he knew that he could not do business so smoothly without Cao Xing’s approval.
And it is said that Liu Wan’s business is doing very well. There are Liu Wan’s footprints in restaurants and other entertainment places all over the Central Plains, which makes people puzzled. It is so fine that a businessman is often not in Qin State.
I’m afraid it is clear to a few people, such as Cao Xing, that he usually lives in this place.
Cao Xing looked at Zhen Fu and then said to Zhen Fu, "Don’t be nervous, Zhen Fu. I invited you here this time because of your family affairs. Your family is a big businessman in Hebei!"

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Jun 28, 2024

He came to Julong Internet Cafe today in order to find a machine gunner for the team. Now he has achieved his goal. Of course, there is no need to stay. He has to go back to the club to see if those guys are lazy.

Li Xiaozhe saw that Ye Qing was determined to leave. He immediately jumped forward and hugged Ye Qing’s thigh like a fool. He looked very sad and angry. "Ye Ge, you can’t do this to me. I am a young man with dreams. I need your help to be my dream ambassador, okay?"
"This is a Chinese dream show. Don’t pester me or I’ll beat you!" Leaf tilting flick the fist way
Li Xiaozhe saw that Ye Qing was so determined that he let go and then said angrily, "It’s not enough buddy!"
"I’ll tell you the truth. It’s not that I’m not a buddy, but that you don’t have the talent. Even if I teach you, you can’t play well. Can you play ak47 for everyone?" Ye Qing is very nai to Li Xiaozhe way
Li Xiaozhe eyes a stare way "how is it possible? When I was in primary school, my Chinese teacher praised me for my talent. I memorized all the poems in the class. "
"That’s right. You can’t play ak, a violent gun!"
"Who said I was a civil-military double? When I was in the sixth grade of primary school, I played three first grades and my department was put down. From then on, those primary school students didn’t dare to provoke me! " Li Xiaozhe looked back and felt that he was awesome and couldn’t help showing a nostalgic expression.
Ye Qing suddenly said, "You were also a primary school student at that time … and you have nothing to be proud of as a sixth grader. Maybe you go to the second grade! "
"Don’t say that I played one in the second grade and the third grade!"
"To put it bluntly, I haven’t played with you at the same level. You are bullying younger than you. You might as well go to kindergarten to find an opponent. It is estimated that the whole kindergarten children will be put down by you!" Ye Qing’s equivalent tunnel
"If you don’t brave Brother Ye, just teach me. If it’s really my talent, I don’t blame you!" Li Xiaozhe is very persistent tunnel
Ye Qing is very Naide. "Ok, I will teach you another day!"
"That’s great! Ye Ge Pearl Krabs has joined your team now. Can I visit your team? You sometimes teach me to play ak in your team, okay? " Li Xiaozhe ecstatic tunnel
"I’m really defeated by you. You can come then, but if you are kicked out of the house by Pearl Krabs, it’s not my fault. Besides, I’m not creating opportunities for you to get close to Pearl Krabs. Do you really want to learn to play ak before you can know?"
"I really want to learn! You watch. I will be very serious then. I will play master ak47 well! " Li Xiaozhe immediately shouted, "Who is your master? I didn’t say I would accept you as my apprentice. I won’t teach you to play ak if you call me master again."
There is an apprentice in Ye’s heart, and that is Nalan, who is the only apprentice recognized by him, and he consciously owes Nalan too much and doesn’t want to accept any more apprentices.
Chapter 534 The return
Li Xiaozhe was so frightened by Ye Qing that he immediately dared not call Master Ye Qing again. He had to continue to call Ye Ge Ye Qing, saying that sometimes he would call him and ask him to go there. Li Xiaozhe stopped pestering Ye Qing and finally walked out of Julong Internet Bar.
After returning to the club, Ye Qing saw Zhao Junzhu playing with his mobile phone at the front desk, and he joked, "You have to deduct money for playing with your mobile phone during class!"
Zhao Jun bamboo was startled and looked up to see that Ye Qing breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest. "Ye Ge, you are trying to scare people! I have nothing to do with my mobile phone now! "
Ye Qing ha ha a smile "you should say that money is deducted. My man has money! This is much more domineering! "
Zhao Jun bamboo white leaves a glance Chen way "I’m not that vulgar, no matter how rich he is, it’s his money, not mine! I just want him to be nice to me. "
"Don’t worry, if he dares to treat you badly, I will punish him." Ye Qing laughed.
"Thank you Ye Ge Ye Ge is the best! By the way, where have you been just now? " Zhao Jun bamboo smiled at Ye Qing way
"Go out to do something. Your big honey sister didn’t go out, did she?"
"Didn’t it seem that the team has been in the office all the time?"
"The horse is going to have a race, and there are many things."
"I envy you for playing games everywhere. Where did you play this time?"
"Regionalization is to play each district champion in Chengdu and go to Fujian to participate in the finals."
"Oh, Fujian seems to be by the sea, right?"
"Then you must see the sea. I have never seen the sea. I want to go!" Zhao Junzhu looks forward to it.
"When the time comes, you can come with us. Before that, we have to win the regionals championship." Ye Qing said with a smile
"Really? Can I really go with you? " Zhao Junzhu was ecstatic to see Ye Daodao unable to hide his excitement.
"Of course it’s true. You are also a member of our club. Besides, your man has the money to buy a round-trip plane ticket!" Ye Qing joke tunnel
Zhao Junzhu suddenly lost his spirits and was very depressed. "I’m still paying for it by the club. Forget it. I don’t want others to say that I saw his money."
"Have a backbone! What a good girl! I was just teasing you. Of course, it’s the club that pays the money. It’s not his turn for the second child to want to pay! " Leaf tilt set up a thumb praise way
Zhao Jun bamboo just smiled again JiaoChen way "Ye Ge really hate old tease somebody else"
"Ha ha good don’t tease you. I’ll go to the training room to see what those guys are doing." Ye Qing turned and walked to the training room with a smile.
Walking outside the training room, Ye Qing heard a brotherhood of the Wolf coming in. It turned out that Dong Laoer and others were singing, and it was Sun Nan’s "Come back soon". As we all know, Sun Nan’s songs were very high, and this group of people sang all kinds of broken sounds and out of tune, and they didn’t have any consciousness at all
Ye Qing really couldn’t listen to it. He immediately pushed the door and went in, and then he saw Lin Qiuye actually training. At this time, Lin Qiuye was like an angered rooster, and even his hair stood on end. Obviously, Dong Laoer was satirizing Lin Qiuye when they sang.
"Come back quickly. I can’t bear it alone. Come back quickly. Life is wonderful because of you!" Dong laoer and others sang to * * * * and all of them couldn’t help laughing. Ye Qing patted the palm of his hand and the earth stopped. "Stop! Stop singing. I don’t know if we are haunted here! "
Dong Laoer and others immediately stopped when they heard the sound of Ye Qing, and then laughed their heads off one by one. In the middle, Lin Qiuye was livid and trembling with anger, and his hands clenched, as if he could go wild at any time.
Ye Qing looked at Lin Qiuye and asked calmly, "Why are you back again?"
He really didn’t expect Lin Qiuye to return, but he guessed that Lin Qiuye had no backbone to come back and ask for his salary these two days after all.
Lin Qiuye eyes fierce as a hungry wolf, he kept staring at Ye Qing eyes. "Can’t I come back?" The team has not officially terminated the contract with me. I am still a member of the team now, and I suddenly remembered that the signing period was three years when signing the contract, that is, I was a member of the team for these three years. Why do you terminate the contract with me? I don’t agree! "
Ye Qing smell speech suddenly language, he didn’t expect Lin Qiuye to play around with him and want to stay. Of course, he won’t allow him to stay, because he has already agreed with Pearl Krabs that Lin Qiuye must go and go before the day. He left Pearl Krabs to take his place.
"I don’t care if you agree or not, you have to go to our team. Don’t you, the great god Lin Qiuye, I have to be damned to meet people like you. Is there nothing I can do if you don’t play tricks on me?" Leaf tilt is very contemptuous tunnel
Dong Laoer heard it and immediately woke up at a side. "Eldest brother, he is no longer surnamed Lin …"
"Stop interrupting!" Ye Qing grumpily rebuked Dong Laoer and vomitted to stick out his tongue bitterly and then closed his mouth.
Lin Qiuye’s expression when he saw Ye Qing was full of anger. You know, he used to look at people like this before, but he didn’t dare to get angry. Because Ye Qing’s physique was so intimidating, he knew that it was definitely not Ye Qing’s opponent who started his hands. It is estimated that one punch will be ko.
He pointed to Ye Qing’s nose and said, "I won’t leave. What can you do to me? If you dare to do it, I will call the police and report you to jail. Believe it or not? "
Hearing Lin Qiuye’s childish remarks, Ye Qing couldn’t help laughing. Dong Laoer and others laughed with him. Their laughter made Lin Qiuye even more angry from embarrassment. He shouted hysterically, "What are you guys laughing at? What are you qualified to laugh at?"
"I laugh at you idiot! Aren’t you going to sue me I’m touching you now, so sue! " Leaf directly pushed Lin Qiuye a look is very provocative tunnel
Lin Qiuye took two steps back, and his eyes were almost bursting with fire, but he didn’t dare to strike back. He knew that once he struck back, Dong Laoer would definitely rush to help, but he couldn’t beat Ye Qing alone, and if he added Dong Laoer, he would be beaten into a pig’s head.
"Say you stupid you still don’t believe that you want to sue me and tell me the evidence. Where is your witness? You shouldn’t be so naive that you are the only one who will help you prove it? " Ye Qing is a language sample.
Lin Qiuye looked at both Thomas and Zhao Xiayang and said, "I didn’t see anything. Did something happen just now?"
Lin Qiuye finally realized that he was under siege and alienated from his relatives, so he angrily flew up and kicked a chair to the ground and then rushed away.
"I lost money on this chair!" Ye Qing shouted at Lin Qiuye’s back that Lin Qiuye had run away like a mad cow.
Ye Qing knows that Lin Qiuye was offended this time. That guy is narrow-minded and won’t let it go. Who knows if he will play any dirty tricks? Ye Qing should pay attention to it immediately after waking up several other people in the team, especially when he comes home from training. Be especially careful to be attacked by Lin Qiuye. This unscrupulous guy will do anything.
Thomas said that he was not afraid of Lin Qiuye. He was tall and standard in Europe and America, but Lin Qiuye was thin and short. Zhao Xiayang, his opponent, was also very awesome. "How long has my brother been wandering outside? Who hasn’t met him?" If he dares to mess with me, I will let him know what pain is! "
Ye Qing saw that they didn’t take Lin Qiuye seriously, so he sighed naively. "You should always pay attention to it yourself, or you won’t regret it if something happens."
After that, he suddenly remembered Pearl Krabs, and his mood improved as soon as he relaxed the atmosphere in a training room. He smiled and said to everyone, "The most unpopular person in the team has left. This is good news. Besides, I want to tell you a piece of good news. Do you want to hear it?"
"I don’t want to!" The other three people are almost different from each other. Ye Qing was very surprised to see them and asked doubtfully, "What? It’s really good news! "
Zhao Xiayang looked at Ye Qing contemptuously. "There’s no way you want to fool us. Are you sure you want to say that I’m going to tell you a good news?"
"Shit, am I that kind of person?" Ye Qing is very authentic
"Yes!" Three people and different mouth replied.
Ye Qing nai shook his head and said, "well, it seems that you are not interested in the new members of our team at all, so I won’t tell you that she is a beauty!" "

More Details
Jun 26, 2024

The rabbit nodded again and again, and he was busy agreeing to this, and he naturally knew it. Yang Muyu went to the ghost servant’s side and took a look. Seeing that all the three silver needles he inserted into his body were turned into lacquer black, he knew that he was forcing poison at a critical moment, and maybe he would recover for a while.

Seeing that the jungle is getting darker and darker, I think it’s getting dark and his stomach is growling with hunger. There are pythons around here, so naturally there will be no small animals. After all, there are very few small animals with so little energy as medicine slave rabbits. Yang Muyu couldn’t help but smile and didn’t dare to walk around. He immediately found some dead branches and few trees next to the pool. He immediately found out that flint had made a fire.
The flickering light reflected on his face next to the ugly face of the ghost servant, while on the other side was the huge body of the python. Yang Muyu suddenly looked up and saw the man hanging from the tree.
I don’t know why he couldn’t say how uncomfortable he was when he saw such a man hanging from a branch. He thought about it and grabbed the rabbit and said, "Do you think the man up there … is alive or dead?"
The rabbit touched its ears with its claws, twisted its head and shook its head. "I don’t look like a living person."
Yang Muyu nodded: "I don’t look like it, but how can I look weird when he is hanging on it like this …"
"You are not afraid of being haunted in the middle of the night, are you?" Rabbit medicine slave tilted his head and looked at him.
"Fuck you. Ghosts are ghosts, too. I want to catch you a rabbit for a midnight snack!" Yang Muyu didn’t good the spirit said that he looked up again and finally made up his mind to ask, "Do you think-should we put him down and let him be buried?"
"If you are afraid of being haunted, go and put him down!" The rabbit jumped on him twice and jumped to the ground. "Don’t ask me for such manual work. Rabbits can’t climb trees."
"Oh, can’t rabbits climb trees?" Yang Muyu smiled twice. "I don’t know if other rabbits can climb trees, but I know you can definitely climb trees." (Hey, hey, I don’t know if rabbits can climb trees and the moon, but my evil rabbit ate all my chlorophytum … Hey, there is a difference between novels and documentaries. )
"I’m not going, absolutely not!" The rabbit jumped far away and looked up at the man hanging from it for a long time before saying, "Touching the dead will be infected with evil spirits."
"Forget it, forget it if you don’t go!" Yang Muyu didn’t force him to touch the dead and get infected with evil? He doesn’t know, but if he doesn’t put this man down from above, he will be really unhappy. He will definitely have nightmares at night.
Yang Muyu took out the dagger again and walked towards the tree. The rabbit hesitated for a moment or followed the past. The tree was very big with oval green leaves, and countless parasitic vines hung down from it. It was easy to climb.
Soon Yang Muyu grabbed the vines and climbed to the branch where people were hanging. Now the sky is getting darker and darker. Although he lit a fire below, the man hanging from the tree in the light of the fire is even more strange and unpredictable.
Yang Muyu carefully grabbed the vines on the tree and slowly moved along the stem-
"Master …" The rabbit followed, shrinking its head and shaking.
"Oh, are you finally willing to call me master?" Yang Muyu looked back at him and couldn’t help shaking his head. This rabbit is really timid. Even a rabbit can talk, so it’s a coward. Isn’t it a dead man? He is not afraid of the living and the dead?
The rabbit nodded again and again, while Yang Muyu was not paying attention, he climbed up to him quickly and saw his head hidden in the bag around his waist.
"This little thing … is really not ordinary cowardice." Yang Muyu reluctantly shook his head and smiled bitterly. Originally, he was thinking of finding a rabbit to lay a hand on. Now this attention is still dismissed as early as possible.
Soon Yang Muyu had climbed to the top of the hanging person. He wanted to think hard and tried to pull the person hanging on it, but it took the boss a lot of effort, but now the vine was unusually heavy. And because he stood on the trunk and didn’t help himself, he accidentally almost fell from the tree.
Yang Muyu looked at it by himself, maybe here is above the pool, but if the square inch is well held, then the vines may fall to the ground. Thought of here, I was busy pulling out the dagger and cutting it hard at the vines.
Now that he wants to cut off the vines, the man will naturally fall. But to his surprise, the humble vine didn’t even cut off when he cut it with one sword … There wasn’t even a little scar left.
Yang Muyu was taken aback. What is this? The vines are so hard. The root he just cut has only the finger thickness, and there are many others with a lot of arm thickness beside it. Wouldn’t it be more difficult to cut the thick one if all the thin ones are cut continuously?
As he thought about it, he pulled out a night pearl from the starfish soul and held it in his hand-because it was already dark now, although he had a fire in the far jungle, he just saw a vague one, and he didn’t care to watch how this vine was different from ordinary vines just now.
Now, under the light of the night pearl, Yang Muyu just looked at it and suddenly changed his face. The vines all showed a faint golden color, but on this golden color, there were black lines wrapped around them, and the leaves showed the same golden color as pieces of gold casting.
Is it true that this vine is actually recorded in an ancient book-iron wire and golden ge?

Chapter 31 Faking a corpse?
No, no, no! Yang Muyu immediately denied his own idea. How could it be an iron wire? According to the records in ancient books, the growth of iron wire and kudzu is extremely slow. A finger-thick iron wire and kudzu must grow for at least a hundred years, and an arm-thick iron wire and kudzu must grow for tens of thousands of years. So isn’t this tree older? Tens of thousands of years old trees are fine enough.
Moreover, according to ancient books, the iron wire is as hard as iron and as flexible as rope leaves, which can be used as medicine to treat rheumatism. This plant is not amazing. Yang Muyu was a hundred to ten thousand years old! I didn’t pay much attention to it when I said it. Now I can’t judge whether this vine is recorded in ancient books-iron wire and golden ivy.
Look at the man hanging below by the light of the night pearl. What do you think of those vines? They all seem to naturally catch the "man" and grow into this strange feeling. It seems that the purpose of these vines is to hang the man below and hang him from a tree to be eaten by rain, wind and sunlight.
Yang Muyu couldn’t tell why he had such a strange idea. If this vine is really an iron wire, how many years has that man been hanging here? Didn’t the body rot long ago, even the bones rotted? How can it remain intact?
Although he can’t see the whole picture of the "man" hanging below, he feels that he should have died recently.
Don’t want to be so much. Holding the dagger, Yang Muyu slammed it at the vine again, but it was still as if the dagger had been cut down just now. I didn’t cut off the vine that was thin but looked at the finger thickness.
"It’s amazing? It won’t really be an iron wire? " Yang Muyu in the heart andao immediately put away the dagger, took out the magic sword from the starfish soul and cut it hard at the vines.
Not the kui is a magic weapon "bang" sound, a vine directly broke Yang Muyu. Looking at the incision of the vine, I can’t help secretly losing my mind … The incision of the vine is not like the ordinary wood texture, which reflects a faint metallic luster under the brilliance of the night pearl. It seems that this should be the legendary iron wire Jin Ge.
Yang Muyu held out the magic sword and hacked all the iron wires and golden branches. Without the bondage of vines, the man below attached himself to countless iron wires and golden branches and fell down with a bang.
Yang Muyu held the magic sword in one hand and grabbed a long iron wire Jin Gexun, which had been prepared in one hand, and slipped down. Others are busy in mid-air rolling the vines in their hands around the person who fell first.
Yang Muyu’s luck is still relatively good. The man was entangled in vines at the moment when he was about to fall into the pool.
Yang Muyu, a vine hanging down from the tree, fell to the ground first, and then pulled the vine hard, and finally pulled the man over.
"Damn it, it’s heavy enough!" Yang Muyu sighed and wiped the sweat on his head. What is this? He’s dead. Why did he go to all this trouble?
"You dead rabbit, come out and help me!" The rabbit just poked its head out of the bag and wanted to see the excitement. Yang Muyu couldn’t help but scold.
"No, I don’t want to touch the dead. I’m a rabbit … I don’t want to be evil!" The rabbit shook his head savagely and refused to go out.
"I won’t let you touch the dead when you come out. Take this for me!" Yang Muyu’s night pearl gives it.
Unwilling and unwilling, the rabbit climbed out with two front paws holding beads far away from Yang Muyu. Yang Muyu didn’t have time to see the hapless dead man who was entangled in the wire and the golden ge.
But he can’t see clearly why it’s too dark. The rabbit is holding the night pearl and dare not get close to it. Secondly, the whole body of this man is wrapped in vines as if he were put in a bag woven by vines, with only his head slightly exposed and messy.
This should be a tall man by feeling.
Yang Muyu thought for a moment, sighed and muttered, "I can’t let you go to the grave like this when I do a good deed." As he spoke, he carefully cut off all the iron wires and golden branches on the dead man while holding the magic sword.
"Shit, I said, why is it so heavy? So you’re still wearing armor?" It took a long time for Yang Muyu to remove all the vines from that person, and the true face of this person gradually emerged. If it weren’t for his magic sword in hand, it wouldn’t be easy to remove the vines from "that man".
As Yang Muyu expected, this is a very tall and burly man. Judging from his figure and face, his age should be small. He is only about thirty years old and looks ordinary in his prime. Wearing copper armor, but today’s armor has long been worn out, which seems to be old.
"The rabbit is probably a mercenary?" Yang Muyu has heard people say that there are some mercenaries in the mountain and sea world who specialize in some special tasks, such as treasure hunting, exploration, etc. I want this person to come here alone. Otherwise, what is he doing on this desert island?
Qishu. com w w w. q i s u w a n g. c c
But this desert island doesn’t look like a treasure, and even if he wants to break his head, he can’t figure out how this man can be hung on a tree by vines. Moreover, it is also a rare vine such as the iron wire golden ivy.
The rabbit’s two front paws holding the night pearl nodded and shook his head but didn’t speak.
Yang Muyu was too lazy to pay attention to the rabbit. He found a clean place by the pool and stretched out his hand to drag the man over to bury him. He was not afraid of touching the dead and getting infected with evil spirits.
But at the moment when his hand touched the man, his face suddenly changed as if he had seen a ghost. He even jumped away from the man and stood at a distance looking at the rabbit. He was so scared that he left the night pearl with a "hey" and ran away.
The night pearl rolled round and round to the side of the "dead man". Yang Muyu stood four or five paces away from the man and watched for a moment. Finally, he got the nerve to go to the man again.
"Master how … what’s the matter …" The rabbit stammered after him.
"Cheat corpse!" Yang Muyu didn’t good the spirit nu way.
"Can’t …? Master? " The rabbit is shaking with fear. It’s a rabbit. He’s timid … No, he’s a notoriously timid rabbit!
Hesitated for a long time, Yang Muyu once again took out the magic sword for self-defense, but the other hand was carefully buckled on the man’s pulse-

The first chapter is actually a living person
Said Yang Muyu once again took out the magic sword for self-defense, but the other hand was carefully buckled on the man’s pulse-for a long time he looked at the man with a strange face.
The rabbit finally couldn’t help shivering and asked, "What’s going on, master?"
"He is still alive!" There is an indescribable eccentricity in Yang Muyu’s tone.
This man … is still alive? His hands and feet are cold and his head is covered with dust and fallen leaves, but-this man is really alive and he has a weak pulse, very weak.
If an ordinary pharmacist encounters such a situation, I am afraid that he is dead directly.

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Jun 25, 2024

Ji Dong found the biggest shop and went in. This shop has a floor of 100 square meters, which is absolutely land-intensive. This area is already quite rich.

As soon as he entered the door, a young magician greeted him. His chest was hung with the Samsung logo of the Magic Masters Association. When he saw Ji Dong, he was very polite and said, "Dear Mr. Magic Masters, what can I do for you?" Of course, his eyes also Ji Dong chest four-star badge slightly for a.
Ji Dong said, "Do you accept crystal nuclei here?"
The young man laughed. "Of course, not every store here accepts crystal children, and the price is absolutely fair. You can shop around. If our price is lower than others, then I am willing to pay ten times."
Ji Dong went to the front of the counter and lifted a finger. Suddenly, ten third-order crystal nuclei and ten fourth-order crystal nuclei appeared on the counter, and the magic fluctuation was very obvious.
Young people didn’t feel surprised, but their eyes didn’t stop at the crystal nucleus. Instead, they stared at Ji’s colorful phoenix light ripple rosefinch bracelet. "Dear Mr. Magic Master, do you sell this bracelet?" I am willing to buy ten seven-order crystal nuclei. "
Ji Dong heart "you are a profiteer! Is my bracelet worth ten seventh-order crystal nuclei? If you switch to the ninth order, maybe I will consider one. "
Youth look slightly reveals a little embarrassed "sorry, maybe I didn’t see it clearly.
If you really want to sell it, we can discuss it. Ji Dong shook his head. No, it’s a friend’s increase. He won’t sell a spoon joke. This Suzaku bracelet is condensed by Suzaku’s divine power. It’s hard to estimate the value, not only the material, but also the fire magic and the increase effect. Plus the gorgeous appearance of Suzaku’s unique flavor, is it a seventh-order crystal pole that can measure Ji Dong’s price of ten ninth-order crystal nuclei casually, but it is also quite reasonable.
Some young people regret that "if you have any plans to sell later, you must come to me."
I have received five hundred gold coins for the third-order crystal nucleus and one thousand gold coins for the fourth-order crystal nucleus. "
Ji Dong glanced at him. "Take a closer look."
The young man paused and picked up a crystal nucleus. As soon as he started, he suddenly shook his body and his eyes suddenly revealed a surprised light. "Is this a third order?" Is it? "
Ji Dong smiled indifferently. Don’t you guess right? It’s all from the evil island of Warcraft. The price doesn’t seem to be what you just said. "
Young people respect. I’m sorry to respect Mr. Magic Master. It’s my carelessness. Please wait a moment. I’ll ask the teacher to come out and talk with you personally. "And he immediately ran out of the shop to see the sample, and he was not afraid that Ji Dong would steal something from him.
Ji Dong naturally won’t wait for his eyes to sweep over all kinds of things in the shop. Soon, his eyes are attracted by an area on the side. There is no magic fluctuation in the things in this area, but the price is high, but it is not inferior to magic weapons at all. Because it is a simple sheepskin, some are mainland scripts, and some are as ancient as the scroll mystery map that Xiteng snake gave Ji Dong. In addition to the picture, more than ten magic scrolls are displayed on the other side. These scrolls look a little broken, but they can feel the magic fluctuation every day. He is not interested in the scroll Ji Dong Road, and his horse is about to try out his own magic wine
Once the achievement will be subversive, but those ancient sheepskins are of great interest to him. These ancient records are magic skills and are all killer skills. Some records are some cultivation experiences, such as the notes of the magician. These notes are all remembered, and the cultivation experience is as expensive as that of a teacher. It’s a pity that the best one in the notes is just that the crown magic master did not respect the strong. Ji Dong’s own teacher is the crown and the strong grandparent, but also respects the strong. These notes are naturally not too big for him to be in those magic skills, and he won’t think much about it. He has already learned a lot of magic skills and has not yet practiced to the peak.
However, his eyes were still attracted by the fact that it was a price tag that was as high as the notes of the Crown Magic Master. The sheepskin is the four characters written on the surface of the mainland circulation characters, namely "Fusion of Magic"
Ji Dong carefully turned over a page to watch it, and suddenly his heart was shocked. Just as he continued to flip, an old voice came from behind, "I can try to read a page."
For commutation ticket recommended votes Chapter two hundred and eleven Fusion magic.
Ji Dong was reading the name "Fusion of Divinity", but suddenly he came to the old place behind him to stop the sound. When he looked back, he saw the young man and an old man come in together.
Ji Dong’s memory is excellent. He immediately recognized that the old man was the practitioner on the third floor of the former Magic Master Association. A few of them made him unable to see through the strong crown magic master, and the star logo on the old man’s chest also showed such an identity.
Ji Dong said, "I’m thinking about buying this. Can I read a few more pages, three at most?"
The old man glanced at the ten crystal nuclei on the table and nodded. "Look at the sample. You should have been on the battlefield of sacred evil, otherwise you can’t come up with so many people who have been on the battlefield of sacred evil with the same order. They are all heroes in our magic division. Let you read three pages again."
Thank you, "Ji Dong immediately turned back some forced not to turn it over. In the process of continuing to look at it, his eyes kept popping up in clouds, and his eyes were full of surprises that could not be concealed.
Is to turn over two pages Ji Dong will solemnly this I bought "the old man slightly one leng, he obviously didn’t expect Ji Dong will make a decision so soon, you know this price is the most expensive in his shop, he has read it in detail, but he feels that it is extremely accumulated because of some characteristics that he deliberately put the price elevation more for window dressing and didn’t intend to sell it.
You have seen the price of ten-step crystal nucleus, you same-step crystal nucleus. I can give you double the price of ordinary crystal nucleus. Ten three-step crystal nuclei, ten ten thousand gold coins, and ten four-step crystal nuclei, forty thousand gold coins, totaling fifty thousand gold coins. The price of step crystal building ranges from three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand gold coins. It depends on the quality. If you have crystal nucleus, it is best to have ten step crystal children. I will charge you four million gold coins if you are cheaper. "Listen to the old man’s words, Ji Dong can’t help but practice frowning. This is definitely a lion
But if it falls into his hands, the effect is not comparable to that of four million gold coins.
The highest value of Ji’s departure should be that the thorn thunder dragon dropped the double-attribute ninth-order crystal nucleus. Although this crystal nucleus can’t be compared with the artifact thunder prison axe, it is absolutely comparable to the value of the tenth-order crystal nucleus, and the double-attribute variation of the ninth-order crystal nucleus is stricter than the value of the sacred island.
However, this crystal nucleus is also of great significance to Ji Dong, and it is important for him to study the combination technique of fire and Lei Shuang. He is really reluctant to take it out.
Seeing Ji Dong thoughtfully, the old man smiled slightly. "I’m afraid I can’t sell it for a while. You can go back and raise money and I’ll keep it for you."
Ji Dong looked up and saw his one eye. With a wave of his right hand, a mass of red light came out of generate’s rosefinch bracelet. When he opened his palm again, there was one more thing in it.

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