Jul 27, 2024

Chen Xiaotian nodded his head in injustice, and Kunoichi in green said in stitches, "I didn’t expect this and this is really interesting." He looked out from the cat’s eye and saw the fat woman’s chubby appearance and ferocious terror. He couldn’t help but spit out his tongue and suddenly realized, "Don’t you want to escape? It turned out to be such a person."

Chen Xiaotian saw the woman in green at this moment, as if she had seen the fairy in heaven and said with tears of gratitude, "Let me stay here for a while, and then I will go out."
"Well," the woman in green nodded heavily.
The fat woman shouted angrily outside, "I won’t hit the door again."
The woman in green quickly took out her mobile phone and Chen Xiaotian warily asked, "What are you doing?" The woman in green said, "Call the police and call the hotel security. I can’t stand her if she breaks into the house." Then she dialed the hotel number and said a phone call. After a while, a man outside shouted, "What are you doing?"
The fat woman quickly said, "I, my little man, ran into this."
The security guard frowned and said, "Would you please go back and get dressed first?" The fat woman was dazed and turned around and walked back. The security guard knocked at the door and shouted, "Miss, you can close the door. The fat woman has left."
It turns out that the fat woman often comes to this hotel to call ducks. I don’t know how many men have been hurt. The hotel security guard is already familiar with her. The green woman then knocked on the door and looked out at the security guard and said, "Thank you, big brother." The security guard laughed. "No, which big brother was forced this time?"
Chen Xiaotianchang looked around and looked at the security guard and said, "Is that my pig gone?" The security guard couldn’t help laughing. "Go back and dress. If you want to escape, take advantage of her speed, but it’s quite fast." Chen Xiaotian was busy running towards the building.
The security guard shouted at the back, "Hey, don’t wear it before?" Chen Xiaotian grabbed the bath towel to prevent it from falling and said, "I can’t come when I don’t wear it."
The security guard, the woman in green, laughed.
Chen Xiaotian soared all the way to the first floor of the hotel. Two receptionists looked surprised. Chen Xiaotian threw himself on the way out and two people came in. Chen Xiaotian almost bumped into the man and looked at Chen Xiaotian in surprise. "What are you doing?" Chen Xiaotian ran out of the hotel without taking a conversation.
When I got to the street, Chen Xiaotian realized how frustrating it was not to wear clothes. Many people cast curious eyes. A few guys took out their mobile phones to take pictures for a while and sent photos of Chen Xiao Day to Weibo, saying that the street was a surprise bath towel brother.
Fortunately, it’s not far from the rental house here. Chen Xiaotian came to the rental building when he remembered that the door was closed and secretly complained. I’m afraid it was late at night and there was no card. How can I get there? Previously, the landlord told him the password and didn’t remember it. I was in a hurry.
"Eldest brother, what are you doing?" Suddenly, a call came from behind. Looking back, Chen Xiaotian was happy and worried. It turned out to be the yellow skirt girl next door. She was surprised when she saw Chen Xiaotian wearing a bath towel. Chen Xiaotian said, "Alas, I was drunk and unfortunately robbed. Seeing that my clothes were good, I was robbed."
The woman in the yellow skirt can’t help but say, "You must not go, but remember the password. It’s 4321." Then enter the password and Chen Xiaotian rushed in.
When I arrived at the door of the house, Chen Xiaotian was puzzled again. I couldn’t get in without the key. Suddenly I thought that Li Yanru didn’t come back. I couldn’t help worrying. I wondered where Rujie would go if she didn’t come back so late. What will happen? I was actually at that fat pig’s place. What the hell is going on?
At this moment, the woman in yellow skirt came to see Chen Xiaotian at the door and said, "You don’t have a key, come to my room." Chen Xiaotian saw herself wearing a bath towel and barely smiled. "How dare this?"
"Don’t be polite to me," said the yellow skirt girl. "I haven’t thanked you for helping me so much." Then she called Chen Xiaotian and said, "Come in."
At this time, if you don’t go in, it will be the end of pretending to be B. Chen Xiaotian went in and the yellow skirt girl went in and closed the door conveniently. She looked at Chen Xiaotian wearing a bath towel and asked, "Do you want to wear a dress, but I have a girl’s dress?" Chen Xiaotian said, "No, actually, this is quite good."
The yellow skirt woman named Chen Xiaotian sat on the bed and talked a few words on a low stool. Because of the fan blowing with the wind, the rehmannia skirt was also placed one by one. Chen Xiaotian inadvertently saw the yellow skirt woman wearing a small white triangle, where it looked like there was a lot of meat. Chen Xiaotian couldn’t help but associate with her face, and the troublemaker couldn’t help but stand up straight. Suddenly, the towel was propped up with a small tent. The yellow skirt woman inadvertently saw Chen Xiaotian, and the guy was surprised to see that guy.
The two men couldn’t help but look at each other, and the atmosphere was suddenly embarrassing. The yellow skirt turned red and she barely smiled and said, "I’ll take a shower." Chen Xiaotian said, "Okay, you go."
The woman in yellow skirt rushed into the hand washing door and poured a bucket full of water, which would pour straight from the water.
The clear water is cold and the yellow skirt girl can’t help shivering.
She hasn’t been in close contact with men for a long time, and that kind of thing hasn’t stirred up for a long time. Just now, I suddenly saw Chen Xiaotian’s mighty big guy, and suddenly my heart was numb and itchy. I couldn’t help but stretch out my hand and touch it in my face, as if Chen Xiaotian’s big guy had broken in and couldn’t help moaning. I secretly thought, Will I have an affair with him tonight?
Chapter 11 Morning
Section 119 Chapter 11 Morning
When the yellow dress girl came out from washing her hands, she was still wearing her yellow dress, and her hair was wet and lichen clung to her body. The curve was exquisite and concave and convex, and she glanced at Chen Xiaotian shyly and quickly and gently asked, "Are you going to take a shower?" Chen Xiaotian suddenly got up and rushed to wash her hands and said, "Yes."
His face swelled uncomfortably, and he had long wanted to wash his hands and relieve himself. Because that place was held high, it became a big tent, so that the yellow skirt girl would not find both sides embarrassed, and he came to the fastest pace in history.
Rushed into the washing hands and saw that the yellow skirt girl had already picked up a bucket full of water for him. Chen Xiao couldn’t help tearing off the bath towel and grabbing the bucket, and suddenly fell down like a downpour from the sky, and Chen Xiaotian was completely drenched with a drowning duck.
Chen Xiaotian stretched out his hand and put his hand away. A handsome and graceful woman around him often said that it was the worst thing to roll herself around a handsome man. Therefore, Chen Xiaotian held back the bucket of water and finally put out the desire in his heart. Only then did he come out of his hands in a bath towel with decadent spirit.
When Chen Xiaotian came out, she was shocked to see that the yellow skirt girl was asleep. Her feet were toward this head. Although the fans were blowing in bursts, the skirt was also swaying with the wind from time to time. Chen Xiaotian was surprised to find that the yellow skirt girl came out without wearing pants after taking a shower just now, so her mysterious little triangle black hole was looming in front of Chen Xiaotian.
Chen Xiaotian couldn’t help but have a boiling passion. The disappointing thing suddenly stood up and was full of vitality as if he wanted to do a big job. At this time, in such an addictive environment, Chen Xiaotian could no longer control himself and walked slowly towards the yellow skirt woman like a thief. Chen Xiaotian came to the bed and slowly sat down to look at the yellow skirt woman and reached out and touched her face.
The yellow skirt woman opened her eyes and looked at Chen Xiaotian stupefied. Chen Xiaotian was so surprised that she shrank her hand back. The yellow skirt woman suddenly smiled at Chen Xiaotian and slowly closed her eyes. Chen Xiao, as a heavenly heart, jumped up and down. The yellow skirt woman was suggesting that he could reach her hand. Chen Xiao day leaned over and tried to kiss the yellow skirt woman’s face. Chen Xiao day was overjoyed and boldly kissed the yellow skirt woman’s lips. As soon as she touched the yellow skirt woman’s lips, the yellow skirt woman was dazed. When Chen Xiaotian’s tongue reached in, she immediately greeted her tongue and immediately met a few men.
They kissed fiercely for a while. Chen Xiaotian reached out and kneaded the yellow skirt jade peak. Feeling that it was not enough to be separated by a skirt, he reached out and pulled the yellow skirt bit by bit. When he got the abdomen, Chen Xiaotian directly reached into the yellow skirt female legs. In that mysterious triangle, he gently stroked the yellow skirt female’s legs, and he also moved extremely painfully. Chen Xiao, as a heavenly heart, was delighted to sit in the yellow skirt female body and quickly took off the yellow skirt female hand.
So the pair, who don’t even know each other’s names, are closely intertwined.
The next day, when Chen Xiaotian opened her eyes, she found that the yellow skirt girl was no longer around. She heard what she was busy with on the balcony. After a while, the yellow skirt girl brought two bowls of egg noodles on the table and looked at the bed. Chen Xiaotian walked over and said, "Come and eat noodles."
Chen Xiaotian looked around and said, "I have no clothes." The yellow skirt girl hey smiled. "Then I’ve never seen you naked."
I remembered that when two people were fighting together last night, the yellow skirt woman turned against the guest and boldly sat down on Chen Xiaotian’s body and crawled crazily in Chen Xiaotian’s body, but Chen Xiaotian was trapped by her and overwhelmed by her.
Chen Xiaotian sighed naively and wrapped himself in a blanket on the bed and came to the table. Looking at the bowl of steaming egg noodles, she couldn’t help but praise "It smells good". The yellow skirt girl also sat opposite and said "You haven’t brushed your teeth and washed your face yet". Chen Xiaotian said "No, there is such a bowl of noodles here. Why don’t you brush your teeth and wash your face and go away?" She wolfed up her chopsticks.
Looking at Chen Xiaotian’s yellow skirt, which tastes like a hungry ghost, smiled heartily.
After eating the noodles, the woman in yellow dress said to Chen Xiaotian, "You are really naked now. By the way, why didn’t your girlfriend come back?"
Chen Xiaotian remembered at this moment that Li Yanru had come to think that I had arrived at the fat pig inexplicably. What about Rujie? Where did she go? Even if she came back, she couldn’t come upstairs. Did she stay in the building for a night? Chen Xiaotian asked, "Did you see my friend in the building?" The yellow skirt woman said, "No, I’m afraid she didn’t come back."
Chen Xiaotian sat on the ground clutching his head and thought for a moment and said, "Well, see if you have time to buy me a suit. I’m going to find the key to the house."
"Good," said the woman in the yellow skirt. "Sometimes you wait for me for two hours at noon." When you pick up your bag, you have to go to the door. Chen Xiaotian said, "Please hurry as soon as possible and give you half an hour to wear whatever you want."
The woman in the yellow dress answered and went out. Chen Xiaotian, alas, lay on the floor with her hands and legs in a big font, looking at the ceiling and wondering where Rujie would be at this time.
At this time, Rujie had already opened her eyes. She looked around and found herself lying on a bed, and there was a person lying on the side. It turned out that Yuan Keliang saw Yuan Keliang lying there in a pair of shorts as motionless as death.
Li Yanru was busy wrapping herself up and staring angrily at Yuan Keliang. She saw Yuan Keliang with her eyes closed and looked around. She found herself in this very wide room, with her pajamas in an insightful mess. Li Yanru was furious. She gritted her teeth and picked up the clothes one by one. After she was dressed, she sat down on the bed and a line of wronged tears flashed to herself. Did I think that I was given that by Yuan Boss? I suddenly jumped to Yuan Keliang and kicked Yuan Keliang to scream from my dream.
Yuan Keliang remembered at this moment that he had forgotten to dress Li Yanru and he was wearing a pair of underpants. He turned his eyes and asked in surprise, "Why am I here? Why are you here?"
Li Yanru was also shocked. She looked at Yuan Keliang suspiciously and asked coldly, "You don’t know what you will be with me."
Yuan Keliang spread his hands and said, "I don’t know. I was drunk last night and I didn’t even know how I got here. By the way, did you send me here?"
Yuan Keliang, this beast is really worthy of being a beast. Li Yanru was fooled by him and thought, who gave me undressed pants? I won’t be given that by that man.
Li Yanru looked at Yuan Keliang naked and stared at Yuan Keliang and asked, "Did you do anything to me?"
Yuan Keliang came from the bed and pointed to his file and said painfully, "I was kicked out by Chen Xiaotian here and I can’t get hard anymore. What do you think I can do for you?"
Li Yanru was dubious. Yuan Keliang simply took off his pants and said shamelessly, "Why don’t you try it?"
Li Yanru turned her face away, feeling sick, and her stomach was in a state of turmoil. She said angrily, "You put on your clothes first."
Yuan Keliang snickered and smiled insidiously. He slowly put on his clothes and sat in bed with a long sigh and said pathetically, "Alas, Chen Xiaotian kicked me and ruined me. Since then, I can no longer talk to women. Do you know how painful this is for a man?"
Li Yanru’s lips moved and she said falteringly, "Who told you to do that despicable thing to show mercy for not killing you tomorrow?"
"But he’s even more ruthless than killing me," Yuan Keliang blurted out. "I have a fiancee, but I’ve never been with her. What is that I don’t want her to know that I’m a man, but all this is thanks to Chen Xiaotian."
Yuan Keliang spoke like a tortured victim. Li Yanru felt really sorry for Yuan Keliang at this moment and said, "Did you see a doctor?"
"No," Yuan Keliang said dejectedly, "I don’t know how many times I read it, but if I was not stimulated by something special, I would never get well."
Li Yanru: Oh, I suddenly remembered something. Staring at Yuan Keliang, I cried, "You’re not going to stimulate me, are you?"
"No, no," Yuan Keliang said quickly. "I drank too much last night and fell asleep. I just woke up after being kicked by you. What can I do to you?"
Li Yanru didn’t know who took off her clothes with a grain of salt, but she was embarrassed to ask. At that time, she felt uncomfortable. She inadvertently looked out of the window and found that it was bright outside. She said, "I have to go back when it’s so bright. He will be impatient if he can’t find me tomorrow."
"Come on," Yuan Keliang sneered coldly. "He doesn’t know which woman is lying in her arms at this moment." The thought of Chen Xiao being tortured by a fat woman desperately reminds Yuan Keliang of Chen Xiao’s miserable days.
See Yuan Keliang smiled so strangely that Li Yanru looked at him warily and frowned and asked, "What are you laughing at?" Yuan Keliang stopped laughing and coughed and said, "There is nothing that Xiao Tian insisted on looking for a woman after drinking last night. After he took a fancy to a woman, he left with that woman. We can’t stop it."
Li Yanru left the pie mouth and looked out of the window and said, "Well, I have to go back. At this time, Xiao Tian should also go back. By the way, where is this? How can I go back?" Yuan Keliang smiled coldly at Li Yanru and said, "I’ll take you to the stadium first. Xiao Tian should be almost at the stadium at this time."
Chapter 119 Beat about the bush

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Jul 26, 2024

"Ha ha! We’ve come a long way. It’s my great Chu territory that expands its territory and publicizes my great Chu military power! Not only must we have a belief in winning, but we must also have a determination to win! " Ma Guangmeng glanced at all the people in the handsome account. He got up and walked to the side of the map and said, "Gentlemen, come and have a look. This is a map of Fengxiang House!"

"You see where Fengxiang Fuzhi is located. Behind Tianxing City (now Fengxiang City, Shaanxi Province) is Longshan Mountain Duyangshan Fengxiang, which governs Baoji, Yanxian, Fufeng and Zhouzhu counties from west to east. If you play Fengxiang in the whole, you will be in our army’s peep. It is obviously impossible to pretend that Zhou wants to be a hindrance to compete with my great Chu! The importance of Fengxiang can be seen from this, so I said that this battle must be won! "
"We’ll fight wherever you want us to fight!" General Shen Tu Congjian fuels and says that Shen Tu Congjian has been on pins and needles in Jiangnan in the past two years. Every day, he can watch his colleagues make expeditions to the west, but he is honestly staying in Hangzhou to do everything. In the era of wuyue, Hangzhou can sometimes deal with pirates. But now the Chu Navy is famous and Wan Li doesn’t even have a pirate’s hair. Fortunately, with this military adjustment, this Iliad was transferred from Jiangnan to the front!
"Ha ha good let’s fight is this dare to dare to fight spirit! According to reliable sources, there are 15,000 troops stationed in Fengxiang in Pseudo-Zhou. According to my guess, even if the news that we passed Xingyuan House in the past two days leaked, it is impossible for us to hurry up Chang’ an Gao Huaide to send more troops to Fengxiang on a large scale in a short time! " Ma Guangmeng said
Ma Guangmeng glanced around the generals and said, "This is the case. Do you have any good suggestions?"
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Chapter 27 The water has gone up
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Chapter 2o7 The water has gone up
Since Guo Rong became the general manager of the southwest road camp and the king of Jin, he has abolished Fengxiang’s office as a dime a dozen? And now Fengxiang Shoujiang is Fengxiang secretariat Guo Changling, whose name is not obvious. He was born in Miao red and white and followed Guo Rong and Zhao Kuangyin in the Mayi War! It’s a battle-hardened man. This man is not afraid of war!
But what is the reason why Guo Changling’s life is not so good these two days? The Chu army attacked Xingyuan House, and now the Chu army is a cover-up for Shu. Who knows that Baoji City was lost before he could determine whether the news was true? Of course, Baoji County can’t be compared with the rebellion in Jingchong Wang. At that time, there were so many Chinese and Han troops in a small Baoji City that they could be stationed in 5ooo troops, but now they can’t move. The number of Chinese troops has decreased, and mainly in Shangzhou to guard against the whole Fengxiang House of Chu, a state and five counties (the other two counties are not on the back of Fengxiang). There is actually only one place.
Guo Changling’s garrison plan for the 15,000-strong troops was also scrutinized repeatedly. He stationed 10,000 main troops in Tianxing, while others were scattered in the other five counties. Why did he arrange troops like this? On the one hand, Fengxiang doesn’t need to station an army even if it is facing the weak military strength of the Shu army. On the other hand, since Tianxing is located in Baoji and Yan county, even if the Shu army takes Baoji, its attack target must be Tianxing city instead of Yan county. What is it? If Tian Xingcheng and Zhou Junnan go south, won’t it be a door-to-door fight?
But now Guo Changling’s mind is unstable. It took only one day for the Chu army to attack Baoji City, and the Chu army also pressed on to the county of Yan in the past. There is no way to accurately determine how many Chu troops in Baoji City are, but the Chu army’s attack on the county of Yan can be determined to be about 30,000 people.
Combined with the other day, the soldiers of the Chu army who passed Xingyuan Mansion were about 30,000. Guo Changling has reason to believe that the Chu army has pushed the troops to Yan County, but isn’t the Chu army afraid that I will send troops to Baoji to break their back road? It is true that the number of his own troops is not as good as that of the Chu army, but 1ooo men guarding the city and 1 OOO men guarding the city are two completely different concepts, and the mountains around Fengxiang are steep. If Guo Changling really retakes Baoji, can his 30 thousand Chu army fly away?
With his own 1oooo troops on hold in Tianxing, why did the Chu army dare to attack Yan County so boldly? Guo Changling was puzzled that Chu army didn’t play according to the rules. He wanted to send troops in lightning, but he was afraid that Chu army was deliberately setting a trap in order to frame himself from Fengxiang City.
So Guo Changling waited for a day, but he received a military report, but Yan County also lost the Chu army in two ways along the Weihe River.
"Pa!" Guo Changling got angry, and he was a little angry. Did this group of king eggs of Chu army put him in the eye? Are these people crazy? Aren’t they afraid that they’ll cut off their way home and General Gao will lead the army from Chang ‘an, and then put the Chu army in a position where they are blocked before and pursued after? Aren’t they afraid that they will be caught between Scylla and Charybdis?
"Then come the map!" Guo Changling shouted at his pro-army because he was born in Gao Huaide, and he didn’t regard him with special respect or new views. He didn’t hide many things from him. Chu’s army was good at fighting and Chu’s generals were cunning. Guo Changling also heard a lot. He couldn’t believe that the other side was crazy, so he could say that he tried to imagine each other’s ideas.
Facing the map of Fengxiang, Guo Changling was puzzled, but when his eyes shifted from Fengxiang, it was Huo Ranlang’s mother. Could it be that the Chu army was so hard? In fact, it was not Fengxiang, but the middle valley and Xunshui City? This afternoon’s valley is an important route for Shu to go north, but the Shu army suffered a crushing defeat and even most of the fortresses around the afternoon valley were lost. Otherwise, the Chu army could go out of the afternoon valley from Jinzhou. If this Chu army does not go for Chang ‘an but for the afternoon valley, will it let the Chu army regain control of this route? If the Chu army controls the midday valley, it will be a threat to the central region, while Xun Shuicheng is located in the northeast of Jinzhou. It is built in the Qinling Mountains and also guards the main road leading to Jinzhou. In other words, last year, the two armies fought a big battle in Jinzhou and Junzhou, and Chu seemed to have won Jinzhou. The fact did not realize his real strategic intention, and he did not get into the middle road.
"Could it be that this time the Chu army sent troops from Fengzhou to attack the Qinling Mountains to engage in this internal cooperation?" Guo Changling wondered and said that he Fengxiang was safe, but the Chu army in the area succeeded, so the whole middle school would be dangerous! After all, in this piece, the number of Zhou Jun troops is less than that of Chu Jun troops!
Guo Changling rubbed his beard desperately. Finally, he turned his head and shouted, "Somebody come to your legend!" This little boy can’t read very well. He asked the military officer to write to Gao Huaide, the general manager of the southwest road camp, instead of him, and analyzed his own consideration of the Chu army’s action. Finally, he said that he was going to lead a group of people out of the city to seize Yan County and put pressure on the Chu army behind him. Please ask Gao Huaide to lead his own army to intercept the Chu army’s hatchback force in the midday valley and completely defeat the Chu army!
After writing, Guo Changling will drum and gather to dispatch him. There are hundreds of soldiers guarding the city. He leads a team of 1oooo. This Guo Changling is also a responsible person. He doesn’t have much money in his own hands. Since he wants to be small and broad, he can do his best. If he keeps thousands of men guarding Tianxing City, how can he deal with the Chu army? If the Chu army turns back, wouldn’t it eat him!
Guo Changling urged the army to go all the way straight to Yan County, and he also sent many scouts to scout the situation along the way. However, although Fengxiang’s Qinling Mountains and Longshan Mountain meet, although there is no towering mountain, the mountain bags are a dime a dozen. These scouts are not scouting along the road. It is difficult and impossible to search all the valleys!
He sent troops to rely on the starry night. When the bright moon and the bright moonlight marched toward the Yellow River, he heard the rushing water in front of him in an hour. Baoji in this county is different, and Baoji is in the north of Weishui, while in the south of Weishan County, it is necessary to attack the county. Although this Weihe River is a major tributary of the Yellow River, the north river and the south are very different, and the rainfall in the north is less and the runoff is smaller.
When Guo Changling stayed in Fengxiang for a long time, he naturally knew where the Weihe River was shallow enough to cross the river. Then he took the army to the shallow place and went to the river. Guo Changling looked at the water potential and asked himself Qinbing, "I remember that there was a heavy rain half a month ago. Why is the Weihe River so shallow today?"
"General, the rain surged half a month ago. Has the river subsided, so it has become shallow?" Qinbing stayed with him all day and was in contact with the outside. Qinbing was a big shot. These people didn’t know anything about the Weihe River fluctuation base.
"Well, let the army cross the river!" Guo Changling was a little confused in his heart, but the night was vast and quiet in private, and there was a distant county. Occasionally, there was a little light flashing, and the army ran for nearly a hundred miles in the middle of the night. How could it go back because of such puzzling doubts?
"Rush" people into the river is even bigger. It’s really shallow here. The sergeant in front has reached the river, but the river has only reached the thigh, which is much shallower than it used to be over the waist in previous years!
"Wow ~ ~ ~"
Guo Changling hesitated, but looked at the sergeant who had already landed on the other side and he still didn’t speak.
"Be careful of the current," a sergeant woke up.
"What?" Guo Changling stared at Weishui without moving his eyes for a moment.
"Burst" A sergeant accidentally fell into the water with one foot and was washed away in an instant.
"The river has risen!" A sergeant said that the river sergeant saw that the situation was not good and rushed to the river bank, but the river bank sergeant didn’t. When the two groups had different wishes to cross the river, they pushed it up on the river bank. At this time, the water situation was even more urgent, and even the shore was deceived by the flood just now.
The sergeants were not idiots either, and the situation soon became clear. The sergeants leaned against the river bank and shouted, "Break the bank and retreat quickly!" " They pushed back even harder!
"Army pause! "Guo Changling big said but this time willing to listen to his command sergeant is running out.
Just as Guo Changling was trying to control the army, he heard a bang around him, and the whole Weihe River suddenly fell into a shouting and killing! Seeing the lanterns and torches in the valleys on both sides of the strait as bright as day, I don’t know how many troops the other side has come. I saw dozens of teams on both sides of the strait scattered in dozens of valleys and formed dozens of huge fire dragons swarming toward Zhou Jun.
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Chapter 2 We also send troops
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Chapter 2o I also send troops
By this time, how could Guo Changling not know that he was ambushed? He still doesn’t regret it, nor does he care that he has reached more than a thousand troops on the other side. He turned the horse’s head and shouted, "The armies are listening! Anyone who dares to make a change will be beheaded! After the army changed, the former army retreated to Tianxing City! "
Guo Changling, a veteran of the White Army, is also quite disciplined in fighting. Although his Zhongjun was huddled by the Weihe River because of improper communication before and after, the rear army remained motionless and calm, which is especially rare in this unfavorable situation.
"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Shen Tu Congjian held up his double-flowered hatchet and said that Shen Tu Congjian was definitely an alternative in the Chu army. This guy was born as a bandit and worked hard on a pair of hatchets. Since he followed Ma Yun as a general of Chu, Shen Tu Congjian saw that his colleagues were burly and commanding every time they sent troops. His heart naturally envied him, so he also rode a horse for a while but it was very awkward to fight! I don’t know how Li Yuanba and Pei Yuanqing fought in those days. Anyway, Shentu Congjian felt very uncomfortable. Why did he have to spend a long time with a big knife because his guy was short and others were long? However, it was better to take a knife than an axe, so he finally became a general Ma and helped Wang.
Of course, Shen Tu Congjian didn’t ride a horse when he marched, but once the two armies confronted each other, he jumped from the horse to fight like a Hong Kong and Taiwan film. But a horse general has one thing that is very unfavorable. What is the disadvantage? Riding on a horse’s face, after all, can better grasp the whole battle. On the ground, although Shen Tu is not short, it is still a little difficult to look at the situation. Fortunately, Shen Tu is crazy to fight hard. He fights like a tornado and runs amok in the enemy’s array. He probably has the same style as him, and all of them miss mountain tigers and are crazy tigers! It is also easy to deter the enemy’s courage when wielding a big axe. It has always been invincible, and it has also avoided the tragedy of Shen Tu being trapped in the enemy camp.
Although Shen Tu Congjian is an infantry, he is not slow to charge in a short distance. His strategic intention is obviously to try his best to reduce Zhou Jun’s activities. It is best to drive Zhou Jun out of the water and ask him for it, so they will never get out of the water again!
After the "banging" weapon collided with Zhou Jun, there is no doubt that the army should break through the encirclement. They should make room for their own Baoze people to be washed away by the flood. At this moment, Zhou Jun in the river has been washed away, even if a few people huddled together according to the old method to compete with the surging river, the most important thing is that the enemy’s feet are suddenly met in this dark place, and there are flying arrows from time to time. All this has made Zhou Jun struggle in the river go up in smoke.
"kill!" Several people are screaming that one side is to break through, the other side is to further compress the encirclement, while the defense is tight and the attack is well-organized, but on the other side, it is full of vigor and vitality, not afraid of death. On the surface, Zhou Jun’s rear army seems to be as well-founded as a hundred battles, but the Chu army is in the wind, but what is it? Because today’s situation is very different in the past, Zhou Jun came to sneak attack on Chu Jun, but he was surrounded by Chu Jun’s counter-attack, and the three armies seized the gas. Although Zhou Jun’s rear army was really good, his mentality was already unstable. In this case, if he encountered a soft army, Zhou Jun became more and more brave, even if he could not defeat the enemy, he could break through, but now it is very different. Chu Jun put out Zhou Jun’s resistance fire abruptly, which made Zhou Jun more frightened.
Guo Changling has been through many battles. When he saw this situation, he was anxious and constantly urged Qinbing to go to the rear army generals. Since the frontal method forced the breakthrough, it was urgent to break through from the flank and try it from the flank. Otherwise, even if the enemy is more and more positive, it will be difficult for his army to be compressed backwards.
However, just after Qinbing left, Guo Changling was in Zhongjun, and just after a smooth arrival, Zhongjun was in chaos again. What? Because the water rises, most of these Zhou Jun are dry ducks, and they are nervous when they have a little water. Can they not worry when the Weihe River keeps rising? In front of the Weihe River, they certainly can’t go, so they naturally ran all the way, but their own rear army was fighting against the Chu army relying on the formation, so that one of our own people broke up. Ah, the tragedy was born. Once the first and second rear armies lost their support, they all became single-handedly. First, they were few, and secondly, the Chu army was not as bad as them.
The formation is chaotic, and the enemy is on the rampage, forming a situation in which you have me and I have you. In this field, Guo Changling can’t turn the tide even if he has a big collar. He was forced to order the pro-army to blow the horn to gather the troops together as much as possible and then break through from the two wings!
He wants to go from the two wings, but the two wings are not so easy to go. Why do you say that? Why did Guo Changling choose to cross the river here? It’s not because the water is slow here. Why is the water slow? Because this place is wider and flatter, and the flanks are relatively steep, Guo Changling has just led the army to walk less than 2oo meters, and now he has no way to continue to charge forward. The front slope is dark and rumbled, and I don’t know how many enemy crossbowmen have gathered, so I feel that there are "swish swish" arrows everywhere in the middle. No wonder the Chu army doesn’t approach from the flanks. It turned out that there was a subsequent party!
Now I’m sure I can’t go back to the army. Guo Changling can also crustily skin of head and storm the past.
"We have just received the report that Gao Yantao, our military commander, stepped up his efforts to report the false Zhou Fengxiang’s assassination. Guo Changling was seriously injured in the middle of Yan County. The Chu army won the victory in Fengxiang, and now the army is attacking Chang ‘an in the middle of the week!" Zhao Ji Zha hurried to Meng Chang to play the report.
"Oh, they won. It’s a good victory. If this Fengxiang is in the hands of the Chu army, it will be a lot easier for us to send someone to Fengxiang to treat us." Meng Chang said blankly.
"Ah?" Zhao Ji Zha took a surprised glance at Meng Chang himself. How did the emperor forget all his previous plans? Didn’t you say that if the Chu army wins, we will immediately send troops to the Northern Expedition? How can you completely change your mind now?
"Didn’t you say that if Zhou Jun won, we would do something?" Zhao Ji Zha asked.
Meng Chang is looking at Huang Quan’s paintings in Shu. He wants to raise his literary talent. Meng Chang is better than Li Yu. Li Jing, his father, is better than Li Yu. But when it comes to cultural construction, Meng Chang is not inferior to those two fathers. Meng Chang established the earliest royal art institution in China-Hanlin Painting Academy, which is small and likes not only poetry but also painting.

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Jul 25, 2024

But for a moment, Kung Fu Long and Li came to the main hall, where an old man dressed in blue Chinese clothes was sitting. At this time, he was drinking fragrant teas in his hand. Although there was no movement, the momentum that naturally emanated from his whole body was not to be ignored.

Fang is sitting with another old man and several young girls.
Dragon and complete eyes slightly changed their clothes and walked in and smiled. "I don’t know that Elder Qingyun has come a long way to meet Haihan."
Ye Jiexiong didn’t lift his eyelids as if he didn’t hear it. He blew the heat in the teacup and then slowly raised his head and looked arrogant. "Sit down."
At this time, he acted like a master, completely forgetting who is the real master here.
Long Li’s face was a little ugly, but he still went to the front deputy throne and sat down for a while. He asked, "What did the elder come here for?"
Words are gone. What happened to Qing Yunzong? Can Qingyun Sect occupy the nest? You can look at him like dirt above your head? You know this is his home!
The arrogant and arrogant appearance is exactly the same as that of fifteen years ago, and there is almost no change. It seems that this visit is not on the way, but on purpose. Otherwise, it is really unnecessary for such a big force as Qingyun Zong to come to this small general’s office!
But what in his family is the elder of Qingyun Sect worth coming in person?
In the dragon and complete mind circulation Ye Jiexiong directly asked "Long Qingyue injury? Can it get better? "
It sounds like a heart tone but a command, which makes it very unpleasant to gallop in a strong field all your life.
"Thank you, Elder. Although Abortion was seriously injured, somehow she recovered her life and is now recuperating in the courtyard." So she asked Moon if she was sincere or had another purpose. Long Li is not stupid, but he has lived for decades, and his eyes are very sophisticated when he thinks about the problem.
Is the moon’s stubbornness and paranoia a sin against the Qingyun Sect in the Tiannan Mountains?
"Tell her to come out" Ye Jiexiong looked up and looked straight at Long Li, whose cold tone was like a slave ordered by a person.
Dragon and complete face a cold "I’m sorry that the moon is recovering from her wounds and can’t see the wind. Presumably, the elder also knows that my granddaughter almost died in the Tiannan Mountains, but it’s good to have someone to save her life. I still hope that the elder can understand the elder. If something happens, I might as well ask the old man for a straight answer."
Ye Jiexiong saw that he dared to refute his words and challenge himself, and his eyes suddenly flashed with anger.
"It’s really a waste that will die if it hurts a little." A sharp sound is full of contempt and disdain. It looks like the first girl sitting on the right hand side. Although the girl is gorgeous, she is very arrogant. There is a sneer on her lips.
247 Qing Yunzong’s visit (3)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"It turns out that the famous Qingyun Sect is just so much. It is better to meet than to see Miss Ye. You are wantonly insulting in public. Don’t you feel demeanour? Or is it always the rule of Qingyun Sect? " Long Qingyu came in from outside the main hall when Ye Miner’s harsh voice just fell.
Young handsome facial features faint with a hint of anger door provocation and dare to scold his sister!
Ye Miner turned white and was about to refute the theme Ye Jiexiong’s light drink of "Min"
Ye Miner suddenly stopped, and a pair of hands were extremely unwilling to twist together in the sleeve. He looked up and glared at Long Qingyu, and his surname was dragon. It was not a good thing.
Long Qingyu ignored Ye Miner’s angry eyes and walked straight ahead to Long Li’s back. He stood firmly and looked proud. This is my house. Ye Jiexiong turned white with anger, but it’s better to be cheeky in Ye Jiexiong’s wall. "Since she is seriously injured, it’s inconvenient for the old man to come in person."
"The doctor told me that abortion should rest and sleep more and not be disturbed at will," Long Qingyu said with a facial expression.
Ye Jiexiong cold hum a really don’t know how to advance and retreat smelly small here is your home? Even the palace can flatten it if I want to do it!
"I’m Qingyun Zong, but one of the best forces in Tianyuan mainland. Who dares to compare me with Qingyun Zong? It is because Long Qingyue was injured that we came to see her. Anyway, she is also the granddaughter of the old patriarch, and we don’t want her to go wrong. "
These words come out, and the dragon and the folded method refute and lead Ye Jiexiong in the direction of Tea Pavilion.
People say it’s to treat injuries. If you drive people away, you won’t give Qingyun a face, and you’ll be even more afraid of trouble.
Long Qingyue had already received the news of Ye Jiexiong’s visit. At this time, he was lying under the covers, revealing a head that was pale and his lips were chapped. It was almost like dying.
It’s a hot summer day, but the temperature is cold, like coming to a cellar.
Through the pearl curtain, there is a pile of messy clothes, and the face is faintly stained with blood. There are two maids, Xiqing and Xiling, beside the bed. They are shivering with cold.
The girl behind the curtain has a weak breath.
Ye Jiexiong and others came to the room and saw such a scene.
Dragon and complete eyebrows a wrinkly drink a way "what is this? Didn’t miss just take the medicine? "
"Back to the master’s body, the fire poison has been committed again. I have been shouting that we are good … so that we can take off our clothes and ice packs to cool down."
Ye Jiexiong stared at Long Qingyue’s pale face and took a step forward unconsciously. Long Qingyu reached out and stopped Ye Jiexiong’s tough momentum without any concession, but straightened his neck and said, "Elder Ye, please stay! My sister didn’t dress because of her serious injury. Her daughter is not married and can’t be ruined. Please forgive me. I believe that it is considerate for the elder to be so respected. If the elder wants to cure her injury, they can give the Dan medicine to the maid. They will feed her. The elder thanked her for her kindness and kindness. "
Long Qingyu is straightforward, and after studying for several days behind Long Qingyue, her speech becomes smooth and dark.
24 Qing Yunzong’s visit (4)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
Ye Jiexiong’s eyes are full of anger, but he can’t send him a respected old-timer who can’t get through this with a junior. If he goes out, will he be shameless?
Reluctantly took out a healing pill from the bosom and threw it to the maid’s nostrils with a snort.
What a sly little bitch!
First, the name of Long Qingyue was put out, and then he was praised for his respect and understanding. Even if he wanted to go in, he couldn’t see it, and he stole a pill from him for nothing!
What is it that Qingyun Sect sells things?
Xiqing took the Dan medicine bottle cap and suddenly a fragrant medicine came out. Xiqing saw Long Qingyu’s expression of eyes and then assured Long Qingyue.
Ye Jiexiong eyes intentionally toward one side Ye Miner took a glance Ye Miner knowing before walking smiled, "I am also a daughter’s house. Should I go in? Qingyue is my master’s granddaughter. I once learned some medical skills with my master. Let me have a look at Qingyue. "

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Jul 24, 2024

"Shen Mei Wu did you see? You are just a bed tool in Chi Mu Han’s heart. Is this the man you choose? " Xiao Yi laughed wildly and stopped suddenly. "Since he doesn’t want you, I want you!"

Eyebrow Wu chestnut that cold with bloody knife back patted her on the face and she got goose bumps. Then she heard Xiao Jiao’s vicious and teasing tone. insidious smile said, "Chi Muhan doesn’t want you, I want you."
"Then I’d rather die!"
"No, no, I suddenly don’t want to kill you. No matter whether Chi Muhan is true to you or false, I am always the same to you." He slightly bowed his head and put his stinking lips to her ear. "It seems more fulfilling to revenge Chi Muhan for turning you into a person like me than to kill you, right?"
"Xiao Yi, what do you want?"
Rao’s eyebrows are calm and shivering, and he can’t help but tremble.
"So clever not white what I mean? If you want me to dye you with HIV, we can be together forever. Chi Muhan has his pity and I’m not afraid that I’ll never find a woman again. I’d rather stay with you in this hell than kill people. "
Xiao Yi pulled up her lips in the cold and licked her eyebrows. Wu’s delicate white ear beads are "really fresh."
Eyebrow Wu quivered in bouts, and this torture was even more horrible than Xiao Yi giving her a knife and directly ending her.
In addition to sex, AIDS can also be spread through blood.
If Xiao Yi bit her ear with a little effort, then she is likely to be infected with AIDS, right?
Eyebrow Wu tugged at the eyebrows and looked at Chimuhan for help, but the man looked at them with a straight face, as if there were ice hidden in their eyes for thousands of years, which was bloody and rude.
Xiao pity son shoulder suddenly a pain ChiMuHan fist more close more tightly hate can’t give her shoulder blades to crush.
"Chi Muhan, it is my best gift to turn your wife into an AIDS patient."
Chimuhan did not move in the cold wind to trim his eyebrows. A slight pick seemed to say-go ahead.
When the sharp fangs fell to the eyebrow Wu auricle again, the eyebrow Wu shed tears with clear tears and rolled down her lips. The tip of her tongue was salty with her own tears, and she closed her eyes as if she had given up waiting, which was more severe than the death penalty.
Boom, a wind with the smell of smoke brushed the tip of her nose, followed by a red hot blood splash on her side face.
The man next to him fell to his side like mud.
Followed by people screaming in fear.
Even Xiao pity son stared unblinkingly with his eyes open, and I don’t know where a bullet came from. It went straight through Xiao Miao’s forehead and blew Xiao Miao’s head off.
It all happened so suddenly, but it seems that Chi Muhan is in control.
When Xiao Lian realized what ChiMuHan had loosened, she rushed in front of the policemen who rescued the hostages and held the woman with blood all over her face tightly in her arms. She didn’t mind that she was sprayed with the blood of AIDS patients.
Men will be thin woman body tightly into his arms, almost to her into his own bone marrow has always been calm and self-sustaining Chi Gong this moment is a little embarrassed lip gently bumped against "I’m sorry I’m late."
Eyebrow Wu slowly opened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him in shock. It took a while to calm the heart.
Bowing his head to see what happened to Xiao Miao, he covered her eyes with his palm, and the timbre returned as gentle as a spring breeze. "Don’t look."
I don’t know whether to cry or laugh at the moment. This man really never plays cards according to common sense.
The captain of the criminal police team had Xiao Jiao’s body carried away and said to Chi Muhan, "Chi Gong, thank you for your tactfulness in cooperating with us just now to let the sniper find the best protection position."
Eyebrow Wu mind’s eye is a heavy jump. Since a pool of Mu Han, I didn’t intend to stay alive.
Seemingly elegant, the gentleman is the first in the family, but he is ruthless.
Just a glance at Chi Muhan can tell her mind, "You don’t think Xiao Yi deserves to die?"
"He damn but revenge? Xiao family won’t let you go, even if they dare not to Chi Gong, your hands will be tied to those around you. "
It’s not that she’s a woman, but you never know, those sinister little people can’t be prevented, even if they can be prevented for a while, they can’t be prevented for a lifetime.
If ChiMuHan didn’t do it, then maybe today ChiXin and she wouldn’t have almost become Xiao Jiao’s soul, ChiXin wouldn’t have miscarried, and eldest brother wouldn’t be sad.
"I will never give my family a second chance to hurt them!"
Chimuhan eyes light a malicious will eyebrow Wu picked up and sent to the hospital.
Xiao flow son looked at ChiMuHan holding the eyebrow Wu from figure heart hate and angered at this moment she was so silly like a fool ChiMuHan, and after he finished, she lost her as toilet paper.
Mu Han, is there really no place for me in your heart?

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Jul 23, 2024

Apocalypse little emperor see Li Yuanqing finally let go not big hey hey smile "that’s natural! With my beloved and famous general Li here, do I have to worry about Ann? You wait for my horse to change clothes. "

The little emperor of the apocalypse wanted to run to the bedroom, but he reacted for a moment and went in, fearing that it would easily disturb the Hakka. He said to a little eunuch who was about his size, "Xiao Li, take off your clothes!"
That call Xiao Li little eunuch one leng at a loss.
"Still the leng wear stem? Strip! "
"eh? Is "Xiao Li how dare to resist purport quickly took off his clothes.
The little emperor of the apocalypse quickly changed the little eunuch to act the role of hey hey. "What are you waiting for, brother Li? Shall we go? "
Li Yuanqing has some words, but now he can crustily skin of head.
The three men quickly left the palace and went straight to Wang Yuan Mansion.
It was just around o’clock when I arrived.
The minions in Wang Yuanfu have found the abnormality and cursed at the door.
But the soldiers guarding Li Yuanqing and the palace guards were ordered to shoot anyone who dared to rush out.
After flashing a lance, these Wang Yuanfu minions dare not mess around again, and they can yell and swear in the house and guard the door.
See Li Yuanqing a line of people come over NiuGenSheng and zhang zhiguang busy quickly meet up "general letter Wang Dian".
Li Yuanqing nodded and said, "What’s the situation?"
Behind Li Yuanqing, the little emperor of the apocalypse is dressed as a little eunuch and is looking at everything around him with great interest.
When he came, he had already colluded with Li Yuanqing, and he must never reveal his identity unless he had to.
Niu Gensheng said quickly, "General, everything is all right. Wang Yuan is up and heading this way."
Niu Gensheng just finished when she heard a slave talking inside. "Sir! There you are! Some scum who don’t know how to live or die actually blocked our gate! "
"What? Who is so bold? He doesn’t want to live? " Wang Yuan’s anger came from the gate.
A moment later, he roared, "Knock the door down! It will be interesting to see who has the guts to block the old door! "
In a moment, the door will be hit as soon as it creaks.
Li Yuanqing busy pulling apocalypse little emperor and Zhu Youjian back a few steps low way: "two ye this Wang Yuan is afraid of a coward, you two back some must pay attention to Ann".
The little emperor of the apocalypse has grown up. Where has he ever experienced such a thing? I couldn’t help laughing and saying, "Don’t worry, General Li, I have several ministers in my heart. Come to my side."
Said he busy and stepped back a few steps to the gate twenty paces away.
Li Yuanqing quickly waved Niu Gensheng. Although he didn’t know the identity of the little emperor of the apocalypse, he believed the king. He quickly surrounded them with twenty or thirty Qinbing and set up a human flesh wall.
For a moment, the door was beaten by Wang Yuan like an enraged mad dog striding out. "Who is it? Who blocked the old door? Get out of here? "
Li Yuanqing greeted him with a smile. "General Wang, don’t be ill!"
Wang Yuan one leng instantaneous also saw Li Yuanqing face not Yin a sneer at "who am I? So it’s you! Li Yuanqing, you terrapin, what do you want? Do you want to rebel? I’m telling you, this is the capital, not you, southern Liaoning! How dare you lead people to besiege the official residence of the imperial court? You will go to Binghuang to punish your nine families now! "
Behind the apocalypse, the little emperor could not help laughing.
He had long thought it was interesting, but he still didn’t expect it to be so interesting.
Li Yuanqing and Xinwang have witnessed the material evidence, and this Wang Yuan has to samaritan.
At this time, Wang Yuan also saw the little emperor of the apocalypse surrounded by crowds not far away. When he saw him wearing eunuch ornaments, he couldn’t help but say, "What are you laughing at, grandfather?"
The little emperor of the apocalypse was afraid that Wang Yuan would recognize him. Don’t turn your head and say nothing.
Li Yuanqing also felt a little funny.
However, judging from the attitude of the little emperor of the apocalypse, he has already known Wang Yuan, even though it is very noble, but I am afraid it is also marginal. The little emperor of the apocalypse did not know him.
By this time, how can Li Yuanqing have scruples? Sneer at: "Somebody! Take Wang Yuan! "
Chapter 396 Compensation
In an instant, seven QinBing rushed forward like a tiger, and Wang Yuan fell to the ground in three or two.
Poor Wang Yuan, although he is the deputy commander of Beijing camp, spends most of his energy on eating and drinking. Women’s bodies and bones have long been cut out to make no decent resistance.
Where is there a strong military commander who is car-scrapping?
"Let me go! Let me go! Li Yuanqing, you, you mean little man! Always at odds with you ~ ~! What are you bastards still doing? Come and save the old? "
Wang Yuan hysterically shouted.
Around him, a dozen slaves reacted and rushed forward.
Li Yuanqing sneered slightly, flying up a leg and instantly leaning against the front. The slave kicked a few steps away, and the steel knife in his hand was drawn and pointed directly at the slave’s neck Lengli drink a way: "Who dares to touch one! Shoot to kill! ! !”

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Jul 22, 2024

Xuanyuan wangji Li ge continued to chat with Wen Zhen and sat there lonely. They said that it was a national event and she didn’t care. She remembered that her cousin had vowed to marry her as queen.

But now, a dancer has been killed halfway, and with the consent of the emperor, she occupies the position of Princess Yu. Although Zu Weng said that the woman was just a cousin who set up a fog barrier to make her feel at ease and wait to be a queen.
Wen Mi saw that Wen Zhen was preoccupied and should give the two children a chance to get along alone.
Look at Li Ge and say, "I’ve never seen the Wenfu training ground before, so I’ll show it to the world!"
Li Ge is also a transparent person. He looked at the three people’s expressions and rushed to promise, "Yes! Other courtyards of the old general’s residence are different. "
"Of course, the literati have long been accustomed to the military camp from generation to generation."
Li Ge helped Wen Tao, and two people went out naturally. Wen Tao looked at the door and closed slowly.
I don’t know how long I can protect my granddaughter and grandson, and I hope to see the two people I love the most sitting in that high position in my lifetime.
It is hoped that the writer will be able to re-cast his past glory, and his days seem to be numbered after years of accumulated illness in the battlefield.
Fang Zuowen Zhen Xuanyuan Wangji
Xuanyuan wangji didn’t move, but his eyes were gradually stained with frost.
Wen Zhen saw that Zu Weng got up from Ying Ying and made a ceremony. "Zu Weng said that the Queen had the heart to send Zhen Er to Manhu and his cousin to resolve the crisis. Thank you again for your cousin’s help."
Xuanyuan Wangji’s eyes are bright. If this world knows him best, he has the same unyielding stubbornness and the same ambition in his blood. He will never be satisfied with ease. That’s why men should have blood and lofty sentiments and wait for the situation.
Although there is no glorious force in the past, the writer does not care that the mother princess would be murdered by the Wei family. Because the writer has the strength to compete with the writer’s court, he still needs the help of the writer if he wants to achieve great things. The condition of the writer is to become a queen.
This was originally a part of all the plans, but it was an accident. A man with three wives and four concubines is an ordinary royal heir.
"What a man can’t even protect his own woman!"
Wen Zhen was both surprised and happy. This is the first time my cousin has been so sure of her identity and admitted their commitment.
From the time she was 18, Zu Weng told her that she wanted to be a queen in the future, and the one she wanted to marry was Wang Yuan Wangji.
This belief has been slowly taking root in my heart until Fa extricates herself with joy but also loss. If she becomes a queen, she will have 3,000 beauties to serve her husband.
At the banquet, I saw my cousin doting on that woman, and I was jealous. It was Zu Weng who always explained that being a queen should be cultivated and lenient.
In my heart, I was still vaguely jealous of several thoughts at first, but in a short time, I strongly supported the display of female generosity.
"Zhen’s heart is very happy, no matter how many girls my cousin wants to express songs, remember to make an oath."
From joy to sadness to firmness, all emotions flashed in Wen Zhen’s eyes, knowing that Wen Zhen’s roots were not so generous.
In her heart, she still cares about the appearance of Muwanshang. Now Muwanshang is still cultivating women’s jealousy, but it is terrible. If she needs to be appeased, she will not bother her.
"Zhen son means the famous dancer Ji! She’s just too fine to make smoke. She won’t even see it. "
Wen Zhen’s heart was beaming with joy. Zuweng guessed that it was true and knew how my cousin liked a fine one.
"So good!"
Xuanyuan Wang gathered up his eyes slightly and looked out of the window. He was the woman who solved a big problem. She was in Geshuheng and sent to the holy lake. It should be fine. It needs to be completely rested for a few days before she can set off for Yuzhou.
It’s time to ask her for the remaining account books, although those account books are not very important to him. Every time I look at her, I feel inexplicably happy.
Even he didn’t find his lips slightly raised, which seemed to foresee that Mu Wan was tortured, struggled and resisted by him.
The original dark pupil eyes flashed a bunch of flames, just like a wild animal seeing its prey. The so-called ~ person controls others’ life and death and controls everything.
Xuanyuan Wangji Li Ge had a lunch in Wenfu, and it was rare to get together for the banquet. The atmosphere was harmonious and the waves were rough and the undercurrent was surging. Xuanyuan Wangji was extremely dissatisfied. Uncle Xi relied on his elders to ask him for many times to interfere in his actions. The two had been at odds.
After lunch, the two men took a carriage and left for Shangyang Bieyuan.
It’s much easier to take Dan medicine from Li Ge, so you can walk around the hospital.
If it weren’t for the banquet, nine turned the whip for her, lying on the couch at the moment was her own banquet, nine painted high curative value, and she felt guilty when she saw the ferocious wound on her back.
I went to the kitchen and personally cooked a pot of pigeon soup and sent it to the banquet room.
My mother went early, and my father and brother took care of her. She is still a good cook.
I’m afraid I’ll have to wait two days for Yan Jiu to go out because of itching and pain. My heart is already itchy.
Outside the door, I pushed the door and pushed in. "Sister Yan, I cooked a cup of pigeon soup, which is very good for wound healing and will not leave scars."
Yan Jiu was surprised to know that she was a dancer, but I didn’t expect to cook soup.
"Let the princess personally cook and feast."
When I heard the word Princess Mu Wan, I always felt chills in my heart, but it was just a show, but I couldn’t refute it.
"Sister Yan is the one I should be ashamed of. If it weren’t for the banquet in the imperial garden, my sister would be killed by that pretty Hu Gong."
"That’s the responsibility of the banquet."
Mu Wan Shang has scooped up a big bowl and handed it over. "Wan Shang remembers that the banquet sister saved me. Since it is saving my life, I can’t help but repay this pigeon soup. The banquet sister must drink it. I cooked a big pot and drank it while it was hot."
Xuanyuan Wangji took Li Ge night Zheng back to Bieyuan to see Mu Wanshang holding a lunch box and unhappy. Where did all the handmaids go? She ran around when she was still sick.
Li Ge is slightly light smell a faint aroma into the gasp "what’s this smell?"
"It’s like pigeon soup," said Ye Zheng.
Xuanyuan Wang is extremely gloomy, and his eyes are dark. This is Taifu. Where can I get pigeon soup? Stupid woman, is it that she brought the message carrier pigeon to cook and eat it?
Stride with the night zither Li Ge see Xuanyuan Wang extremely surly hurried with.
See mu wan petticoats into the banquet room. Three people heard two women talking at the door. Xuanyuan Wang Gong’s eyebrows covered the moon and pushed the door directly.
Banquet nine is drinking soup to see Wang Yu come to a mouthful of soup and get stuck in his throat. "Ahem! Wang Ye! "
Mu Wanshang rushed to pat her back and stared coldly at Xuanyuan Wangji. "This is a female boudoir, and even a sovereign can’t break in like this!"
Xuanyuan Wang held her very rudely ~ Xi Hao’s wrist looked at her coldly. "Where did the pigeons come from?" It is very important to know that he carries pigeons.
Mu Wan Shang felt that his wrist was about to be broken. Li Ge rushed to plead, "Wang Ye Mu girl should mean."
Of course, Mu Wanshang knew the importance of homing pigeons and said angrily, "Is Mu Wanshang such a stupid woman in your heart?"
"Aren’t you?"
"This homing pigeon is my whistle, and it is the homing pigeon of Qianjiao Pavilion." Qiu Tong once taught them to deliver a message like a homing pigeon of Qianjiao Pavilion.
This answer XuanYuanWang extremely satisfied slowly loose imprison wrist has become a little red and swollen.
Mu wan’s dress is cold and angry at his heart. "Now your majesty can go out!"
The room became very quiet. Xuanyuan Wangji didn’t go. Looking at the table full of a cup of steaming pigeon soup.

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Jul 21, 2024

With the idea of embroidering the empress, Ningyun has gained a lot of personal time, while Mrs. Ning is busy entertaining and looking after her daughter.

When she heard the window ringing, she still didn’t look back. There were black soap boots common to men. She looked up. "What generous conditions did Wei Tongzhiyi Wang Dian give you?"
Big Lala sat on the stool next to her and drank a mouthful of tea to play around and said, "Naturally, it is the beauty and money after he ascended the throne. Otherwise, why should he win me over?"
The cup in his hand is his own flowing agate cup. Ning Yun turns red and gets angry and wants to get it back, but which one is Wei Yi’s opponent?
His arm was quickly grasped by him, and he took her into his arms. He skillfully rolled up her trouser legs and looked at her injury. There was a female doctor in the house who had recovered her medicine. Wei Yi touched the wound through a bandage and confirmed that she should be able to move freely when she recovered well.
Kicked him hard, turned and ran away from him, and sat by the window in the imperial concubine chair with a strong anger. "What are you doing here?"
With a sad look on his face, Wei Yi learned the words and intonation in the opera according to his heart. "Miss, do you want to abandon it in chaos?" I said that I have a good memory but I always forget Yu Xiaosheng! "
It turned out to be a debt!
Thinking that he saved himself in the end is not a kick down the ladder generation. Ning Yun turned his face with a cold hum and looked at the angry wind lantern outside through the window screen and danced with the night wind. "It’s a good memory for Wei Tongzhi!"
Watching Wei Yi go to her embroidery stand and admire the embroidery that has not been finished, she asked in a low voice, "Are you familiar with Tongcheng?"
Eyebrows Cu Wei Yi gave her a look, toying with the cloud agate cup in his hand and smiled. "I know a few people if I’m not familiar with it."
"There is a Liu Jiagong whose father died early and his mother lived together. Now it’s only fifteen or sixteen years old. Wei Tongzhi can probably make Liu Jiagong follow your lead?" Ning Yun said these words while gently massaging his fingers. These days, his fingers and arms are tired and often sore.
Although there are many skills, the body in this world is not used to embroidery as in previous lives, and the progress of embroidery has been delayed a lot
"What good is that for me?" Wei Yi raised the glass as thin as paper, and the agate cup was red and white. Seeing Ningyun was even more like a dream.
"If you can have this thing, let Liu Gong do whatever you want." Ningyun lifted his arm and shook his hands and looked at himself. White jade was like fingers dyed with light red. "Then Liang Zuoxun won’t be a weakness for you."
The brain just turned to Wei Yi and wanted to understand the key "Liang Zuoxun’s three daughters and two concubines can’t see that he has hidden an outer room."
Nai shook his head and watched Ningyun constantly swing his arm. He went over and stretched out his hand and held down her arm acupuncture points. His fingers massaged vigorously, and the rules were not frivolous at all. Ningyun didn’t resist. He pressed his arms and fingers to dredge meridians.
"Now that you have two sons, I’m afraid this outer room won’t be so important. I’m afraid Miss Ning’s memory will be better."
At Wei Yi with a smile, Ningyun raised his other arm and motioned for him to look at him here. He shook his head and changed his side to sit and continue to help her. According to his expression, Ningyun’s mouth just surfaced with a smile. "Who’s adult is famous for Liu Gong?"
Tianshun dynasty has a convention that only the first word can be used to distinguish the young and the old, and the second word is not limited.
She doesn’t believe this. Wei Yi can’t think of it!
Sudden up Wei Yi narrowed his eyes and punched him in the palm of his hand. "He was willing to send his office out to raise another one?" !
Good calculation!
Give up these ordinary things to hinder Liang’s family naturally. "
It’s obviously very exciting to say that the last sound is unexpectedly high!
Ignore him. Crazy devil, the news should be returned to Zhou Yuhua’s affair. Just save his life and return it slowly.
When he has walked enough, he will give Ningyun a hand. "Thank you, Miss. If it is done, it will be appreciated!"
See NingYun seems to be indifferent and right. She laughed. "Please also ask the young lady to go to the palace on the rest day earlier."
Doubt to see his one eye NingYun frowned. "I want to enter the palace? Empresses have already given me time. "
"Miss, have you forgotten to be infatuated with you?" Wei Yi learned from Sima Xun’s cynical expression and said, "We are going to hold a banquet in honor of Rong Wang and Miao Master Xiaosheng. I guess Rong Wang will find an excuse to let the young lady go to the palace for dinner and ask her to prepare early."
The news of Royal Guards should be true. It seems that Tianshun Emperor wants to cover up this court scandal and protect the face of the heavenly family. Sima Xun wants to take advantage of it.
Sweet smile: "Thank you, Wei Tongzhi, for waking up with hounds and Liu Gong. It’s much better to know Tongzhi’s adult life and know how to care for others."
"Sima Xun is a crafty person who won’t stop until he reaches his goal. Miss Ning should also be careful. After all, it is also a very painful and troublesome thing for women to marry abroad." Half-truths said that Wei Yi helped her to press her arm and leave soon.
Ningyun leaned against the window and looked at his back and disappeared after several ups and downs. He sighed to cope with Mrs. Ning’s cross-examination, and then he had to deal with Wei Yitian. It was really a moment for Sima Xun to be at leisure!
The next day, I got up early to get dressed and came. The queen told her to go to the palace to accompany me to the theatre.
This is a great honor. Mrs. Ning quickly set out to prepare a stack of orders to the housekeeper and the old ladies.

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Jul 20, 2024

Wen Yuxi immediately left the pie mouth slightly Chen way "Xiao Tian Ge"

Chen Xiaotian stretched out his hand and patted Wen Yuxi on the shoulder and said, "Give him a chance." Then he said something and went in the hotel.
After the building, put things on the ground. Chen Xiaotian went straight to the door of the paunchy man and kicked the door vigorously for a long time before he saw that the paunchy man was wearing a pair of underpants and opened a door. When he saw it, Chen Xiaotian froze and said, "What are you doing?"
Chen Xiaotian suddenly rushed in, and the goalkeeper heavily pushed the paunchy man into the room. Suddenly, he found a long man lying on his back in bed. When he saw Chen Xiaotian rushing in, he was so frightened that he pulled up the quilt and looked at Chen Xiaotian in horror.
Chen Xiaotian stared at the paunchy man with latosolic red eyes and asked, "Did you call those three people just now?"
Belly man dazed way "what three people"
Chen Xiaotian said, "Those three men with iron bars."
The man with a big belly said blankly, "I, how do I know you won’t be my name? How can I call someone to hit you? It’s ridiculous."
Chen Xiaotian dazed, stretched out his hand and pointed to the pot-bellied man and said, "Be careful, if you let me know that you did it, I won’t spare you." He looked at the woman with a long bed and shouted at the pot-bellied man, "I will waste you."
Belly man consciously covered his hip and looked at Chen Xiaotian in horror.
Chen Xiaotian knocked on the door and went out. He slammed the door and came to the room to sit for a while. Then he had to go upstairs to see Wen Yuxi. The man in yellow whispered in the street lamp and asked "How was your chat?" Wen Yuxi said softly, "He asked me to go to the cinema." Chen Xiaotian said coldly, "When is it time to go to the cinema and come back in the middle of the night? Isn’t the lesson just profound enough? If there are more people, do you still have a way to escape?"
Wen Yuxi left the pie mouth and turned and walked towards the building.
"Xixi" Yellow Man blurted out in a hurry.
"Xixi" Chen Xiaotian said angrily, "I didn’t even call her Xixi. How long have you known her?"
The man in yellow said to Chen Xiaotian, "Hello, big brother, my name is Huang Bin. Please give me some advice."
Chen Xiaotian said, "I just gave you a good chance. Now it’s time to rest. Don’t slip in the street. Go home and sleep quickly." Then Wen Yuxi turned around and walked straight to the hotel. At the door, she looked at Chen Xiaotian and pushed her towards the building.
When I came to the room, Chen Xiao asked Wen Yuxi, "What do you think of the yellow man?"
Wen Yuxi said, "It’s okay, but I just met him and I can’t make any comments on him, but it seems that he still likes me." Then he took a smug look at Chen Xiaotian and saw Chen Xiaotian with an unhappy smile and asked, "Do you feel sourly jealous?"
Chen Xiaotian hummed "I’m jealous and funny" and said, "Take off your clothes and wear a pair of pants and go to the bathroom." Wen Yuxi immediately curled her mouth and said, "It’s really not shy to take off your clothes." She consciously touched her body and felt hot and she took off her clothes and went to the bathroom.
It was raining in Chen Xiao, and Yuxi Chen ran into the room naked. He was taken aback and froze there, but Yuxi Wen came with a smile and hugged Chen Xiaotian.
Chapter 146
Section 147 Chapter 146
Chen Xiaotian’s mouth sent a hum to Yuxi’s long legs. At these times, it seems that a pair of clever snakes tightly entangled Chen Xiaotian’s body, and that strange and beautiful part hit Chen Xiaotian just right. That wonderful gentleness just covered the firm and powerful gentleness through a layer of clothes. Although it was covered with a layer of clothes, it was not the slightest bit more with a strange stimulus, which made Chen Xiaotian feel a more wonderful.
"Do you think I look like a coquettish woman?" Wen Yuxi suddenly asked.
Chen Xiaotian was taken aback. I didn’t expect Wen Yuxi to ask this question. However, Chen Xiaotian was really surprised by Wen Yuxi. He was bold and bold. He met many girls, but he was young and from the countryside like Wen Yuxi. It was the first time he found them.
While Wen Yuxi’s mouth was talking, she gently pressed her lips to Chen Xiaotian’s chest and spit out her tongue. She gently licked her Wen Yuxi’s movements, though not skilled, but the tongue was so hot that Chen Xiaotian’s body trembled with hot waves of stimulation.
Chen Xiaotian was also affected by the appeal. He put his arm around Wen Yuxi’s body and put it around his body. Wen Yuxi’s slim waist forced Wen Yuxi’s head to tilt up. His lips held Wen Yuxi’s lips and sucked. At this moment, Chen Xiaotian seems to have exerted all the forces in his body. The general strength came out from his lips and sucked through. Wen Yuxi’s throat gave out a depressed hum, and his body trembled in Chen Xiaotian’s arms.
With a light bang, their lips were penniless. Yuxi’s red and tender lips were slightly swollen at the moment, and Chen Xiaotian looked at his achievements and smiled proudly. In Wen Yuxi’s angry eyes, he gently took another bite of those two red lips.
____ _w_w_w____ ___o_m
"Well, I hate it."
Another melodious hum Yuxi’s cheek reveals a little satisfied smile.
Chen Xiaotian buried his head and kissed Wen Yuxi once again. The delicate and full two groups kept humming in Wen Yuxi, and Chen Xiao moved faster and faster.
Hold Wen Yuxi’s waist tightly to ensure that Wen Yuxi won’t slide down on himself, while his other hand is stretched out toward his pants.
Big hands and five fingers move Chen Xiao day to his pants easily.
Just then Wen Yuxi’s mouth gave a light hum.
Just then, as Chen Xiaotian moved, the pants just lifted up as soon as they were solved, and they slammed into Wen Yuxi’s delicate little ass.
The hot, firm thing was severely smoked in Wen Yuxi’s delicate little ass, and the impact made Wen Yuxi’s body tremble severely.
Wen Yuxi’s body has already been exposed to the air, and the body surface temperature has become almost the same in those times, but now it is produced by Chen Xiaotian’s strong and hot collision, and the temperature difference makes Wen Yuxi almost jump up.
An hour later, Chen Xiao Astronomy Yuxi both came out from washing their hands. Both of them were satisfied and dripping with joy, and both of them fell asleep in bed.
The next day, when the sun rose high, Chen Xiao Astronomy Yuxi was awakened by a mobile phone bell. Chen Xiaotian opened his eyes and saw that it was Wen Xiu calling Chen Xiaotian. He looked around at Wen Yuxi and waved his index finger at her. Chen Xiaotian got the message and listened without saying a word. Just after he answered it, he heard Wen Xiu ask, "How is Xiao Tiange Yuxi? What can I do for you?" Chen Xiaotian said, "Nothing. I stayed in the hospital for a night. Our horse was discharged from the hospital today."
"I’m not ready yet" Wen Yuxi suddenly cried "I can’t leave the hospital yet. I won’t come back today"
Chen Xiaotian stared at Wen Yuxi and said, "Don’t listen to her."
"Oh" Wen Xiu didn’t find any problems and said, "My aunt asked me to make a phone call to ask about Yuxi. You can talk to her." Then she heard Wen Yuxi’s mother’s voice, "Oh, my God, how is Yuxi? Is she okay?" Wen Yuxi’s mother’s voice was short and obviously worried.
Chen Xiaotian said quickly, "The doctor checked and said nothing. We will come back today. Don’t worry."
Wen Yuxi’s mother said, "You must ask the doctor to give her a good check. I’ll give it to you when I get back."
"No, no, no" Chen Xiaotian said quickly, "I’ll pay for it." Then she gave Wen Yuxi her mobile phone and said, "Tell your mother not to worry."
Wen Yuxi took the phone and said, "Mom, I’m not so good yet. I have to stay in the hospital for one day." Chen Xiaotian held out her hand to make a sample. Yuxi said, "Don’t hit me. Don’t be hospitalized. Don’t worry about me, Mom." Wen Yuxi said worriedly, "Do you have anything? Don’t keep it from Mom. Mom will give it to Xiao Tian." Wen Yuxi said seriously, "I’m fine. Mom, Don’t worry. I’ll be back with Brother Xiao Tian later
After hanging up, Wen Yuxi said in bed, "I still want to play in the city for one day. Let me play for one day." Chen Xiaotian refused to say, "I can’t go back."
"Well" Wen Yuxi put his arm around Chen Xiaotian and said, "Let me play for a day. It’s rare for me to come to the city." Because of her body, a pair of jade peaks clung to Chen Xiaotian, which made Chen Xiao’s spirit and body not react quickly. This was discovered by Wen Yuxi and she left the pie mouth and said, "If you don’t let me play in the city for a day, don’t touch me." Chen Xiaotian actually held back and said, "Don’t touch it."
Wen Yuxi fell down on the bed and was angry.
After a while, Chen Xiaotian came out from washing her hands, quickly put on her clothes and pulled Wen Yuxi up, forcing her to get dressed and saying, "Wash your face and brush your teeth quickly and let’s go home."
After washing, they had to go upstairs and hand in the keys. After both walked out of the hotel and took motorcycles, Chen Xiao took the motorcycles to a restaurant and filled them up. After eating breakfast in a breakfast shop, Wen Yuxi rushed straight home.
It was not until eleven o’clock in the afternoon when I got home that Wen Yuxi got off the bus and asked, "Brother Xiaotian, will you take me to the city to play?" Chen Xiaotian said, "You know how to play and I will take you there, but you don’t go often. I’ll go to the mountains to collect herbs later. Are you interested in collecting herbs with me?"
"Take medicine," Wen Yuxi said. "I don’t know any medicine about this."
When Chen Xiaotian saw that Wen Yuxi was not interested in collecting herbs, he said, "You know that you have to find a good man after you get married, or you will starve to death."
Wen Yuxi smiled and said, "I am so beautiful, of course, to find a rich man, so that even if I don’t do anything, I will be rich."
Chen Xiaotian shook his head naively. Two people walked out of the house to see Wen Yuxi’s mother walking out of the threshold and saw Wen Yuxi’s happiness. "Yuxi, did you come back for a physical examination? Is there anything wrong?"
Wen Yuxi said, "It’s okay, mom. Look, I bought you something that is delicious."
Wen Yuxi’s mother took the bag and looked inside and said, "Where did you get the money to buy these?" Wen Yuxi said, "Brother Xiaotian." Wen Yuxi’s mother said to Chen Xiaotian, "Xiaotian needs you to spend money to buy things. It’s really a doctor. Tell me how much money I gave you my horse." Chen Xiaotian said, "No, no, actually, I didn’t spend any money this time, and Yuxi rode my car and fell on me. It’s good that you don’t blame me."
Wen Yuxi’s mother laughed. "How can I blame you?" When she saw Wen Yuxi coming into the house, she grabbed her and said, "Let me see where you are hurt."
Wen Yuxi pulled up his trousers and pointed to the scar, saying, "It’s all right here." Wen Yuxi’s mother looked at it and muttered, "It’s quite serious." Wen Yuxi said that it didn’t hurt. Wen Yuxi’s mother asked, "Where is the injury?" Wen Yuxi said that Wen Yuxi’s mother suddenly shouted, "You have to go to the city to see a doctor after grinding this little skin. You deliberately want to play in the city."

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Jul 19, 2024

"That will trouble you. Let’s go home and rest first." Cheng Meng said politely.

Jennifer looked at Fu Junfeng with a cold face, and then said to Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng, "What’s the trouble? Well, I should be good friends and take good care of her."
Listen to Jennifer’s words, Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng can’t help but nod their heads at once. "Then we’ll go first."
Words fall Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng walked towards the outside of the ward. When they were at the door of the ward, Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng couldn’t help looking back and sighing at Cheng Meng and saying, "Jennifer is still quite good about the well."
Fu Junfeng nodded. "Yes, Ah Yi really needs a girl who is kind to her."
Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng left the hospital and returned home. After they took a shower, they went to rest. When they woke up again, it was already noon. Zhou Mei cooked a meal for people to eat, and then they went to the hospital again. When they came to the hospital, they looked at the swinging ward. They couldn’t help but be one leng.
After Cheng Meng reacted, he hurried to the next nurse and asked, "Where did the patient in the vip ward go?"
Fu Junfeng followed Cheng Meng’s footsteps and looked at her in a hurry and gently took hold of her shoulder.
When the nurse saw two people, she couldn’t help being slightly one leng, especially seeing Cheng Meng. After all, now with the great escape of power, Cheng Meng’s popularity is gradually rising.
"The patient in that ward has left and has come to transfer."
Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng were suddenly stunned. Someone almost said, "Where did you go?"
"Transferred to America"
The nurse’s words fell Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng’s eyebrow eye expression suddenly sank. Fu Junfeng quickly took out his mobile phone and called Jennifer.
When the call was connected, Jennifer said, "Mr. Fu, what can I do for you to call me personally?"
I think when she called him, he refused to answer.
Fu Junfeng voice slightly heavy with a hint of displeasure said, "Where is Ah Yi now? What is going to transfer to the United States? "
At this time, Jennifer looked up at the direction of the room in the private jet and said, "I didn’t mean to transfer to another hospital, but Jing Qian decided personally."
No one in Fu Junfeng looked dazed and asked, "Is Ah Yi awake already?"
"It’s nothing serious to his health, and he told me that she didn’t want to stay in a city that gave him hope and personally broke his hope. I just didn’t want to see you."
After all, he is trying to forget the past and forget his hatred.
Jennifer’s words fell. Fu Junfeng held his mobile phone and flashed his eyebrows. Nai looked at the words. Jennifer said, "Can you answer the phone now?"
"He’s asleep now."
Fu Junfeng inwardly sighed, "I know. Pay attention to Ann. I hope you can tell me when he has something."
Everyone hangs up Cheng Meng and looks up at Fu Junfeng’s face and asks, "What’s the matter?"
"A Yi and Jennifer have returned to America."
That is to say, they had agreed to think about whether they were willing to take over the matter of Fourier in a week, and they had given up beforehand.
Cheng Mengmei’s eyes sank slightly after hearing the news of Jing’s departure, but he continued to comfort Fu Junfeng and said, "Don’t worry, Jing’s singing career is in China and he will come back sooner or later because he can’t give up singing."
How could he have given up when he used to like music so much?
Fu junfeng nodded his head, of course, he knew this, and he took Cheng Meng and walked toward the outside.
Fu Junfeng and Cheng Meng seemed relieved when they left the well in advance, but every time they arrived at the well in advance, the atmosphere between them became slightly heavy because they were very worried about him.
After a week, Fu Junfeng and Cheng Meng have been spying on the situation of the well in Jennifer’s place until they are sure that he has finished nothing, and then they breathe a sigh of relief. This week, they are really worried and scared.
This week, not only Fu Junfeng accumulated a lot of work, but even Cheng Meng missed several announcements.
On the night after the rest assured, Cheng Meng received Hongan’s words
After the words were connected, Hong ‘an excited sound came out.
"Little dream Ling Tao director when the film into the group has been determined to Monday when you have? The shooting location is booked in Lin’ an. When it takes a month to shoot, you can arrange things here. "
Cheng Meng sat in bed with a mobile phone and asked, "Do you need to go to Lin ‘an to shoot?"
"Yes, and it takes a month. What’s the problem?"
"No problem, then I’ll solve things here first."
Hang up Cheng Mengmei eyes flashed a little tired, rubbed his eyebrows and lay down to Fu Junfeng’s bathroom. When he came out, he saw Cheng Meng’s original smile at the corner of his mouth instantly froze in his face, wiped his hair at random and lifted his feet.
"Does your eyes hurt?" Cheng Meng asked with his hands in the heart of the bed.
Cheng Meng rubbed his eyebrows and looked at it like his eyes hurt.
Cheng Meng looked up at Fu Junfeng and couldn’t help sighing. He stretched out his hand and took Fu Junfeng’s neck and reluctantly said, "Do you want to hear a very unfortunate news?"
Looking at Cheng Meng’s frowning face, Fu Junfeng’s eyebrows can’t help but follow Cu Cu "What’s the matter? What kind of bad news makes you look so bad? "
Fu junfeng stayed in cheng Meng’s body and looked at the blow-bomb that could break the skin and couldn’t help but take a bite.
"The film directed by Ling Tao will be filmed on Monday, and it will be filmed for one month, and the most important thing is to go to Lin’ an."
Cheng Meng’s words fell on Fu Junfeng’s face in an instant, and his eyebrows were too suspicious. He asked, "That is to say, you will not come back until you leave Zunyang and go to Lin ‘an for a month to shoot."
Looking at Fu Junfeng’s face, Cheng Meng felt more reluctant to give up and hugged his neck tightly. "I know that you are not willing to give up, but this is my job, and I will go after all, that is, it will pass soon in a month."
Fu Junfeng’s eyebrows and eyes looked a little heavy. "Of course, when we are together for a month, it will pass quickly, but if we are lonely for a month, do you know how much we can stand it?"

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Jul 18, 2024

"Father, I don’t promise" Xuanyuan made his debut.

"Too you?" Mu Qingyu looked too shocked. Doesn’t he want to break off an engagement?
The whole venue was in an uproar when this statement came out!
"Luoer, you agreed to this marriage because you didn’t agree?" The emperor always knew that Xuanyuan didn’t want to marry Mu Qingxue, but now he even exports his opposition to the dissolution of the engagement. Is it that he has figured it out and agreed?
"Father, it’s worse for a woman like her to have some ink on her chest … if a woman like her can be a son, a minister and a wife? I am even less qualified to break off my marriage. Even if I want to break off my marriage, my son retired her! " Xuanyuan fall depending on all shocked mouth and said
XuanYuanChen smell speech picked his eyebrows but didn’t say anything, while MuQing snow is sneer at a heart this Xuanyuan fall at the end of the day or afraid of breaking off an engagement to let him feel shame to say these words.
Mu Qingyu was worried that he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled with satisfaction after hearing too much explanation.
Mu Yetian’s face is also a little ugly. Although he doesn’t like this daughter, it’s because his daughter is so humiliated among people that his natural face is not much better.
"Miss Luoer Mu’s piano skills are amazing, such as not being worthy of you." The emperor has some headaches and stared at me. I really don’t know how to be so stupid today. He also has some nai when he sees that Mu is dark.
Xuanyuan took a deep breath and took a look at Mu Qingxue’s lip angle and swept out a scorn and laughed. "The piano art is amazing and I can’t see it!" In the eyes of my son, I can see everything in the piano, chess and painting. Please inform Miss Dari Xiangfu! After all, I want my son to marry the daughter of Xiang Fu, and I dare to ask my father to change my son’s fiancee, Miss Xiang Fu, Mu Qingyu! "
But women’s eyes have moved from Muqing Snow to Muqing Rain.
Mu Qingyu, the whole person can’t believe staying there. Xuanyuan actually refused to marry her? She didn’t hear wrong, did she?
As if to prove that she didn’t hear wrong, Xuanyuan Luo once again firmly said, "The only thing father, emperor and son want to marry is a sunny day!"
"Ridiculous! Ridiculous! " The emperor is a little annoyed.
"You have an engagement with Mu Qingxue. If you like Mu Qingyu, you can let her into the house, but your wife must be Mu Qingxue! I won’t allow you to get engaged until Muqingxue is gone, but now that she’s back, if you ruin the engagement, you’re betraying her! This engagement was made by the first emperor! " The emperor took out the engagement and said
Everyone knows that the emperor doesn’t agree to cancel the marriage. After all, the first emperor ordered it, which can be cancelled without a word? If the first emperor is not alive, it will be said in the past.
But everyone knows that the first emperor can’t escape from the world. If he comes out that day and hears that his engagement has been lifted, he will be angry. Who can afford it, and it is precisely because of this that the emperor has never promised to break off his engagement?
Where do you know that Xuanyuan has not regressed at all and is unwilling to compromise? Still stubborn, I say again that I am willing to marry Muqingyu! If my father and mother don’t want my son to dissolve the engagement peacefully, there is only one way for me … "
Hearing this, Mu Qingyu’s eyes suddenly lit up and his heart beat faster. Is it really …
"I can’t marry her there, only Hugh …"
"The emperor just before the game, you can promise the minister and the woman a request, saying that you are joking. I think the emperor should not go back on our word! The minister and the woman asked for a dissolution of the engagement with Tai Xuanyuan. From then on, it’s irrelevant for men to marry women! Now I believe everyone knows that I love my sister too much. I think I am the emperor and I will beat the mandarin duck. I also asked the emperor to grant the request of the minister and daughter! " Ranging from Xuanyuan words say that finish Muqing snow then export interrupted supercilious and respectful.
After all, just now, the seven emperors made a bet with her, but they personally promised everyone here to hear clearly.
The emperor was talked by Mu Qingxue for a while, but it can be said that he personally promised Mu Qingxue’s request just now, and it would be unreasonable if he went back on his word again.
"Father, since Miss Mu won the competition, she should naturally agree!" Chen report suddenly said
"Yes, father, you promised yourself just now, and Miss Mu won to break off the engagement with too much. It’s not too much for my father to agree." Seven emperors also said that their eyes were shining when they fell on Muqing Snow.
Too smell speech was so angry that he glared at XuanYuanBin mercilessly. He never thought that seven brothers and four brothers would speak at this time, and even if they spoke, they would still help that waste!
However, how can he be divorced by a woman? Although the result is to dissolve the engagement, how can he be a man if the object of the divorce is him?
Mu Qingxue didn’t know what Chen Wang and the Seven Emperors suddenly spoke to herself, but she remembered this feeling.
Look up at the main emperor and say, "Please ask the emperor to fulfill his promise and answer the request of the minister and daughter." Then look at the direction of the eyes, big sister, I don’t want a man, so you can take it well!
"Father …"
"Well, since Mu Qingyu’s piano skill lost to Miss Mu, I naturally can’t talk and don’t keep my word. From today on, Taihe Mu Qingxue’s engagement will be abolished after Luoer wants to marry Mu Qingyu. Let’s talk about it. Let’s all retire!" The emperor interrupted TaiHua to see the eyes XuanYuanChen and then got up and left.
Wood also day mercilessly stared around LiuShi got up and left the emperor left the palace banquet nature will be over! Everyone has divorced one after another.
Xuanyuan fall mercilessly stare at MuQingXue couldn’t wait to stare through her! It’s this damn waste that made me so ashamed today, and now I don’t even like to look at Muqingyu and turn away without paying attention to her!
"Tianyi, let’s go!" Wood shine snow light said los day clothes return to absolute being, quickly holding his master left.
XuanYuanChen looked at MuQingXue thoughtfully from the back, don’t know what’s going on?
The moonlight is bright and the stars are shining. Tonight, not only the moonlight is so beautiful, but also the mood.
Mu Qingxue came back from the palace thinking that the wooden family was sitting in the carriage, and his expression was particularly heart-warming. At this time, the elder sister Mu Qingyu was estimated to cry to death in the toilet. Think about it and laugh from the heart. Hehe …
Mu Qingxue made Luo Tianyi’s clothes ready, and the wine was put in the boudoir. Today is my most heart-warming day, not only giving back the imperial decree of the first emperor, but also humiliating the elder sister. Great, great and perfect.
Mu Qingxue thought about drinking wine in cups and forgot that she should be alert.
Mu Qingxue’s head suddenly thought of the nightmare spring, and her curiosity once again drove her to go there. She quickly put on a cloak and left the wooden house.
The wine is full of energy and the eyes are confused. The road is not that the road is out of control, but it is like a fairy with a clear face and a strong smile.
Suddenly, a touch of black dress person, a clap of Muqing Snow from the back, and Muqing Snow will faint instantly.
The man in black in the cave looked at the man with his back to the brocade robe and said, "Everything is done. The woman in this sack is."
The man heard the news and ordered the man in black to hit the sack to check his body.
Looking at the woman’s appearance through the moonlight, the man with a robe and body said, "Well done. Here’s a reward for you."
The man in black took the gratuity and counted it quickly, then said "thank you". Just as he turned to leave, a long sword hit him hard.
The man was suddenly stabbed by a long sword and turned to point to the brocade robe and added to the body. The man listened to "You … You …" Before he came to talk, he was killed on the spot.
"Don’t blame me. I also take people’s money to eliminate disasters. I blame you for knowing things that you shouldn’t know." He said and shouldered the sack and walked out of the cave.
The man came to the demon forest, knowing that there was a woman in it, but he didn’t care at all and threw the sack on his back to the ground.
By this throw MuQing snow consciousness slowly recovered, but a splitting headache.
The man hit the sack and looked a little conscious that Mu Qingxue’s mouth was evil. He took it out of his pocket and poured the liquid into Mu Qingxue’s mouth with a vessel filled with black liquid.
"You … you …" Mu Qingxue’s mouth twitched and stared at the man in black and said.
The man in black is covered with five facial features, so that he can’t see clearly his appearance. The man said gently, "Have you had a good drink and struggled?"
"Who are you? Get out! " Mu Qingxue sat on the ground, holding his body in his hands and moving slowly back.
"Who do you care who I am? Don’t drink fast." The man shouted hard at the sight of soft.
2 is a stranger!
Mu Qingxue saw the man pouncing on himself with only a little physical strength and kicked the black man’s body. Although this foot was powerless, he could kneel directly in front of Mu Qingxue.
"Damn ugly thing …" Male anger directly fell on Muqing Snow and poured the liquid department into her mouth.
"Ha ha … I’ll let you taste the taste of life is worse than death."
Mu Qingxue just got up and felt dizzy, but the whole body didn’t listen to her. What is this situation? I tried to shake my head and try to wake myself up, but I still couldn’t. At this time, there was someone outside the door, and these people were all aware of each other’s strength …

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